
Judy Asks: What next for Europe after the German election?

Christian Odendahl
26 September 2017
Carnegie Europe
Experts from Europe and across the globe weigh in on the range of domestic, European, and foreign policy priorities facing German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the new coalition government in Berlin.

Sky News: Merkel admits 'challenge' of AfD winning seats in parliament

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
Christian Odendahl speaks to Sky News on the results of the German electioins (from 02.50 mins)

Merkel's poll win unlikely to make much difference to Brexit, analysts say

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
The Guardian
The EU and single market are a “core national interest” for Germany, “essential to its stability, security and prosperity”, said Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform. All major parties and most voters bar the 13% who cast their ballots for the anti-immigrant AfD want more EU cooperation, not less.

Brexit and energy: A choice between economics and sovereignty

Sir Philip Lowe
25 September 2017
Withdrawal from the European Union raises key questions for the UK's energy sector.

Merkel's win comes with EU prestige intact, but power weakened

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
Deutsche Welle
Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform (CER) said Merkel's position will not be significantly weakened in the eyes of other EU leaders, but the less "wiggle room" she now has domestically will affect her ability to make deals with the bloc. Instead of having a commanding majority in the parliament, Odendahl pointed out, "she'll have to look carefully at all sides to make sure everyone's happy in her coalition – which will be a difficult coalition to begin with."

Macron to pledge to plough on with Europe reforms despite German electoral setback

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
The Telegraph
Christian Odendahl, the senior economist at the Centre for European Reform in Berlin, said that there was still a "fundamental difference" in view between France and Germany, which is demanding that any burden-sharing must be accompanied by measures to tighten control over national fiscal policies."I don’t think his eurozone reforms will go very far now," Mr Odendahl predicted. "Macron will be be disappointed."

German election: Who will be in the 'Jamaica' coalition with Angela Merkel?

Sophia Besch
25 September 2017
The Express
Sophia Besch, research fellow at the CER, said the German elections will not affect the outcome of Brexit because all the parties share a similar stance. She said: "All major German parties want to maintain close economic and political ties to Britain post-Brexit, and limit the economic fallout. "But Germans are also adamant that there will be no cherry-picking by the British after Brexit, that means no selective participation in the single market."

Merkel's poll win unlikely to make much difference to Brexit, analysts say

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
The Guardian
The EU and single market are a “core national interest” for Germany, “essential to its stability, security and prosperity”, said Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform. All major parties and most voters bar the 13% who cast their ballots for the anti-immigrant AfD want more EU cooperation, not less.The FDP may be more pro-business, but it will be a junior partner in the likely coalition and got badly burned the last time it governed with the CDU. It will use its few bargaining chips “very carefully, and almost certainly not on Brexit”, Odendahl said.

Germania, la Merkel vince ma l'equilibrio non sta più nel mezzo

Simon Tilford
25 September 2017
«Difficile vedere la differenza tra centro destra e centro sinistra, in Germania i due partiti sono oramai indistinguibili», ha sottolineato a caldo Simon Tilford, vice direttore del Centre for European Reform di Londra: «Come del resto in altri grandi Paesi europei». A proposito d'Europa: nessuno più del presidente francese Emmanuel Macron avrà sofferto nel vedere i risultati delle elezioni tedesche. Il suo grande piano di riforma dell'Unione europea si basa innanzitutto su una profonda e sincera alleanza tra la sua Francia e una Germania libera dall'incubo elezioni, di nuovo saldamente in mano alla Cancelliera.

China Business Network (CBN): German elections

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
Christian Odendahl speaks to China Business Network about the German elections.

German election results LIVE: AfD vows to 'hunt' Angela Merkel after making shock gains

Simon Tilford
25 September 2017
The Express
Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform tweeted: “13.5% for AFD grim, but its high point given refugee inflows falling back? Hopefully SPD result will force it to be more social-democratic.

China Business Network (CBN): German election results

Sophia Besch
25 September 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to China Business Network about the German election results (from 0.42).

Victoire en demi-teinte pour Angela Merkel

Christian Odendahl
25 September 2017
Le Devoir
« Avec les résultats de ce soir, la coopération entre la CDU et le SPD prend fin, a déclaré son candidat Martin Schulz. […] Nous sommes tous d’accord pour devenir le premier parti d’opposition. […] Notre parti connaît à nouveau des heures amères, mais la social-démocratie a survécu et trouvé le moyen de montrer sa force — même confrontée à l’extrême droite qui affiche son visage hideux. » Selon l’économiste en chef du Centre for European Reform, Christian Odendahl, ce résultat n’est ni plus ni moins qu’« un désastre pour le SPD ».

Merkelová pokračuje, ale je slabšia. Možností na vládu nemá veľa Čítajte viac

Christian Odendahl
24 September 2017
SME Svet
„Pre SPD je to katastrofa,“ napísal na Twitteri Christian Odendahl z Centra pre Európsku reformu. „Nemyslím si, že by sa znovu pustili do veľkej koalície, členovia by sa vzbúrili,“ myslí si.

German election results LIVE: AfD vows to ‘hunt’ Angela Merkel after coming third

Simon Tilford
24 September 2017
Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform tweeted: “13.5% for AFD grim, but its high point given refugee inflows falling back? Hopefully SPD result will force it to be more social-democratic.”

May asks for two-year transition deal after Brexit

23 September 2017
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform said May was "right to adopt a positive tone", but added that her offers were "not enough to unblock" the talks.

The UK's Brexit hostage

22 September 2017
“How does the EU cope with losing a substantial net contributor?” said John Springford, the director of research of the Centre for European Reform. “You have to try to find money either from net contributors who aren’t necessarily going to be too keen on that, or from net recipients who are going to receive less money. Obviously, this is going to be nightmarish.”

Germania, prosperità e rabbia: paradosso Merkel L'industria cresce (ma grazie all'Est)

Christian Odendahl
22 September 2017
Corriere della Sera
«Quelle riforme non sono la causa principale della ripresa — dice Christian Odendahl, un economista tedesco del Centre for European Reform —. Il loro impatto è stato modesto».
This is no way to dismantle a nuclear bomb

This is no way to dismantle a nuclear bomb

22 September 2017
Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un are doing their best to make a bad situation in the Korean Peninsula worse.

Tyskland viker inte ner sig i brexitfrågan

Christian Odendahl
22 September 2017
 Även Christian Odendahl, chefsekonom på tankesmedjan Centre for European Reform i London, dämpar brittiskt hopp att nästa tyska regering blir mjukare.