
From jobs to travel and study: How will Brexit affect young Britons?

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
22 June 2016
The Guardian
Researchers at the Centre for European Reform CER note that if unemployment rises, it is the under 30s who would be most vulnerable. "Economists know a good deal about the impact of recessions on different social groups," Christian Odendahl and John Springford from the CER report. "They have also studied how recessions impact the future earnings of these groups after the economy returns to normal. And the verdict is clear. It is the young and the low-skilled who suffer the most."

Polskie Radio: Brexit - historyczny wybór Wielkiej Brytanii?

22 June 2016
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Polskie Radio about the UK's EU referendum.

The referendum in Doncaster, and Labour's disappearing trick

Simon Tilford
22 June 2016
Open democracy
Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform has condemned the leading Brexiteers as "libertarian sovereigntists who support further deregulation of the British economy. Their opposition to immigration is aimed at appealing to disenfranchised and insecure voters". This is right, but they are not appealing to their desire for security but a preference for more risk generated by fatalism and loss.

Comment Boris Johnson a inventé l'europhobie britannique

22 June 2016
Le Temps
Boris Johnson ne croit pas au Brexit. Du moins, il y a quatre mois, juste avant d’annoncer officiellement qu’il défendrait une sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne, le principal homme politique du camp du Brexit n’y croyait pas. "Il l’a confié à un ami commun quelques jours avant son annonce", affirme Charles Grant, le très sérieux directeur du think tank Centre for European Reform.
Will the UK referendum irreparably damage Europe?

Judy Asks: Will the UK referendum irreparably damage Europe?

Rem Korteweg
22 June 2016
Carnegie Europe
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Radio Svoboda: Британія може опинитися в ситуації України

22 June 2016
Ian Bond the director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Radio Svoboda about the UK's EU referendum.

Brexit raises economic and security fears in Central and Eastern Europe

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
21 June 2016
World Politics Review
“Budapest and Warsaw, under the current leadership, share David Cameron’s vision for Europe,” says Agata Gostynska, a research fellow at the London-based Centre for European Reform, referring to the British prime minister. “They do not like the idea of ever closer union, do not intend to join the eurozone any time soon, and oppose any further leap into political integration. Were Britain to leave the EU, they would find it harder to spread this vision.”

Wyjście Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii będzie jak trzęsienie ziemi

21 June 2016
Polska Times
Jeśli dojdzie do Brexitu, przez Europę przeleje się fala eurosceptycyzmu. Powróci też pytanie o rolę Niemiec w Unii - mówi Charles Grant, założyciel i dyrektor londyńskiego ośrodka analitycznego Centre for European Reform, w rozmowie z Agatonem Kozińskim.

A week that will define Europe – what happens if we leave the EU?

21 June 2016
The Express
The Centre for European Reform’s director Charles Grant believes that a Brexit result would also set the wheels in motion for a new Conservative Leadership contest. Mr Grant, who helped found the pro-European think tank, told “I’m sure if Cameron loses, he will resign or say he will resign quite quickly.”

In Brexit vote, echoes of Trumpism minus Donald Trump

21 June 2016
Brexit supporters mirror Trump voters, said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank based in London, in that they tend to be older, white, less affluent, and less likely to live in urban areas. Also, as Trump vows to "Make America Great Again," Brexit backers are wistful for a bygone age. "There is a feeling among some that they’re trying to get back to when Britain was white, when England was more secure," Grant said.
Referendum na Wyspach

Referendum na Wyspach. "Do niezdecydowanych będą przemawiały argumenty gospodarcze"

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
21 June 2016
RMF 24
"Zwolennicy Brexitu zdecydowanie odwoływali się do mitów związanych z członkostwem Wielkiej Brytanii w Unii Europejskiej. Przykładem jest bulwersujący bilbord odsłonięty w dniu śmierci Jo Cox, który ukazuje falę uchodźców, a którymi Nigel Farage, przewodniczący ultra prawicowej partii UKiP, straszy Brytyjczyków.

What is 'Brexit'? a look at the debate and its wider meaning

20 June 2016
The New York Times
"There wouldn't be a referendum without the eurozone crisis, which made the EU look badly organized and dysfunctional," said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based research group. "The refugee crisis hasn’t helped either. It made the EU seem out of control."

CER podcast: The EU referendum - a fact free debate

Charles Grant, Simon Tilford, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, John Springford, Rem Korteweg, Sophia Besch
20 June 2016
Charles Grant chats with colleagues Simon Tilford, Rem Korteweg, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, John Springford and Sophia Besch to discuss common EU myths and how to improve the quality of the debate.

After a vote for Brexit, Britain will be given three choices

20 June 2016
The Times
One of the most remarkable things about this referendum campaign has been the dearth of discussion on the various alternatives to EU membership.
Irnos de la UE sería una decisión de niños malcriados

Irnos de la UE sería una decisión de niños malcriados

Simon Tilford
20 June 2016
La Vanguardia
Simon Tilford vive con admitida sorpresa el rumbo que ha tomado la opinión pública británica a pocos días de que el país vote en el referéndum sobre la Unión Europea. Enlas últimas dos semanas, la opción de irse (el famoso Brexit) lleva una ligera ventaja.

Should I stay or should I go now?

Simon Tilford
19 June 2016
Die Presse
Das machen die EU-Gegner, indem sie Europa zur Projektionsfläche für alles machen, was Besorgnis erregt, schiefläuft oder vielleicht einmal besser war. Von einem „Bündnis aus jenen, die es sich leisten können, etwas zu verlieren, und jenen, die nichts zu verlieren haben“, spricht Simon Tilford vom Centre for European Reform.

EU frygter »jordskælv« fra britisk folkeafstemning

Rem Korteweg
19 June 2016
Den seneste uge har været præget af store udsving på finansmarkederne i takt med, at flere og flere meningsmålinger har peget på et flertal i Storbritannien for at forlade EU. Men også i de fleste andre EU-lande bliver der flere og flere, der har et overvejende negativt syn på EU, og der er derfor en risiko for, at et britisk exit kan sætte gang i en domino­effekt, mener seniorforsker Rem Korteweg fra tænketanken Centre for European Reform (CER).

Europa efter brexit

19 June 2016
Svenska YLE
Ian Bond, direktör för Center for European Reform - en Londonbaserad EU-tankesmedja – är kritisk till premiärminister David Camerons utspel om folkomröstning. Om man alls kan lita på opinionsundersökningarna visar de vilken katastrofal felbedömning David Cameron gjorde när han förband sig vid en folkomröstning. Han gjorde det i tron att han kan ”köpa” den euroskeptiska falangen inom det konservativa partiet och samtidigt ta hand om det högerpopulistiska självständighetspartiet, Ukip.

EU countries warn Britain on Brexit: You'll pay if you leave us

19 June 2016
The New York Times
Brussels could offer Britain one of the three existing models of varying closeness and mutual obligation — the bloc’s arrangements with Norway, Canada and the World Trade Organization — rather than offer to negotiate something new, said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a London research institution.
The effect on the bloc of a British departure would be threefold, Mr Grant said.

The referendum campaign: The Battle of Evermore

18 June 2016
The Economist
A host of studies in Britain - by the Treasury, the Institute of Fiscal Studies, Oxford Economics, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Centre for European Reform and the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics - agree with international bodies - the IMF and the OECD rich-country think-tank - that Brexit would mean less trade, lower foreign direct investment and slower productivity growth.