
Huawei's European jobs boost raises suspicions

Rem Korteweg
26 September 2013
Asian Correspondent
"I think it is fair to assume that Huawei’s decision to create 5,500 jobs in Europe is related to these potential investigations by the Commission," said Rem Korteweg, of the CER... "My best estimate is that the Commission is intent on reaching a settlement with China, not start a trade war.

O que fará Merkel com a sua vitória?

22 September 2013
"Nos meios governamentais de Berlim espera-se que, depois das eleições, seja possível recomeçar a negociar com Paris um grande compromisso" sobre o futuro da Europa, escreve Charles Grant, director do CER.

Who do you think you’re kidding, Mr Schäuble?

Holger Schmieding, Paul De Grauwe
19 September 2013
The Telegraph
There is also a little bit of truth in the standard German analysis of why the aftershock of the financial crisis has proved quite so devastating for the eurozone. This was well articulated at a CER event in London this week by Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenburg Bank.

Eurosceptics poised for German breakthrough, hurting Merkel

Simon Tilford
19 September 2013
Simon Tilford of the CER, said the likelihood of further bailouts "will play into the hands of those in Germany who see the euro as a mistake"."There is a chance that over time anti-euro feeling could increase and it could now find political representation."

Video interview on 'The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?'

Simon Tilford
18 September 2013
Simon Tilford discusses the CER's latest report 'The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?' by Paul De Grauwe, George Magnus, Thomas Mayer and Holger Schmieding.

Will Assad deliver for Putin?

Rem Korteweg, Judy Dempsey
18 September 2013
Carnegie Europe
Following a Russian initiative, Moscow and Washington have reached an agreement that calls for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by mid-2014.

France-Allemagne, deux conceptions de la puissance

15 September 2013
Le Monde
Pour Charles Grant, du Centre for European Reform, à Londres, "l'Allemagne est le grand problème" de la politique européenne de sécurité, car soit elle reste soit neutre, soit elle défend ses propres intérêts.

Royal Mail sell-off leaves Postman Pat confused

Simon Tilford
12 September 2013
Financial Times
The missing bit of the narrative is the role played by allies of the UK. The latter-day Bluchers vital to the defeat of a Tobin tax were German industrialists, according to Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform.

Continuidad o cambio en Alemania?

12 September 2013
Independientemente de lo que voten los alemanes el 22 de septiembre, la actitud de Berlín respecto a la UE no va a cambiar gran cosa.

German elections 2013: 'Do as we do' will remain the message to Europe

10 September 2013
The Guardian
"However the Germans vote on 22 September, Berlin's attitude to the EU is not going to change much," Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, wrote this week. Most analysts agree.

Ragadós lesz-e a brit minta nálunk?

10 September 2013
Alapblog [Hungary]
Lengyelországban és Magyarországon sokkal inkább hasonlít az európai unióban kételkedők, a nacionalisták érvelése Putyinéhoz, mint a brit konzervatívokéhoz.

Has Berlusconi finally run out of political lives?

Simon Tilford
08 September 2013
The New York Times
"It could potentially be very significant," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in London. "Political instability in Italy is more of a concern than in Spain, Portugal or Greece."

Syria crisis reveals new paradigm

05 September 2013
The New York Times
The vote in Parliament "could turn out to be the signal for a strategic shift in favor of insularity," said Ian Bond, a foreign policy specialist at the CER. British lawmakers risked "sending the message that in the future the UK will be content to stay on the sidelines, regardless of what is happening in distant lands."

USA's lille hjælper vil selv

Clara Marina O’Donnell
05 September 2013
"Konflikten i Syrien er et eksempel på, hvor svært det er at blive enig om en fælles politik i Europa – men selv hvis der var enighed, kunne vi så gå ind? Faktum er, at mange europæiske lande ikke har de våben, der skal til, og dem, der har sofisti-kerede missiler, har langt mindre wbeholdninger end amerikanerne," siger Clara Marina O’Donnell, der CER.

Triple shock threaten Europe's sickly and deformed recovery

Simon Tilford
04 September 2013
The Daily Telegraph
"Europe, it seems, has become anaesthetised to bad news," says Simon Tilford from the CER... "The reality is that the Spanish and Italian economies will shrink by a further 2pc in 2013. Greece is on course to contract by an additional 5pc to 7pc and Portugal by 3pc to 4pc.

How France went from loner to leader on European defence policy

Rem Korteweg
04 September 2013
The Globe and Mail
Mr Hollande is "the last man standing in Europe so to speak. He’s the go-to guy," said Rem Korteweg of the CER. The French President "is opportunistic and he’s willing to seize the moment to show himself as the unquestioned leader of Europe on defence and security issues.

Influencing Egypt with soft power

Rem Korteweg
02 September 2013
The New York Times
"During the entire two years, the EU was seen as an honest broker. Maybe [Catherine] Ashton could have used that leverage more than she did," said Rem Korteweg, a foreign policy analyst at the CER.

Obama w pułapce - Interview with Ian Bond

01 September 2013
Niepokoi mnie, że na Zachodzie wszyscy koncentrują się na tym, jak przeprowadzić atak na Syrię. Znacznie mniej jest dyskusji o tym, w jaki sposób może na to odpowiedzieć Asad – podkreśla brytyjski ekspert ds. międzynarodowych w rozmowie z Jędrzejem Bieleckim.

How much Europe is too much Europe?

01 September 2013
"It's like playing Jenga," said Hugo Brady of the CER, referring to a game that involves carefully removing wooden blocks from a tower and stacking them on top. "Eventually someone pulls out the wrong block and the whole thing collapses."

While Britain votes No, France still backs strikes on Syria

31 August 2013
"We have a dossier from the joint intelligence committee. It doesn't say 100 per cent that we are certain that it was the Syrian regime that fired these weapons. And you've got a sort of rush to try and get something done even before the UN inspectors have finished their work and reported and so on", said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform (from 02.15).