Zach Meyers

Zach Meyers

Assistant director
Areas of expertise 

Competition policy, economic regulation, industrial strategy, technology and innovation, the single market.


Why have Europe's energy prices spiked and what can the EU do about them?

28 October 2021
Europeans’ skyrocketing energy bills are not primarily Russia’s fault, though it is capitalising on Europe’s vulnerability.

Leave your phone at home: Why EU roaming charges will only increase for UK consumers

20 September 2021
Will the end of free EU roaming make the UK mobile market fairer, as some economists claim? Don’t bet on it.

Driving uncertainty: Labour rights in the gig economy

10 August 2021
The European Commission should treat competition policy as a tool to improve the rights of ‘gig economy’ workers – not a hindrance to that goal.

Reality bytes: The limits of transatlantic digital co-operation

13 July 2021
The EU and the US plan to boost co-operation on digital policy. They should not prioritise regulatory harmonisation, and instead work on areas where mutual compromise is more realistic.

Objection! Why the EU opposes the UK's plans for cross-Channel litigation

18 June 2021
Brexit has made cross-border litigation harder. While bigger companies will cope, EU and UK citizens and small businesses will suffer.

The G7 corporate tax deal: Why the EU should curb its enthusiasm

09 June 2021
The recent G7 deal will not bolster the European Commission’s broader efforts to fight aggressive tax practices. The Commission needs political realism and more modest aims to make headway.

Can the EU set a global rulebook for Big Tech?

01 June 2021
The EU is angling to set a rulebook for digital markets which could be adopted around the world. To achieve this, its draft regulations need improvement.

Don't imitate – innovate! Why Europe doesn't need a rival to Visa and Mastercard

28 May 2021
The European authorities want a home-grown challenger to Visa and Mastercard. They should instead encourage European banks to support more diverse payment options.

Taming 'Big Tech': How the Digital Markets Act should identify gatekeepers

04 May 2021
The European Commission is rushing to impose new rules on large digital platforms. A more careful approach would benefit European digital businesses.

The US proposals on digital services taxes and minimum tax rates: How the EU should respond

15 April 2021
OECD members are negotiating a global digital services tax and a global minimum corporate tax. EU member-states should support recent US proposals to conclude the talks.