
The vulnerability of elites: Geopolitical risk in 2013

GAC members
21 January 2013
Global Agenda Council
Categorising the major themes, risks, opportunities, and wild cards—based on discussions of the Global Agenda Council on Geopolitical Risk in Dubai, November 2012.
GAC members: Ahn Ho-Young, Katinka Barysch, Ian Bremmer (GAC chair), John Chipman, Tina Fordham, Sumit Ganguly, Jin Canrong, Wadah Khanfar, Nader Mousavizadeh, Moisés Naím, Yoshiji Nogami, Volker Perthes, Douglas A....

The 'lost generation' that never was

Katinka Barysch
21 January 2013
"We should be copying their vocational training system. Young people's employment prospects depend partly on themselves and on whether they are able to adapt their plans to market realities", said Katinka Barysch at the CER in London.

Obama's second term: The world waits

Clara Marina O'Donnell
21 January 2013
Financial Times
The Europeans welcome Mr Obama's wariness about using force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and strongly support his efforts to intensify pressure on Iran’s leaders through economic sanctions. “Most EU governments have long worried that attacking Iran would destabilise the region,” says Clara Marina O’Donnell of the CER.

Britain becomes Germany's biggest trade partner as Berlin-London pact deepens

21 January 2013
The Telegraph
Charles Grant director of the CER, said Mrs Merkel will "bend over backwards" to help Britain by offering safeguards for the City and backing for market reforms, but only up to a point. "They will not agree to repatriate powers or let the UK cherry pick which parts of the EU they want to belong to," he said, warning the Tories not to overplay their hand.

Europe brightens, to investors anyway

Simon Tilford
18 January 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"Persistently weak economies in Spain and Italy will push up public debts as a proportion of GDP, as well as bad loans at banks", says Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER, a London think-tank. "Ultimately the debt problem is being made bigger" by Europe's lack of growth, he says.

UE: l’Algérie fait reculer Cameron

17 January 2013
"Cameron agit avant tout tactiquement sur le plan domestique. Ce qui l’intéresse, c’est son parti et les électeurs. C’est sa priorité […] Il ne s’intéresse pas à la politique internationale," explique Charles Grant, directeur du think-tank CER.

France faces prolonged conflict in Mali

Rem Korteweg
15 January 2013
The Globe and Mail
Mali is not the same as the French mission under NATO auspices in Afghanistan, which Mr Hollande is pushing to end quickly, said Rem Korteweg, of the CER."We have to look at the [region] as basically France’s backyard – at least that's the way they tend to like to see it.

Slowdown in Germany worries eurozone

Philip Whyte
15 January 2013
The New York Times
"This idea that Germany is a powerhouse dragging the rest of Europe along with it is a bit of a myth to be honest," said Philip Whyte, a senior research fellow at the CER in London. "You have a very weak periphery and a core which is not as strong as everyone seems to believe."

"Brexit" et le sermon d'Oncle Sam

14 January 2013
Le Monde
"L'Allemagne dirigerait la politique économique et la France, la politique de sécurité, nous dit Charles Grant, du CER à Londres. Les Etats-Unis auraient moins d'influence en Europe, et la politique de l'UE aurait plus de chances de diverger de celle des Etats-Unis."

Brytyjski premier ma plan, jak uniknąć wyjścia z Unii

14 January 2013
Gazeta Wyborcza
Założenia planu Camerona są jednak dość wątpliwe. - Inne kraje Unii nie zgodzą się na nowe wyjątki w traktatach UE dla Londynu. To zwiększałoby konkurencyjną przewagę Brytyjczyków na jednolitym rynku unijnym - przekonuje Charles Grant z londyńskiego CER.

Could Britain end up leaving the EU? The key questions

11 January 2013
Channel 4 News
Charles Grant, director of the CER argues that EU governments will not grant treaty opt-outs to Britain because of fears that it could gain "an unfair competitive advantage" within the single market and encourage other countries to follow Britain's pick-and-mix example.

UK government battles to cut deficit

Simon Tilford
08 January 2013
Simon Tilford of the CER says it's the government's fault for talking tough and denting confidence. "The language they've adopted: 'We must cut. We must rein in spending. We must accept lower living standards.' This has unsettled both consumers and companies," claims Tilford.

The threat to the euro is over: EU chief Barroso claims single currency will not implode

Simon Tilford
07 January 2013
The Daily Mail
"The consequences are likely to be far-reaching. Not only will governments struggle to push through the needed reforms, but there is a risk of a broader backlash against the market economy and the European Union," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER.

Why Cameron will say all the wrong things on the EU

03 January 2013
The Huffington Post
In an article in the FT, Charles Grant of the CER wrote of a multi-tier Europe and said: "Life in the third tier need not be uncomfortable for the UK. If it makes an effort to win friends and allies among its partners, including those in the euro, it will have an influential voice in EU decision-making."

Giuristi ed economisti: accordo inapplicabile

Simon Tilford
02 January 2013
Libero Quotidiano
"Le politiche di austerità in fase recessiva sono sempre un rischio, ma lo sono specialmente quando tutta l'Europa sta tirando la cinghia. Queste politiche di austerità, attuate in modo scoordinato a livello europeo e in fase recessiva, sono state un fallimento totale e pongono una seria minaccia alla moneta unica" dice a Libero Simon Tilford, capo economista del CER.

IMF for the first time made an overall assessment of the EU

Philip Whyte
29 December 2012
EU inside
According to Philip Whyte, a senior research fellow at the CER in London, to accept that the eurozone suffers from a structural flaw that can only be corrected by more federalism is politically explosive.

EU patience running out as Britain struggles to settle its European destiny

27 December 2012
The Guardian
"For two decades Britain's EU debate has been one-sided: Eurosceptic politicians and commentators have set the agenda, while few politicians (or business leaders) have argued the merits of the EU," Charles Grant of the CER wrote in a recent paper.

Stifling progress in Russia and China

24 December 2012
The New York Times
Russia and China seem very different sorts of countries. One is a pseudo-democracy with an economy dependent on natural-resource exports; the other is a one-party state and the world’s manufacturing superpower. But both suffer from unbalanced economies — and powerful vested interests that are trying to block the reforms that...

The Schengen crisis in the framework of the Arab Spring

19 December 2012
European Institute of the Mediterranean
The Schengen area – the EU's zone of passport-free travel, which benefits 650 million travellers annually –is in trouble.

Le trappole del Energy Bill varato dal governo britannico

Stephen Tindale
17 December 2012
Il governo britannico ha pubblicato il nuovo Energy Bill. Il piano energetico deve ancora sottostare all’approvazione del Parlamento per cui è probabile che questa non sia la versione definitiva.