
EU-UK relations: There is no steady state

Sam Lowe
26 October 2021
The current crisis over the Northern Ireland protocol will pass, but tensions between the EU and the UK are not going away.

Bridging the Channel: How Europeans and the UK can work together on defence capability development

Sophia Besch
15 October 2021
Despite the UK's unwillingness to work with the EU on developing military capabilities, co-operation between London and its European partners need not stall.

Opening Pandora's Box: What the EU-UK trade deal means for trade and conditionality

Sam Lowe
13 October 2021
The EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement includes world-leading sustainability commitments.

After Afghanistan and AUKUS: What next for European defence?

Sophia Besch, Luigi Scazzieri
07 October 2021
The US retreat from Afghanistan and the AUKUS deal have strengthened calls for greater ‘European strategic autonomy’.

What Europe expects of post-Merkel Germany

Christian Odendahl
30 September 2021
Europe expects Germany’s likely new Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, to keep Europe united while adding more strategic vision to fight climate change, transform the European economy and navigate global politics.

Transatlantic relations after Afghanistan and AUKUS

30 September 2021
America’s relations with its European allies have survived worse crises than the row over whose submarines Australia will buy, or even the Afghanistan debacle. The US should not be complacent, however.

‘Europe after September 11th’ revisited

30 September 2021
The attacks of 9/11 brought the major powers together. But that unity did not endure, and the world now risks division between the West and the authoritarian powers. 

What Europe expects of post-Merkel Germany

Christian Odendahl
29 September 2021
Europe expects Germany’s likely new Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, to keep Europe united while adding more strategic vision to fight climate change, transform the European economy and navigate global politics.

The EU's future or everything von der Leyen did not say

Camino Mortera-Martinez
24 September 2021
To gauge what the EU's next big political fights will be, look at what Ursula Von der Leyen did not say in her annual speech to the European Parliament.

Leave your phone at home: Why EU roaming charges will only increase for UK consumers

20 September 2021
Will the end of free EU roaming make the UK mobile market fairer, as some economists claim? Don’t bet on it.

You can leave Afghanistan, but will Afghanistan leave you?

19 August 2021
The Taliban’s victory is a disaster for Western policy, but it is not the end of the story. The West must now work hard to mitigate the fallout.

The Moscow coup(s) of 1991: Who won and why does it still matter?

17 August 2021
Thirty years after the coup that triggered the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russia is ruled by the heirs of the plotters, not their democratic opponents. Why?

Driving uncertainty: Labour rights in the gig economy

10 August 2021
The European Commission should treat competition policy as a tool to improve the rights of ‘gig economy’ workers – not a hindrance to that goal.

Medical devices and the limits of UK regulatory autonomy

Sam Lowe, Derek Hill
05 August 2021
Medical devices illustrate the limited scope for post-Brexit UK divergence from EU rules, and the trade-offs the UK must face.

Europe can't ignore Libya

02 August 2021
Libya has a new unity government, but the country could easily slip back into conflict. In order to avoid this happening, Europeans should increase their stabilisation efforts.

Bulletin issue 139 - August/September 2021

Elisabetta Cornago, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl, Luigi Scazzieri
27 July 2021

Three questions on the German election

Christian Odendahl
27 July 2021
As the floods in Germany change the dynamics of the race, the CDU could win the most votes yet end up in opposition. In that case, the chancellor could be the SPD’s Olaf Scholz.

The 'Fit for 55' climate proposals explained

27 July 2021
The costs of the Commission’s proposals to meet the EU’s 2030 climate goals need to be distributed in a more progressive way.

A new migration crisis may be brewing

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
27 July 2021
Member-states have made some progress towards a common asylum system. But large divisions endure and the EU's efforts to increase co-operation with third countries will continue to face difficulties.