Zach Meyers

Zach Meyers

Assistant director
Areas of expertise 

Competition policy, economic regulation, industrial strategy, technology and innovation, the single market.


Can the UK keep up with Europe on digital competition?

30 May 2022
As Brussels finalises world-leading digital competition rules, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has deferred similar reforms for Britain. But if UK authorities are bold, they can still help shape global tech markets.
Will the Digital Services Act save Europe from disinformation?

Will the Digital Services Act save Europe from disinformation?

21 April 2022
In negotiating the Digital Services Act, EU law-makers balanced tackling disinformation with protecting free speech. The Commission’s last-minute proposal for stricter regulation of tech platforms during crises undermines this balance.

Europe must stop paying for Russia's war

30 March 2022
Putin wants Europe to pay for gas in roubles, forcing it to deal with Russia’s central bank. Europe should respond by ending Russian hydrocarbon imports sooner than planned.
Russia may ditch the dollar – but it needs the euro

Russia may ditch the dollar – but it needs the euro

29 March 2022
Naysayers claim Western financial sanctions will speed Russia and China’s drift away from Western currencies and finance. But the West’s predominance in the global financial system is enduring.

Russia-Ukraine: The West needs a sanctions strategy

10 March 2022
After the initial flurry of sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, Western leaders now need to take a more strategic approach.

Ditchley conference report: The politics of climate change

02 February 2022
Climate change is as much a political problem as a technological one, and the CER's annual economics conference focused on ways to overcome inertia, denial and myopia.
Why big business may learn to love EU competition policy

Why big business may learn to love EU competition policy

01 February 2022
Big multinationals sometimes criticise the EU’s competition policy, which is more aggressive than America’s. But in the long term, Brussels’ approach could prove more balanced and predictable than Washington’s.

How the Digital Markets Act will challenge consumers

24 January 2022
The European Parliament’s proposals to tame big tech will challenge consumers. Some of these proposals will promote innovation – but law-makers should drop proposals which will stifle it.

No pain, no gain? The Digital Markets Act

10 January 2022
The EU's upcoming rules for big tech will degrade some digital services to improve long-term competition and innovation. The trade-off is justified – but law-makers must keep consumers on-side.

The three deaths of EU-UK data adequacy

15 November 2021
European and British businesses can still freely transfer personal data between the EU and UK. This situation has spared both sides disruption – but is unlikely to last.