
EU summit deal in balance after night of intense talks

19 February 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant of the CER said that the second referendum idea would cause problems for the Remain campaign “if people who don’t want to leave the EU think that Out does not mean Out, and that EU partners will be so desperate to keep us that they will give us a better deal”.
The global case for staying in the EU

The global case for staying in the EU

19 February 2016
The New Statesman
Brexit would be bad not just for Britain but also for Europe and the rest of the world.

CER podcast: February 18-19 EU Council Summit

19 February 2016
The CER's Sophia Besch talks to CER director Charles Grant and senior research fellow John Springford about their take on David Cameron's EU deal at the February EU summit.

Tok FM: Czy decyzje o przyszłości Wielkiej Brytanii u UE zapadną już jutro?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 February 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM, Poland.

Die EU und der Brexit "Es ist ein gefährliches politisches Spiel"

Christian Odendahl
18 February 2016
Ein Brexit täte den Briten wirtschaftlich "weher" als der EU, sagte Christian Odendahl, Chefvolkswirt des Centre for European Reform in London, im DLF. Nicht nur deshalb werde sich David Cameron auf jeden Fall für einen Verbleib seines Landes in der EU einsetzen.

Cameron walczy o unijne ustępstwa. Czy to wystarczy, by zatrzymać Wielką Brytanię w Unii?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 February 2016
Jak dodaje Agata Gostyńska z Centre for European Reform, inna kluczowa kwestia sporna dotyczy relacji między państwami strefy euro i tych spoza strefy oraz tego na jak długo powinien być zaciągany "hamulec migracyjny". - To są w dużej mierze kwestie techniczne, ale Cameron będzie walczył do końca o to, by uzyskać jak najlepsze dla Wielkiej Brytanii zapisy - mówi Gostyńska.

Cameron’s EU deal is wafer thin, but that’s not the point

John Springford, Simon Tilford
18 February 2016
Neither Cameron's EU reforms nor Brexit would do anything to resolve Britain's economic problems, which are largely homegrown.

The Spectator podcast: EU referendum

18 February 2016
Charles Grant joins the Spectator's political editor James Forsyth to discuss David Cameron's negotiations at the February EU Summit.

BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight: Brexit overshadows migration talks at EU summit

18 February 2016
Charles Grant joins BBC Radio 4 to discuss: Will the Brexit issue overshadow talks on the migration crisis in the EU council?

ITV Good Morning Britain: EU summit negotiations

18 February 2016
John Springford chats to Good Morning Britain on David Cameron's negotiations at the February EU Council Summit.

BBC Three Counties Radio: EU summit deal for Cameron

18 February 2016
Ian Bond talks to Roberto Perrone a possible deal for David Cameron on EU membership at the EU Council Summit.

David Cameron's gamble: Fault lines — in U.K. and abroad — harden ahead of EU votes

17 February 2016
CBC News
"My criticism is not necessarily with there being a referendum. My criticism is with there being a renegotiation and then a referendum," says John Springford, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in London.

BBC Business Live: EU energy security

Rem Korteweg
16 February 2016
Rem Korteweg discusses the EU's new energy security plans on BBC Business Live.

'Brexit' pain for Europe gives Cameron leverage in crucial week

15 February 2016
Bloomberg Business
France, Germany and some other countries are “suspicious” that the UK really wants a veto for the City of London over EU regulation, according to Charles Grant, director of the Centre of European Reform.

Sind vielleicht doch die Briten die besseren Europäer?

Simon Tilford
15 February 2016
Die Welt
"Anders als andere haben wir Integration nie als Ziel an sich betrachtet, sondern nur als Mittel zum Zweck, die eigenen Interessen zu verfolgen", sagt Vizechef Simon Tilford. Doch Großbritannien war gerade deshalb ein wertvoller Partner, sagt er, weil es unbequem war und den Glauben an die Vorzüge immer tieferer Integration beharrlich hinterfragt hat.

'Project Panic' rather than love may keep Britain in EU

14 February 2016
Even strong EU supporters such as Charles Grant, director of the London-based thinktank Centre for European Reform, acknowledge that the "In" campaign will struggle to convince voters of the positive case for staying in the bloc. "There are many reasons to be pessimistic about the campaign," he told a Brussels audience. "The 'Out' campaign have jolly good arguments superficially... Big business is pathetic and cowardly."

How to make EU emissions trading a success

Simon Tilford
14 February 2016
The emissions trading scheme currently in place in the EU has “fundamental flaws”, writes Simon Tilford, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER).

Britain's new ambassadors - The EU renegotiation has made an unlikely diplomat of David Cameron

12 February 2016
The Economist
 "He [Cameron] got diplomacy pretty late in the day, but better late than never," agrees Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform. This has not gone unnoticed in Brussels.

Eurozone economy grows steadily but outlook darkens

Simon Tilford
12 February 2016
"The worsening international backdrop has taken the wind out of the eurozone's sails," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London think-tank. Mr Tilford said there is currently little risk of recession in the eurozone, but added that global growth appears to be slowing before Europe's recovery gained any vigor. "The problem is the eurozone never really recovered from the previous downturn," he said, referring to Europe's long debt crisis in recent years.

EU referendum: Why the use of data by EU campaign groups should be taken with a tablespoon of salt

Simon Tilford
11 February 2016
City A.M
But for Simon Tilford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform, the numbers aren’t helpful at all: "The whole idea of putting concrete figures on this is nonsense. It is impossible to be anywhere near as precise as the In and Out camps are attempting to be on this question."