
Qué será de Europa - La recuperación exige un nuevo pacto entre el capital y el trabajo

Simon Tilford
14 December 2012
La Vanguardia
Si la situación económica no muestra síntomas de recuperación, las finanzas públicas seguirán debilitándose. Y, también, si los gobiernos no corrigen en aplicar medidas de austeridad que se alejan de las políticas de redistribución fiscal y de los sistemas de protección social, el escenario que se creará agravará los problemas...

EU leaders vow to boost Europe's defence capabilities

14 December 2012
Europe's common security policy is "stuck between the strategic realities of declining defence budgets, waning European power in the world and a lack of will and ability to project strategic force outward", said Hugo Brady, a senior research fellow at the CER.

Perché la City si sente assediata

Philip Whyte
14 December 2012
Il sole 24 Ore
"È stata una risposta un po' emotiva - precisa Philip Whyte economista del think-tank Centre for European Reform - nel senso che i timori politici sono apparsi dominanti sulle considerazioni tecniche".

Europe gets the prize: Sixty years of peace, if not prosperity

13 December 2012
World Tribune
Charles Grant of the London-based Centre for European Reform told the BBC, "The EU merits the peace prize. It’s role in history is unique and positive, and much more important than the inability of the current bunch of leaders to resolve the Eurozone’s travails."

The genius of Merkel - Germans love her, Europe loathes her. Why?

Katinka Barysch
12 December 2012
Greek newspapers like to portray German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Nazi uniform. The Italian daily Libero has greeted her with a rude Vaffanmerkel! on its cover.

Outside Europe

Katinka Barysch
12 December 2012
BBC Newsnight
Jeremy Paxman talks to Mayor of London Boris Johnson, Sir Andrew Cahn, Sir Martin Sorrell, Katinka Barysch and other guests on  how might Britain fare if it left the European Union?

L’eurozona accepta la ‘cotilla alemanya’ sense estímuls per créixer

Simon Tilford
11 December 2012
La Vanguardia
"L’austeritat fiscal per si sola no resoldrà la crisi", opina en canvi Simon Tilford, economista en cap de Center for European Reform, un think-tank europeista amb seu a Londres. Tilford insisteix en el fracàs d’aquesta estratègia a Grècia i Portugal i ressalta que "erosiona la confiança dels inversors".

Tiden er løbet fra gruppen af ikke-eurolande

Philip Whyte
10 December 2012
Philip Whyte, senioranalytiker i tænketanken Centre for European Reform i London, er enig. "Den idé viste sig at være komplet fantasi, "siger han til Information. I stedet består udegruppen nu af tre grupperinger.

Cameron starts work on EU declaration

09 December 2012
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the CER, sets out in a new article what is at stake: "British withdrawal requires two conditions to be satisfied. First, the government of the day must call a referendum on whether to leave the EU; second a majority of voters must want to quit.

Domanda interna vuol dire lavoro

Simon Tilford
09 December 2012
Il sole 24 Ore
Ora io non nego che si tratti di aspetti rilevanti, figuriamoci. Ma mi hanno molto impressionato l'analisi e quindi la strada prospettata da un economista come Simon Tilford, noto ai lettori del Financial Times e de Il Sole 24 Ore ed ora al CER dopo essere stato all'Economist Intelligence Unit. Devo premettere che gli argomenti di Tilford incrociano una disputa teorica accesa fra gli economisti che vanno tuttora per la maggiore, quelli cioè che predicano l'autosufficienza del mercato con uno Stato. 

Eurozone jobless figures hit record high

Katinka Barysch
01 December 2012
ABC News
Katinka Barysch of the CER says there is no one-size-fits-all-solution to the jobs crisis. "Unemployment among young people has always been higher than general joblessness but the economic crisis has widened the gap further," she said. "Many measures will not bite until growth returns."

Hollande Mittal push risks hurting economy by spooking investors

Philip Whyte
30 November 2012
"The French do have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot in terms of international public relations," said Philip Whyte of the CER in London. "This is the sort of incident that does their reputation no good."

Hugo Brady argues why Britain should remain a key player in EU crime and policing policy

28 November 2012
Britain needs to decide by 2014 whether to remain a central player in EU crime and policing policy. If not, the UK must opt-out of over 130 forms of European co-operation in this area with no guarantee of future access to - amongst other things - the European arrest warrant,...

Pressure on David Cameron over Britain's future in EU

Philip Whyte
28 November 2012
South China Morning Post
"When people think about Europe, they think in a lot less parochial way than probably 25 years ago," said Philip Whyte of the CER. "The paradox is that the growth of that feeling has coincided with a growth of hostility to the Brussels institutions."

Court rules Europe rescue fund within law

27 November 2012
Financial Times
"The ruling is critically important because it is the first time the European Court of Justice has intervened in the eurozone crisis," said Hugo Brady from the CER. "The court has clarified that eurozone creations such as the ESM and other bailout funds are not an EU fiscal system by the backdoor."

Germany and the EU

Katinka Barysch
26 November 2012
BBC Radio 4
Andrew Marr looks at Germany's role in Europe. Katinka Barysch argues that despite the crisis, support for EU integration still dominates, and that unlike Britain, the ability to compromise is seen as a skill, not a weakness.

Some in Britain say EU is bringing a new 'Marxist revolution'

Philip Whyte
25 November 2012
Los Angeles Times
"The Americans have always told the Brits that 'you guys are important for us because you have a big influence in Europe','" said Philip Whyte of the CER.

How to create EU-topia

25 November 2012
The Sunday Times
"It is possible that the rest of the EU might agree to Britain having an opt-out from the justice and home affairs pillar of EU regulation", says John Springford of the CER. "But to try to get employment rules changed, when lots of countries feel they are an integral part of the single market, will be very difficult."

Brytyjski ekspert: Cameron w sprawie budżetu Unii postawi na swoim

23 November 2012
Gazeta Wyborcza
Brytyjski premier nie jest sam. Oszczędności chce Szwecja, Holandia i, co najważniejsze, Niemcy - mówi John Springford, analityk brytyjskiego think tanku Centre for European Reform

EU budget: Small storm in large tea-cup

22 November 2012
BBC News
But,as John Springford from the CER has pointed out, [if the UK's contribution to the EU after 2013 rises by around £500m a year] it's the equivalent of about 0.03% of our GDP - roughly the annual budget of Oxfordshire County Council.