
David Cameron: Divided loyalties

29 January 2014
Financial Times
"My own feeling is that the strategy of a referendum that he announced 12 months ago is now almost impossible to achieve," says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. Mr Grant argues that in his quest to win re-election and to vanquish the threat of Ukip, Mr Cameron is simply making too many enemies.

Ukrainian opposition pressures Yanukovych after deadly riots

23 January 2014
Bloomberg Business Week
"The more blood is spilled, the harder it becomes for the opposition to give up without achieving its objectives and for the government to make concessions," Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER, said by phone yesterday.

EU backs troops for Central Africa

Rem Korteweg
21 January 2014
The New York Times
"The sheer scale of the violence and the chaos of the last couple of weeks has astonished a lot of Europeans and forced them to pay attention," said Rem Korteweg, an expert on security issues at the CER.

EU membership "boosts Britain's goods trade by 30 per cent"

John Springford, Simon Tilford
20 January 2014
The London-based Centre for European Reform (CER) predicted Britain would struggle to maintain trade with other EU member states - now 54 per cent of goods trade - if it left the bloc.

UK eurosceptics warned: EU membership boosts trade by 30%

John Springford, Simon Tilford
20 January 2014
International Business Times
According to the CER, Britain's trade in goods with other EU member-states was 55% higher than would be expected given their output, proximity and other traits. This translates to a 30% boost in goods trade under EU membership.

Video interview on 'The Great British trade-off: The impact of leaving the EU on the UK's trade and investment'

John Springford, Simon Tilford
20 January 2014
Simon Tilford and John Springford discuss their latest CER policy brief 'The Great British trade-off: The impact of leaving the EU on the UK's trade and investment'.

Immigration: The new Europe

18 January 2014
The Irish Times
"We are likely to see strong showings in the European elections for eurosceptic or far-right parties in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and Italy," says Hugo Brady, of the CER in London.

Better off inside

Stephen Tindale
17 January 2014
The European
It’s impossible to say what will happen between the UK and the rest of Europe. But it is possible to say what should happen.

Ashton picks EU ambassador to the US

16 January 2014
European Voice
Charles Grant, director of the CER, said that O'Sullivan's appointment, if confirmed, would show that the negotiations on a transatlantic trade and investment partnership were the main priority in EU-US relations. "The case for O'Sullivan is that he's an expert who understands the nitty-gritty of trade negotiations," he said.

Another influential Tory joins the No Fear of Brexit brigade

13 January 2014
The New Statesman
For a sober pro-EU account of how little Cameron can reasonably expect to achieve it is worth reading this piece by Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, from last December.

Wanted: Crusaders for 'More Europe'

05 January 2014
The Wall Street Journal
The EU has historically tended to regulate too much, placing unnecessarily heavy burdens on business. But the Commission is now committed to reducing red tape and has repealed almost 5,590 legal acts since 2005, according to the Centre for European Reform.

Can Greece repair its reputation?

02 January 2014
The Telegraph
"With the elections in mind, and with a primary budget surplus, I would also expect the Greek government to be a little more bolshy during the presidency,"says Charles Grant of the CER. "I think other countries will just have to accept that, which could lead to de facto forgiveness for Greek debts."

Britain is in desperate need of immigration from the EU

02 January 2014
The Telegraph
As a recent survey of the academic studies of migration's impact by the Centre for European Reform highlights, the arrival of low-skilled European migrants since 2004 has had no impact on native unemployment or wages.

As Latvia adopts euro, future growth is slowing

Simon Tilford
01 January 2014
The New York Times
"In order for the euro to flourish in the long term, it must assume a much more federal character, constructing some kind of a federal budget with transfers, which involves a greater pooling of sovereignty," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER.

L'influence du parlement européen inquiète les Britanniques

22 December 2013
La Croix
"Il n’est pas bon que la Commission européenne soit si impopulaire" Charles Grant, directeur du Centre for European Reform à Londres.

Deal on banking union will test goal of united Europe

19 December 2013
International New York Times
"It is no wonder the EU finds it so hard to take decisions," said Charles Grant of the CER. "You have a sick patient on the bed and doctors gathered around who cannot decide on the nature of the illness or the medicine required to cure the patient."

Europe's banking deal leaves doubts

Simon Tilford
19 December 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"[The agreement on banking union is] not going to do anything to head off the credit crunch we're seeing in the South," says Simon Tilford of the CER.

UK jobs model hard to copy

Simon Tilford
19 December 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"It's a bit of a puzzle," said Simon Tilford of the CER. ...Mr Tilford thinks the behavior of unemployment in the face of such a weak economy may reflect problems in measuring gross domestic product.

Foreign investors wary as Ukraine plumps for Russia

18 December 2013
Financial Times
"Instead of diversifying Ukraine's gas supplies and increasing its energy efficiency, this agreement is likely to ensure that Ukraine continues to be tied to Russia, subject to the threat of gas supplies being turned off for political or economic reasons," says Ian Bond of the CER.

UK to stall Brussels' ambition on defence

Clara Marina O'Donnell
18 December 2013
Financial Times
Clara Marina O'Donnell, at the CER, notes the "startling level of panic" unleashed across nations this summer when the European Commission revealed it wanted to extend its influence over European military co-ordination and procurement. ..."For them to continue to bolt despite all the defence cuts and the talk of the need for further co-operation shows just how difficult it is," she said.