
Living in a state of seamless war

Rem Korteweg
29 August 2013
The New York Times
In Egypt, said Rem Korteweg of the Centre for European Reform, developments have conspired to place Europe "in the uncomfortable position of giving preference to its security interests over its liberal values, without being sure it can protect either."

Why the Greek privatisation programme is failing

19 August 2013
BBC World business report
The CER's John Springford discusses the sacking of Greek privatisation chief Stelios Stavridis, and why his programme is failing, with the BBC's Roger Hearing. (From 11.53) 

I'll trade you: The US and Europe settle in for Transatlantic talks

Philip Whyte
15 August 2013
The financialist
"This is not the first such initiative to free up transatlantic trade and investment, and all previous initiatives have resulted in failure," Philip Whyte, of the CER, told The Financialist.

The Tories' political cul-de-sac on EU migration

08 August 2013
Right from the start, EU immigration was the glaringly obvious hole in David Cameron’s pledge to "reduce net immigration into the UK from the hundreds to the tens of thousands".

Helpt Nederland Cameron bij de hervorming van de EU

Rem Korteweg
02 August 2013
David Cameron zoekt bondgenoten om de Europese Unie terug in het hok te duwen. Hij rekent daarbij op Nederland, de traditionele wapenbroeder als het gaat om tegenwicht aan Brussel of de Duits-Franse as.

Germany's new coalition to set agenda for EU energy policy

Stephen Tindale
01 August 2013
Natural Gas Daily
"Germany is so dependent on Russian gas that the question of its own potential energy reserves becomes a foreign policy issue as well as an energy issue," said Stephen Tindale of the CER.

Esperanzas y obstáculos en Myanmar

Katinka Barysch
01 August 2013
Myanmar (antigua Birmania) tiene por delante un largo y difícil camino hasta alcanzar la estabilidad política, la democracia y el desarrollo económico. La esperanza es que Aung San Suu Kyi sea capaz de unir a la nación y encabezar las reformas necesarias tras las elecciones de 2015.

Berlin finds few allies for austerity push G-20

Simon Tilford
22 July 2013
The Wall Street Journal
"The idea that Germans would even get backing from other Europeans was rather fanciful, and the idea that Americans would go along with targets was far-fetched," said Simon Tilford of the CER. ..."More people are questioning whether austerity in Europe has been self-defeating," he said.

Navalny's sentence will influence the Russian economy

19 July 2013
Valdai Club
Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption blogger was released from custody on Friday. Member of the Valdai discussion club Charles Grant discusses the new turn in the matter.
What will be the consequences of the conviction and verdict on Alexei Navalny for the Russian political system?
I think the main consequences...

Letta a Londra si sforza di non vedere le nubi

18 July 2013
La delegazione scivola di appuntamento in appuntamento, tra Downing street, il Centre for European Reform, uno dei think tank più prestigiosi, dove lo accoglie Bill Emmott; c’è spazio anche per un taglio di nastro nella nuova sede del Consolato italiano a Farringdon street.

The politics of bringing democracy to Brussels

18 July 2013
The Wall Street Journal
Charles Grant, director of the CER, says using the parliamentary elections to choose the commission president is "fraught with potential dangers." If the commission gets too close to Parliament, as this change would make likely, it could further undermine its credibility with member states, he says.

The European Investment Bank's new screening and assessment criteria for energy projects

Stephen Tindale, Ingrid Holmes
17 July 2013
The European Investment Bank's new screening and assessment criteria for energy projects is welcomed as a significant step forward in moving the European Union to becoming a low carbon economy while generating sustainable growth and jobs.

UK and Ireland plan visa-free common travel area to boost growth

17 July 2013
Financial Times
"Any kind of co-operation like this is good. But the UK would do even better to deepen its co-operation with the actual Schengen area, especially on visas,"  said Hugo Brady, a senior research fellow at the CER.

Politexperte Hugo Brady: «Ich halte nicht viel von Untergangspropheten»

15 July 2013
Migros Magazin
Wohin steuert Europa? Ist das Modell EU überhaupt reformierbar? Das Migros-Magazin hat Hugo Brady, einen der ausgewiesensten Spezialisten in Sachen Europa, gefragt. Der Ire über Reformen in Zeiten der Krise und über die Schweiz als Vorbild der Grossen im Staatenbund.
Hugo Brady, auf dem ganzen Kontinent steigt die...

Think-tank of the year

15 July 2013
This year’s International Affairs Think Tank of the Year award goes to the Centre for European Reform... This year, the judges were impressed by the strength of the CER’s economic analysis and its choice of subjects has gone right to the heart of the most pressing debates.

European justice: More is less

12 July 2013
The Economist
Britain has to opt out of all the rules on justice and policing and then get European approval to opt back in to the bits it likes. ...Hugo Brady of the CER says the result of the change will be to reduce Britain’s influence in the EU's justice and migration policies.

Europe in danger of losing race to commercialise CCS

Stephen Tindale
12 July 2013
Utility Week
"It is a sign that Europe is losing the race for CCS commercialisation, which will be a major missed economic opportunity," said Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Political cosmetics

04 July 2013
European Voice
Charles Grant argues in a recent paper for the CER that member states' confidence in the Commission is diminishing because it proposes too many detailed rules in areas such as environment, food safety and social policy.

Rift over austerity plans is seen in ailing Portugal

Simon Tilford
03 July 2013
The New York Times
"Portugal was one of the poster children for it, with a government that sounded even more wedded to austerity and supply-side reforms than the policy makers sitting in Brussels, Berlin and Frankfurt," said Simon Tilford, of the CER.

Can Europe shoulder its military burden on its own?

Clara Marina O’Donnell
02 July 2013
The Christian Science Monitor
"NATO has meant that countries, historically, that had been at war have put those animosities aside and committed to mutual security," says Clara O'Donnell of the CER, "It means that at least there is one part of the world that the US had to worry about before that it now doesn't have to worry about."