Four ways to curb migration post-Brexit
01 August 2016
Financial Times
John Springford of the CER says they would do little to curb immigration unless Britain is prepared to accept the threat of curbs on market access for its firms. Given that both Norway and Switzerland have had higher immigration levels per capita than the UK, voters would want something far tougher, he argues.
Brexit and the challenges of reality
01 August 2016
Financial Times
In an important post, Charles Grant has detailed the six deals the UK government has to do.
Pro-Brexit economists see growth opportunities for the UK
01 August 2016
The Wall Street Journal
“The lower the barriers to trade and investment are, the more of those things you’ll have,” said John Springford, an economist at the Centre for European Reform, an EU-focused think tank. “Over the long term, less trade and investment is going to mean a smaller economy than would otherwise be the case.”
How Brexit will happen, after 43 years together
01 August 2016
“The Brexit negotiations will take much longer and be far more complicated than many British politicians realize,” Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said in a research report. In fact, Grant said, there may need to be six sets of agreements: an EU divorce deal, a new UK-EU trade regime, an interim EU accord to cover the period between them, full membership in the World Trade Organization, new trade deals with other countries, and new foreign policy and defense arrangements.
CER podcast: 5 questions on Theresa May's Brexit negotiations
01 August 2016
Sophia Besch talks to Charles Grant about the six deals that the British government will have to strike – with the EU, the WTO and bilaterally – in order to realise the Brexit vote.
Brexit. Pierwsze przymiarki do opuszczenia Unii
31 July 2016
To były głównie wizyty zapoznawcze, przedstawiła się liderom innych państw. Chciała też wysondować, jakie są ich czerwone linie, czyli priorytety w rozmowach o Brexicie – mówi Agata Gostyńska, ekspertka Centre for European Reform w Londynie.
...Im mniej spójne stanowisko Unii, tym większa siła Wielkiej Brytanii w negocjacjach. Rolą Donalda Tuska jako przewodniczącego Rady Europejskiej będzie tę jedność utrzymać – zauważa Gostyńska.
BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour: Will Theresa May need a plan B for Brexit?
31 July 2016
The Government is only just realising the complexities of negotiating Brexit, says Charles Grant. He said that the road ahead for negotiators will be perilous and the Prime Minister will need a Plan B.
Overcoming the poisonous politics of protectionism
29 July 2016
Project Syndicate
Hillary Clinton faces an election that has come to revolve around the legitimacy of a political establishment that she epitomises. And no issue has fueled that challenge more powerfully than international trade.
CER Podcast: 5 questions on Theresa May’s visit to Warsaw
29 July 2016
Sophia Besch talks to Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska about Polish priorities during the Brexit negotiations and consequences of the British vote to leave the EU for the bilateral relationship between the UK and Poland.
Six Brexit deals that Theresa May must strike
28 July 2016
Britain’s exit from the EU will be far more complicated than most British politicians realise.
What is Nexit? Will the Netherlands leave the EU next?
27 July 2016
The Express
Rem Korteweg, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said Mr Wilders’ party has a fair chance of becoming the biggest party in the election.
But Mr Korteweg said: “Even if it becomes the largest party, it doesn’t mean he is going to be able to form a government. It is quite unlikely that he will able be able to form a government.”
Will Germany leave the EU? Will Germans demand their own referendum after Brexit?
27 July 2016
The Express
Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said: “The way that it works in Germany is that we only have referenda on a regional basis.
“It is very unlikely for Germany to have a referendum on a national basis.”...
...Even if there was a referendum, Ms Besch said it was “very unlikely” that Germans would vote to leave the EU.
Anti-EU politicians in Germany had hoped that the Brexit victory would lead to a rise in euroscepticism across the country.
“It is very unlikely for Germany to have a referendum on a national basis.”...
...Even if there was a referendum, Ms Besch said it was “very unlikely” that Germans would vote to leave the EU.
Anti-EU politicians in Germany had hoped that the Brexit victory would lead to a rise in euroscepticism across the country.
BBC Newsnight: Michel Barnier appointed chief Brexit negotiator
27 July 2016
Charles Grant speaks to BBC Newsnight about the appointment of Michel Barnier as the European Commission's chief Brexit negotiator.
CER podcast: 5 questions on territorial disputes in the South China Sea
26 July 2016
Sophia Besch talks to Rem Korteweg about reactions to the recent UN tribunal ruling from the region, the US and the EU, and the difficult balance between power politics and international law.
Parliaments after Brexit: Building or stumbling blocks?
26 July 2016
There is growing eurosceptic sentiment in EU capitals and the Commission worries that parliaments will complicate European integration. But they can be assets to the EU if they are better engaged in European business.
Channel 4 News: Sturgeon's Brexit warning
25 July 2016
Charles Grant talked to Channel 4 News about the the possible consequences of Brexit for border controls in Northern Ireland and Scotland's hopes of remaining in the EU.
(Sturgeon's Brexit warning - from 01.47)
(Sturgeon's Brexit warning - from 01.47)
Theresa May's European mission impossible
24 July 2016
The Observer
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a native Pole and research fellow at the CER, says Poland will want the UK to pay to remain a member of the EU trade club. “In return for access to the single market, the Polish government would probably expect Britain to keep paying into the EU budget, though perhaps at lower levels,” she says.
La multa de Bruselas a España despierta recelo entre los expertos
24 July 2016
La Vanguardia
Creo que la forma en que la eurozona gestiona su política fiscal es errónea. Sancionar a España sería un error. Si ha crecido en los últimos dos años es porque el Gobierno no ha recortado tanto como quería la Comisión Europea. Si lo hubiera hecho, su economía sería más débil y la inflación más baja. Sería necesario que los países tengan mayor flexibilidad para fijar su política fiscal. Pero habría que cambiar el Pacto de Estabilidad y Alemania no quiere.
ITV News: France hopes to snap up finance trade from London after a Brexit
21 July 2016
Charles Grant, director of the CER spoke to ITV News. "The French government would love to see business move from the City of London to Paris for two reasons."
Brexit reality bites for May and Merkel
21 July 2016
Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, said May and Merkel were playing for time in the hope of something coming along to derail the process. "It may well come to Britain leaving the European Union's orbit altogether and forging its own way. But I wouldn't read too much into May's words - look at her actions."
"She's confronting the Euroskeptics with reality. She's not in any hurry."
"She's confronting the Euroskeptics with reality. She's not in any hurry."