
Recession causes grief for Hollande on election anniversary

Simon Tilford
17 May 2013
The Globe and Mail
"France's economy stacks up well among European countries", says Simon Tilford of the CER. Economic growth has been better than most eurozone countries since the financial crisis; productivity is higher, as is foreign investment.

Euro crisis mires continent in longest slump since war

Simon Tilford
16 May 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"Financial markets have become more sanguine than a year ago, but the underlying problems of the euro zone haven't been fixed," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER, a London-based think tank.

Coping with China's slowdown

16 May 2013
European Voice
Charles Grant, director of the CER, is certainly right when he says that EU negotiators have a poor record using their leverage as China's main trading partner in getting China "to do what they want", especially opening up its own markets to EU firms and combating intellectual property theft.

As Europe struggles, the Franco-German alliance turns testy

15 May 2013
The Christian Science Monitor
It’s also symbolically disconcerting for the identity of Europe. Hugo Brady of the CER, says that the breakdown is one of the biggest challenges the union faces today."If there isn't a France-German alliance, it’s the end of the Europe we’ve known for 50 years.”

Eurozone sets bleak record of longest term in recession

Simon Tilford
15 May 2013
Financial Times
"It’s pretty shocking data," said Simon Tilford, economist at the CER, a think tank. "The figures for Italy, Spain and France are very worrying ... There’s a very, very strong case for aggressive monetary relaxation across the eurozone now."

Britain could reshape Europe if it would only try

14 May 2013
Financial Times
Is there any point in Britain staying in the EU if it is outside the euro? No, according to increasing numbers of  British eurosceptics  and European federalists.

Labour must stand firm: No to a referendum on Europe

09 May 2013
The Guardian
Cameron has deliberately fudged what he means, special UK optouts or universal reforms for all: on Thursday he spoke of both. Germany's Angela Merkel seems somewhat receptive, according to Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.

Eurosceptics take heart from UKIP's election wins

08 May 2013
European Voice
"UKIP is part of a pan-European phenomenon," Charles Grant of the CER said. "It's not just hostility toward the EU; it's about hostility to the political class."

Foreign policy: Struggle for coherence remains intense in diplomatic relations

08 May 2013
Financial Times
"It was an undoubted success," says Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform (CER), a London-based think-tank. "It shows that forging a relationship with the EU still has a lot of attractions for its neighbours. Catherine Ashton's patient approach certainly paid off."

La UE teme el avance de los eurófobos

Katinka Barysch
07 May 2013
El Pais
"Los votantes empiezan a buscar respuestas fuera de ese bipartidismo, porque las que les han dado hasta ahora no son convincentes. Y los más confundidos pueden encontrar atractivos los mensajes simplistas de las fuerzas populistas", cierra Katinka Barysch, del Centre for European Reform.

One more field where the continent trails Germany

07 May 2013
The New York Times
John Springford of the CER said the winner-take-all aspect of soccer could also be troublesome for Europe as it battles the debt crisis. "The euro crisis has been dominated by that narrative of competitiveness," Mr Springford said. "That kind of zero-sum thinking that is analogous to the football mentality is one of the reasons why it’s been so difficult to create a lasting solution to the euro crisis."

Thousands protest against 'Mr Weak' François Hollande

05 May 2013
The Daily Telegraph
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform said: "The Germans have to be pragmatic enough to realise they are losing the argument and have got to soften, which will make it easier for Hollande to claim he has helped to push the EU into a more growth-oriented strategy."

Nigel Farage: How one man changed the face of British politics

04 May 2013
The Guardian
Charles Grant, of the CER, said the combination of economic crisis and bad governance by EU leaders had created the ideal climate in which populism could grow. He said: "We have a weak economy, weak leadership and a very badly run EU.

Der er et Europa for enden af tunnelen

Katinka Barysch
03 May 2013
Den nuværende krise og sprækkerne i eurozonen kan resultere i et styrket Europa. Unionsprojektet er allerede i gang med at gennemgå et nødvendigt realitetstjek, mener vicepræsident Katinka Barysch fra anerkendt Europa-tænketank.

Revival of Europe's economy falls to German leader

03 May 2013
International Herald Tribune
"They are prevaricating all the time and allowing short-term domestic considerations to determine eurozone policy," said Charles Grant, of the CER.

One year into Hollande presidency in France, 'a sense of drfit'

Simon Tilford
03 May 2013
International Herald Tribune
Still, Mr. Hollande’s economic policies, which have delayed cuts in public spending until next year, are sensible in a recession, said Simon Tilford, of the CER, and his fight against austerity is gaining traction in Brussels, despite frustration with him.

Europe warns of harder economic times to come

03 May 2013
International Herald Tribune
"Relying less on exports, and more on domestic demand, would also be good for Germany as it’s starting to feel recessionary effects from the south," said John Springford of the CER. But, he acknowledged, "those steps would be very difficult politically for the government in Berlin to take."

British lobbying group condemns a proposed European financial transaction tax

Philip Whyte
02 May 2013
The New York Times
"On the one hand it shows the dangers of disengaging from the EU," said Philip Whyte of the CER in London, who argues that Britain feels increasingly beleaguered on issues related to financial services.

An economic depression may be in the eye of the beholder

Simon Tilford
02 May 2013
The Wall Street Journal
A depression isn't a precise term, but it generally means "a long period of exceptionally weak activity—a big recession that an economy takes years to recover from," says Simon Tilford, of the CER.
It is the longevity of Europe's slump that is leading some analysts to talk of a depression. "Europe is now in a depression if one considers that output is still considerably short of where it was in 2007," Mr Tilford says.

Fears of mass migration call EU's freedoms into question

01 May 2013
European Voice
Hugo Brady of the CER also believes that the impact from the lifting of restrictions will be negligible. "I do not feel there is much to fear there," he said. Even if migrants come to the UK, he said, "they are more likely to work, less likely to be on benefits, and moving up the ladder faster” than the UK-born population.