Will Germany leave the EU? Will Germans demand their own referendum after Brexit?
27 July 2016
The Express
Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said: “The way that it works in Germany is that we only have referenda on a regional basis.
“It is very unlikely for Germany to have a referendum on a national basis.”...
...Even if there was a referendum, Ms Besch said it was “very unlikely” that Germans would vote to leave the EU.
Anti-EU politicians in Germany had hoped that the Brexit victory would lead to a rise in euroscepticism across the country.
“It is very unlikely for Germany to have a referendum on a national basis.”...
...Even if there was a referendum, Ms Besch said it was “very unlikely” that Germans would vote to leave the EU.
Anti-EU politicians in Germany had hoped that the Brexit victory would lead to a rise in euroscepticism across the country.
CER podcast: 5 questions on territorial disputes in the South China Sea
26 July 2016
Sophia Besch talks to Rem Korteweg about reactions to the recent UN tribunal ruling from the region, the US and the EU, and the difficult balance between power politics and international law.
Parliaments after Brexit: Building or stumbling blocks?
26 July 2016
There is growing eurosceptic sentiment in EU capitals and the Commission worries that parliaments will complicate European integration. But they can be assets to the EU if they are better engaged in European business.
Channel 4 News: Sturgeon's Brexit warning
25 July 2016
Charles Grant talked to Channel 4 News about the the possible consequences of Brexit for border controls in Northern Ireland and Scotland's hopes of remaining in the EU.
(Sturgeon's Brexit warning - from 01.47)
(Sturgeon's Brexit warning - from 01.47)
Theresa May's European mission impossible
24 July 2016
The Observer
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a native Pole and research fellow at the CER, says Poland will want the UK to pay to remain a member of the EU trade club. “In return for access to the single market, the Polish government would probably expect Britain to keep paying into the EU budget, though perhaps at lower levels,” she says.
La multa de Bruselas a España despierta recelo entre los expertos
24 July 2016
La Vanguardia
Creo que la forma en que la eurozona gestiona su política fiscal es errónea. Sancionar a España sería un error. Si ha crecido en los últimos dos años es porque el Gobierno no ha recortado tanto como quería la Comisión Europea. Si lo hubiera hecho, su economía sería más débil y la inflación más baja. Sería necesario que los países tengan mayor flexibilidad para fijar su política fiscal. Pero habría que cambiar el Pacto de Estabilidad y Alemania no quiere.
ITV News: France hopes to snap up finance trade from London after a Brexit
21 July 2016
Charles Grant, director of the CER spoke to ITV News. "The French government would love to see business move from the City of London to Paris for two reasons."
Brexit reality bites for May and Merkel
21 July 2016
Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, said May and Merkel were playing for time in the hope of something coming along to derail the process. "It may well come to Britain leaving the European Union's orbit altogether and forging its own way. But I wouldn't read too much into May's words - look at her actions."
"She's confronting the Euroskeptics with reality. She's not in any hurry."
"She's confronting the Euroskeptics with reality. She's not in any hurry."
Hollande reste ferme face à Theresa May
21 July 2016
Les Echos
C'est bien là le problème. La France redoute que Theresa May ne tarde trop, prolongeant une période « d'incertitude » qui est « un risque pour la stabilité de l'économie européenne » selon François Hollande. « Theresa May pourrait avoir intérêt à attendre que l'élection présidentielle française soit passée », avance Simon Tilford, du think tank Centre for European Reform. La pression des eurosceptiques, FN en tête, forcerait l'Elysée à se montrer ferme en période électorale, estime cet expert.
CER podcast: 5 questions on the attempted coup in Turkey
20 July 2016
Sophia Besch talks to Rem Korteweg about the implications for the EU, NATO and Turkey’s European trajectory.
Retiring to Europe? You should wait until Brexit negotiations on pensions and healthcare access have concluded
20 July 2016
City A.M.
"The British position has long been that government expenditure must be reserved for immigrants who are in work, or have long-established ties to the member state in which they live," wrote John Springford of the CER. "Many British emigrants to Spain fail that test. [...] To avoid the charge of hypocrisy, Britain could agree to pay Spain to cover healthcare costs, accept that migrants should pay for it themselves, or have Britons risk their health by travelling home to be treated by the NHS."
Veinte economistas contra la multa de Bruselas
19 July 2016
El Pais
“A Bruselas le gustaba decir que España era el alumno modélico: pero si crece es justamente porque resistió con sensatez las presiones para aprobar una nueva ronda de austeridad. Es preocupante ese dogmatismo de Bruselas con las sanciones”.
Brexit Briefing: Remain's day in court
19 July 2016
Financial Times
Liam Fox, the new international trade secretary, is beginning the process of trying to agree deals with non-EU states. But the UK has limited options, according to the latest analysis by John Springford of the Centre for European Reform.
El cambio de Turquía amenaza a Europa
19 July 2016
La Razon
La mano dura del Gobierno turco con los supuestos golpistas deja a los líderes europeos en un lugar bastante complicado.
Theresa May's first pledge as PM was for a 'one-nation Britain'. Can she deliver?
16 July 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, who talks regularly to senior officials in all other EU governments, says those who believe the UK can have its cake and eat it from Brexit – access to the single market and limits on free movement – are deluding themselves.
Colin and Matthew look into the current state of France after the recent terror attacks
16 July 2016
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to Share Radio in the wake of the terror attack in Nice, and on the potential effects in France.
Pound's plunge unlikely to help exports
15 July 2016
The Australian
"Exporters need to continue to invest to remain competitive. If Brexit leads to an investment freeze, the fall in the pound might not be enough to boost exports," Christian Odendahl and John Springford at the Centre for European Reform, a research institute in London, wrote.
David Davis, el "bastardo encantador" que sacará a Reino Unido de la UE
15 July 2016
El Espanol
“Los va a dejar perplejos”, dice Simon Tilford, subdirector del think-tank británico Centre for European Reform, en referencia a los futuros compañeros europeos de Davis en la mesa de negociaciones. “Esto es lo piensa: 'Aunque el resto de la UE diga que no va a darle a Reino Unido lo que quiere, acabarán haciéndolo por nos necesitan'”, afirma. “Davis no entiende las consecuencias”.
CER podcast: Discussion on Theresa May's new cabinet
15 July 2016
A conversation about the strategy behind recent appointments, consequences for Britain’s foreign policy and trade relations, and an outlook on the start of negotiations with the EU-27.
Allies surprised, angry at British foreign secretary choice
14 July 2016
Voice of America
His first trip is likely to be to Brussels next Monday for an EU meeting and that won't be easy, according to Ian Bond of analyst group the Centre for European Reform. "Given the number of countries and foreign leaders that he has insulted in recent months, I think that's going to be quite a difficult meeting."