Zach Meyers

Zach Meyers

Assistant director
Areas of expertise 

Competition policy, economic regulation, industrial strategy, technology and innovation, the single market.

EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

01 July 2024
Britain’s next government needs a coherent strategy towards the EU, ranging from trade and regulation to energy, foreign policy and defence.
What will the EU election results mean for Europe?

What will the EU election results mean for Europe?

11 June 2024
The populist right and far right will not dominate the new European Parliament. But the election results will influence the EU’s agenda and legislation over the next five years.
Big tech rivalry could be the key to competition in AI

Big tech rivalry could be the key to competition in AI

30 May 2024
Competition authorities might need to accept that today’s large technology firms will play a key role in artificial intelligence. They need to focus on ensuring they compete fiercely – rather than peacefully co-exist.
Can the EU hold back the great tech decoupling?

Can the EU hold back the great tech decoupling?

03 May 2024
The US wants Europe to adopt stronger limits on high-tech goods trade with China. In response, the EU should insist the US stick with de-risking, not decoupling, and demand greater transatlantic economic co-operation.
Enrico Letta's report: More than a market, but less than an agenda

Enrico Letta's report: More than a market, but less than an agenda

23 April 2024
Enrico Letta’s report on the single market offers largely sensible ideas to strengthen the EU’s economy. But he leaves member-states the job of prioritising and tackling the trade-offs.
Better regulation in Europe: An action plan for the next Commission

Better regulation in Europe: An action plan for the next Commission

19 March 2024
As Europe tries to boost its economic growth and become more innovative, the EU must reinvigorate the ‘better regulation’ agenda – and adapt it to how the EU institutions are evolving.
Two years (and ten years) of war in Europe: Hard times for Ukraine

Two years (and ten years) of war in Europe: Hard times for Ukraine

07 March 2024
After a difficult year for Ukraine, Putin may be encouraged to think he can win the war. But this is a fight neither Ukraine nor Europe can afford to lose.
What to expect from the Digital Markets Act

What to expect from the Digital Markets Act

05 March 2024
Thanks to the Digital Markets Act, large tech firms must now give Europeans more choices about how online services work. But competition authorities will see few reasons to relax.
Europe and the superpowers: Responding to economic nationalism

Europe and the superpowers: Responding to economic nationalism

26 February 2024
Superpower competition poses a significant challenge for Europe's trade-intensive economy. The EU must evolve its toolkit and economic model to respond.
Helping Europe's digital economy take off: An agenda for the next Commission

Helping Europe's digital economy take off: An agenda for the next Commission

20 February 2024
The EU must simplify its digital rulebook, support more privacy-friendly data-driven innovation, and boost investment in digital infrastructure.
