Britain & EU member-states

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Video on: Westminster's scrutiny of European affairs

Video on: Westminster's scrutiny of European affairs

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
15 July 2015
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska discusses her most recent CER publication 'A ten-point plan to strengthen Westminster's oversight of EU policy'.
See her publication here.

The Greek bailout deal resolves nothing

14 July 2015
The Huffington Post
The new bailout deal signals Greece's capitulation to its creditors, something which has important ramifications for the bailout's success. Even if the deal makes it through the Greek parliament in the coming weeks, the programme's economic incoherence will make it fall apart.

Will the ongoing Greek crisis have a positive impact on Britain's renegotiation with the EU?

08 July 2015
City A.M
John Springford, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says No
Those who believe that an embattled EU, weakened by an ongoing Greek crisis – or worse, Grexit – would give big concessions to David Cameron are misguided.

Grecia, Tilford: "All'Ue serve un asse Roma-Parigi"

Simon Tilford
07 July 2015
Lettera 43
L'economista Tilford: "Sì a un asse franco-italiano per salvare Atene" E su Renzi: «Scenda in campo prima che tutto degeneri". La locomotiva tedesca si è fermata all'ingresso di Atene. E lascia il passo a quella franco-italiana. Questa volta non è infatti la Germania a potere salvare la Grecia e tutta...

Nie da się wyjść ze strefy euro i nikt tego Grecji nie życzy

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
03 July 2015
Zakładam, że po referendum Grecja i jej wierzyciele wrócą do negocjacji, bo zależy im na rozwiązaniu impasu w rozsądnym czasie. Nie można całkiem wykluczyć zaskarżenia przez Ateny instytucji europejskich przed Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości, ale to otworzyłoby tylko prawdziwą puszkę Pandory – mówi Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, analityk Centre for European Reform.Obserwator Finansowy:...

No catharsis in Grexit

Simon Tilford
03 July 2015
City A.M.
There is a growing gap between the way the Greek crisis is seen in the Eurozone and the way it is seen across the rest of the world. Everyone agrees that Greece is a poorly governed country and that Syriza has played a poor hand badly. But whereas many Eurozone...

Radio 4 - Week in Westminster: Greek crisis and the eurozone

27 June 2015
Charles Grant speaks on the 'Week in Westminster' discussing the Greek crisis and the eurozone.

China Central TV: EU at a crossroads

26 June 2015
Ian Bond is interviewed by China Central TV English service, along with Francois Godement of ECFR and George Tzogopoulos, on the Greek crisis in Europe.

Will Europe ever stop being a headache for David Cameron?

26 June 2015
The Telegraph
The PM is trying to please too many people who want very different outcomes.

Beware the four horsemen circling Europe: Greece, Russia, migrants and the Brexit

Rem Korteweg
25 June 2015
The Independent
Four horsemen are stalking Europe: the Greek financial crisis; illegal migration in the Mediterranean; Russian aggression; and Britain's reform-or-Brexit threat.

If David Cameron makes a passionate case for the EU, its leaders will help him

21 June 2015
The Observer
The prime minister must not dance to the tune of his backbenchers at the Brussels summit.

Gästinlägg: Vad Grekland behöver

Christian Odendahl
18 June 2015
Ett avtal mellan Grekland och dess fordringsägare är fortfarande sannolikt. Vad landet verkligen behöver är emellertid en partiöverskridande överenskommelse om att förändra sina institutioner, en mindre restriktiv finanspolitik och löften om framtida skuldnedskrivningar, skriver Christian Odendahl, chefsekonom på tankesmedjan Centre for European Reform i detta gästinlägg. 
Förhandlingarna mellan Grekland...

Grecia, dopo l'accordo lavoriamo per una soluzione

Christian Odendahl
13 June 2015
Il sole 24 Ore
I negoziati in corso tra la Grecia e i suoi creditori stanno entrando nelle fasi finali, come indica il coinvolgimento di Angela Merkel e François Hollande.

Germany seeks to give Britain EU leeway — but not at any price

10 June 2015
Financial Times
David Cameron, the British prime minister, left a good impression after his recent visit to Berlin. He talked politely about his hope ffor EU reform, ahead of a referendum on membership before the end of 2017. Yet senior German figures worry about the imminent British "renegotiation". They fret that Britain’s...

Judy Asks: Is the European neighbourhood policy doomed?

20 May 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

How Cameron can win an EU referendum

13 May 2015
Now that Cameron has won Britain’s general election, he must fulfil his promise of negotiating reforms to the EU and then holding an in-or-out referendum before the end of 2017.

Listen carefully to the British

12 May 2015
Flashlight Europe - Bertelsmann-Stiftung
Other than many have predicted the general election in the United Kingdom have not led to a hung parliament but the opposite: An absolute majority for David Cameron and his Tory party.

France 24: Road to EU renegotiation for re-elected British PM

11 May 2015
Ian Bond speaks to France 24 on how Cameron will seek to re-negotiate with the EU

Katasztrófa lenne, ha a britek kilépnének az EU-ból

Rem Korteweg
08 May 2015
Most már száz százalék, hogy a brit kormány népszavazást rendez az EU-tagságról, és ez rendkívül kockázatos stratégia – mondta lapunknak Rem Korteweg, az (CER). A mostani felmérések szerint a britek 55 százaléka az EU-ban maradna, 45 százalék kilépne.

Radio Fribourg: Cameron's promised EU referendum

07 May 2015
Ian Bond talks to Radio Fribourg on the referendum over the UK and the EU promised by David Cameron (02:50).