
Menysprear el gas rus

Rem Korteweg
23 March 2014
El Periodico Internacional
"La UE no podrà canviar la seva dependència del gas rus de la nit al dia. Tampoc és realista esperar que la UE reemplaci completament les seves importacions de gas rus, entre altres coses perquè la producció interna (sobretot al mar del Nord) s'està reduint", afirma Rem Korteweg, del CER.

Avrupa ekonomisi crizi atlatamaya çalışıyor

Simon Tilford
23 March 2014
EU Turkey News Network
"Ekonomik büyümenin yeniden başlaması ve mali pazarların durulması nedeniyle gevşeme havasına girme riski var. Avrupalı siyasetçiler euro bölgesinde ciddi kurumsal reformlar yapmadan, örneğin risk havuzu oluşturmadan da kriz batağından kurtulabileceklerini düşünebilir." [Simon Tilford].

Europe looks to US, Qatar gas to reduce reliance on Russia

21 March 2014
Voice of America
"Russia depends very heavily on the revenues from the gas that it sells to Europe. At least half of the national state budget comes from sales of hydrocarbons to Europe," said Ian Bond of the CER.

Sanctions start to hit Russia's oligarchs

21 March 2014
The Telegraph
Ian Bond said the military tie-in was mostly low-key co-operation on tactical issues. ''This is not NATO by the back door, and we are not going to see EU divisions lining up on the Russian border."

Russians stand strong against sanctions

20 March 2014
Independent European Daily Express
"The EU may be forced into a position where it has to apply broader sanctions, for example, to shut Russian banks out," said Ian Bond of the CER.

Tougher financial action could sway Putin, expert says

18 March 2014
CBS News
Ignoring sanctions against a few individuals in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin moved Tuesday to formally annex Crimea. Now Vice President Joe Biden is promising more sanctions to come.
What kind of additional financial pressure would it take to get Putin to back off? CBS...

Russia's aggression in Crimea brings NATO into renewed focus

18 March 2014
The New York Times
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER, said that "Putin has just given NATO something to do, but the question is whether NATO is up to it."

Everybody says Europe is too soft on Russia, which is why it might be about to get tough

17 March 2014
"This completely phony referendum is just so absurd that it makes it more difficult for the Russians to make their case to the rest of Europe," says Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER.

Europe fears its dependency on Russian natural gas as US, EU sanctions near

16 March 2014
"Every time you use it [gas supplies as a political weapon] you lose your reputation as a reputable supply, and long term this leads countries away from Russia," said Ian Bond.

L'arme du gaz

Rem Korteweg
15 March 2014
France Culture
Rem Korteweg chercheur sur la politique étrangère et la sécurité au Centre for European Reform. Il a notamment publié en 2013, Why Europe should change its approach to Azerbaijan et Gas on troubled waters? (Listen from 25.00)

Putin's Ukraine ambition unimpeded by West as Crimea looms

14 March 2014
"A lot depends on how firm the signaling is to Putin at this stage," Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the London-based CER said by phone. "There is a risk he may think he can take more bits out of Ukraine."

PM's strategy on UK's EU membership condemned to fail – Clegg

Nicholas Watt
05 March 2014
The Guardian
Nick Clegg has said that David Cameron's "peculiar" plans to renegotiate the terms of Britain's EU membership ahead of a referendum by the end of 2017 are "condemned to failure".
In a speech to the Centre for European Reform on Wednesday, in which he declared that pro-Europeans were best placed...

Украинский кризис: взгляд из Лондона

05 March 2014
Voice of America [Russia]
Иан Бонд: «Мы не вправе вторгнуться, например, в Зимбабве, поскольку ее англоязычные жители страдают от нарушений прав человека. Это было бы абсурдно! Но я боюсь, что именно эту странную логику используют в России»

Страны Запада оказывают давление на Россию, чтобы убедить ее уважать суверенитет Украины. В Вашингтоне и европейских...

Nick Clegg tells Nigel Farage to work harder in Europe

05 March 2014
BBC News
In a speech to the CER think-tank later, the deputy prime minister will launch an attack on his rival, saying: "Nigel Farage and deputy leader Paul Nuttall rarely turn up to vote in the European Parliament, despite being happy to take their taxpayer-funded salaries."

Nick Clegg to accuse Ukip leader Nigel Farage of failing to stand up for Britain

05 March 2014
The Guardian
In a speech to a pro-European think-tank, the Centre for European Reform, in London the deputy prime minister will say that Farage is happy to claim his "taxpayer-funded salary" while failing to turn up for many votes in the parliament.

PM's strategy on UK's EU membership condemned to fail – Clegg

05 March 2014
The Guardian
In a speech to the CER today, in which he declared that pro-Europeans were best placed to modernise the EU, the deputy prime minister said Cameron would only achieve a "little tweak here, a little tweak there".

Nick Clegg to accuse Ukip leader Nigel Farage over Brussels voting record

05 March 2014
Evening Standard
Having challenged Mr Farage to a debate on the EU before key elections in May, Mr Clegg will admit during a speech to the CER that the EU has faults and should be "pushed back". He will call for the "wasteful" second parliament in Strasbourg to be binned and for more progress developing the single market.

Clegg and Farage trade blows

NIck Clegg
05 March 2014
The Independent
In a speech today, Mr Clegg told the CER: "You would have thought that if your world view was based on the idea that it has been bad for Britain for us to be part of the EU, a party such as the Ukip would have used its berth in the European Parliament to find every possible opportunity to promote reforms that create British jobs."

Nick Clegg attacks Ukip over EU ahead of debate

05 March 2014
The Telegraph
In a speech to the Centre for European Reform think-tank today, Mr Clegg accused Ukip of having "let down" British interests within the EU.