
Die Angst vor der Kontopfändung greift um sich

Simon Tilford
26 March 2013
Manager Magazin
"Auch andere Länder haben sehr schwache Banken, die letztlich rekapitalisiert werden müssen", sagt Simon Tilford,  CER. "Wer eine Zwangsabgabe auf Bankkonten einführt, riskiert, dass Bürger in Spanien oder Italien zwei Mal darüber nachdenken, ob sie ihr Geld den heimischen Banken überlassen."

Cyprus needs to tax Russian deposit holders

Katinka Barysch
22 March 2013
The Guardian
It's the best solution to banking crisis in Cyprus. It would alienate Moscow, but bring greater EU support

Interview on 'Do Britain’s European ties damage its prosperity?'

Philip Whyte
22 March 2013
Eurosceptics claim that EU membership has become a major drag on the British economy. If Britain left the EU, they argue, it would be freed of irksome continental influences like regulations and protectionism – and would consequently become freer, more prosperous and truer to its globalising nature.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of oil

Katinka Barysch
21 March 2013
European Voice
Katinka Barysch, deputy director of the CER, a think-tank based in London, points out that these are already important states in the transit of gas to the EU and are destined to become more important as new reserves in central Asia are developed.

The EU battle Cameron could win

Katinka Barysch
20 March 2013
In his big European speech on 23rd January, David Cameron said he wanted radical reform of the European Union or, failing that, a series of unilateral opt-outs.

Cyprus bailout incites turmoil as blame flies

Philip Whyte
18 March 2013
The New York Times
Officials scrambled to explain what went wrong and how best to control the damage of what Philip Whyte, a senior research fellow at the CER, called a “completely irrational decision” to make bank depositors liable for part of the bailout.

Boris Johnson, pourquoi les Anglais en sont fous

15 March 2013
Le Monde
"Boris n'était pas eurosceptique au début, se souvient Charles Grant, directeur du CER et qui fut correspondant à Bruxelles pour The Economist, en même temps que Boris. Il voulait devenir célèbre. Etre drôle, important, original à tout prix. Et quoi de mieux, pour cela, que s'attaquer à la pensée unique ?"

In Cyprus bailout, what's Russia got to do with it?

Simon Tilford
15 March 2013
Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform says that might have something to do the biggest banking customers in Cyprus. "By bailing out Cyprus, they are bailing out Russian oligarchs and financiers who have used Cyprus as a financial center," says Tilford.

EU could save billions with cross-border renewables co-operation

Stephen Tindale
14 March 2013
"Germany is a good example of how renewable policy has been driven as much, or possibly more, by industrial and employment policy concerns than it has by climate policy," said Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the London-based Centre for European Reform.

Isolated Britain fails to avert EU bank bonus cap

Philip Whyte
06 March 2013
Politics UK
"Britain has done a lot to isolate itself from the rest of the European Union," said Philip Whyte of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. "It isn't exercising very much influence in European debates, pretty much across the board."

Isolated Britain fails to avert EU bank bonus cap

Philip Whyte
05 March 2013
"Britain has done a lot to isolate itself from the rest of the European Union," said Philip Whyte of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. "It isn't exercising very much influence in European debates, pretty much across the board."

L'invasion de grillons

04 March 2013
Le Monde
Pour Charles Grant, qui dirige à Londres, non sans mérite, le Centre for European Reform, "la démocratie est le talon d'Achille de l'euro". 

Quand les think tanks doutent Europe

Philip Whyte
04 March 2013
Les Echos
Philip Whyte du Centre for European Reform (britannique) critique l'expression, popularisée par les euro-sceptiques de son pays, selon laquelle  "la Grande-Bretagne s'est enchaînée à un cadavre" et voit son activité économique bridée par les mille contraintes que sait inventer la bureaucratie bruxelloise.

Britain takes on Brussels

Simon Tilford, Britain vs Brussels
04 March 2013
The New York Times
The Cameron government considers the bonus cap "misguided and fear it could impact negatively on London without even combating the excessive risk-taking it was meant to address," said Simon Tilford, of the CER. "But London is caught between a rock and a hard place, as there’s much popular antipathy toward the bankers," Mr Tilford said. The issue of banker remuneration "is pretty toxic stuff Britain," he added.

Europe's protest parties on the march

Charles Grant, Simon Tilford
01 March 2013
The Guardian
"Voters now associate structural reforms with slump, rising unemployment and social stress," said Charles Grant and Simon Tilford of the CER in a paper published on Friday. "The Berlin-Brussels-Frankfurt consensus on austerity that Monti's government [pursued] has discredited the very reforms that are needed to boost the Italian economy."

EU strikes deal to cap banker bonuses

28 February 2013
"This could push British political opinion and opinion in the City of London several notches more hostile to the EU than it is already," said Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think tank.

Denmark is the easiest place in the EU to do business

Simon Tilford
28 February 2013
"It's complicated," said Simon Tilford, of the CER. "Germany, for example, has a relatively high corporate tax rate, but has very generous deductions, so the real picture is more nuanced." 

Italy turmoil raises questions about ECB backstop

Simon Tilford
27 February 2013
Associated Press
"Basically investors are taking this on faith," said Simon Tilford of the CER. ..."It would be very hard for the ECB to wade into the market and buy substantial quantities of Italian debt if there is political gridlock in Italy and a broad based rebellion against the austerity strategy," Tilford warns.

Are Italian voters right that austerity isn't working?

Simon Tilford
27 February 2013
The Christian Science Monitor
"Cutting public spending in a downturn is always risky, but it is especially so when all of Europe is tightening fiscal policy at the same time. The principal reason why public deficits have risen across Europe is because private sector demand has contracted sharply," says Simon Tilford of the CER.

Election deadlock raises fears of new crisis in recently calmer eurozone

Simon Tilford
26 February 2013
The Washington Post
"The politics of the current strategy for coping with the eurozone are looking increasingly fraught and unworkable,” said Simon Tilford of the CER. "On a positive note, if it leads to a rethinking of this approach, then it could be positive for the future of the currency union," he added.