
CER podcast: The rights of EU migrants in Britain after Brexit

John Springford, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Sophia Besch
07 October 2016
CER researchers assess the credibility, legality and practical feasibility of political proposals to restrict the rights of EU migrants in the UK.

Rude awakening in the UK over Brexit cost sends pound down

Simon Tilford
07 October 2016
May’s strategy amounts to a bet that voters’ opposition to immigration outweighs all else and that the economy will find support from easier fiscal policy, new trade deals emerge and banks don’t flee London, said Simon Tilford, deputy director at the Center for European Reform. The political payoff could be more support for her Conservatives at a time when the opposition Labour Party is in disarray.

Why Europe wants a hard Brexit to hurt

07 October 2016
The Guardian
British ministers are being overly optimistic about the chances of a decent trade deal if they reject the single market.

Brexit Briefing: Theresa May's EU budget bargain

06 October 2016
Financial Times
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, tells me the UK offer will make little difference to the chance of an interim deal. “Berlin insists that budget payments will not allow Britain to pick and choose,” he says. “And if we consider that the UK’s net contribution would be spread between the other net contributors, it’s not a game changer.”

German industry cannot save Britain from hard Brexit, warns Merkel

Simon Tilford
06 October 2016
The Telegraph
Simon Tilford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank, said that taking a hard line with Britain despite the size of its market reflected European concerns that Brexit posed an existential threat to the EU.

“If Britain could leave but retain the advantages of membership, what would prevent other Eurosceptic countries from pushing for similar deals? Like France and Italy, Germany is desperate to avoid setting a precedent that emboldens Eurosceptic movements in other countries,” he said.

Czy Kaczyński zaszkodzi szansom Tuska na drugą kadencję? Może, ale nie musi

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 October 2016
Patrząc od strony politycznej, unijna praktyka pokazuje że dobrze jest, jeśli jest jednomyślność. Tym bardziej, że jego zadaniem jest wypracowywanie kompromisów i reprezentowanie stanowiska rządów państw członkowskich - mówi WP Agata Gostyńska, analityk Centre for European Reform w Londynie. - Ostatecznie dużo będzie zależeć od tego, czy zostanie zaproponowany kontrkandydat, i czy Polska będzie jedynym państwem sprzeciwiającym się wyborowi Tuska - dodaje.

Judy Asks: Is Central Europe destroying EU solidarity?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 October 2016
Carnegie Europe
Central Europe's defiant approach toward the refugee crisis has undermined EU unity, but it has not triggered its erosion.

William Hague's migration solution

04 October 2016
Financial Times
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform argues in a paper out this week: "British negotiators need to understand why the 27 are taking such a tough line on the four freedoms. Their obduracy is based on more than the attachment of EU politicians and officials to conservative, traditional thinking.

Phil's six impossible things to do before Brexit

04 October 2016
The Evening Standard
However, as was pointed out here only last week, citing analysis published by the Centre for European Reform, if growth is calculated with reference to what things cost in each county and what the money can actually buy, then the UK is behind Germany, Spain and France among the European countries, to say nothing of those G7 counties across the Atlantic — the USA and Canada.

Tok FM: Brexit czas zaczac

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 October 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Theresa May's decision to launch Brexit talks.

Hammond hasn't had enough of experts

Simon Tilford
04 October 2016
Financial Times
Hammond seems to have a well-read advisory team. This bit of the speech seemed to have been written in direct response to Simon Tilford’s pamphlet on Britain’s mediocre economy, published last week (picked up in Free Lunch and later by Martin Wolf). Hammond pointed out that labour productivity in Britain is worse not just than that of the US and Germany, but also France and Italy. He pointed out that changing this requires greater investment in infrastructure and skills. And he highlighted the large disparity in prosperity between different regions of the UK. It was as if he was ticking boxes set out by Tilford, since these were the main headings in the pamphlet.

Storbritannien på vej mod 'hård Brexit'

Simon Tilford
04 October 2016
Den britiske økonomi har i månederne efter EU-afstemningen klaret sig bedre, end hvad mange eksperter advarede om under valgkampen.

Theresa May sets out her stall

03 October 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant, of the Centre for European Reform, says the reason the EU is taking such a tough stance — not only rejecting pre-negotiation but also insisting that the UK cannot have the single market without freedom of movement — is fear of populism.

Europe governments warn May won't get early Brexit talks

03 October 2016
The remaining nations may be taking a hard line as they worry early talks would allow the British to sow divisions among the 27 by meeting with individual governments, according to Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.

CER podcast: Charles Grant on negotiating Brexit – priorities on both sides of the channel

Charles Grant, Sophia Besch
03 October 2016
Sophia Besch talks to CER's director Charles Grant about Brexit red lines in Paris, Berlin and Brussels and a negotiation strategy for the British.

Theresa May: The captain of HMS Brexit surfaces

03 October 2016
Channel 4 News
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform has repeatedly argued we are heading for a Canada Trade Deal with some additions. Brexiteer ministers would argue we can do much better than that because of various entanglements that allow us to improve our bargaining position.

May on collision course with Conservative backbenchers over hard Brexit

03 October 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, has published a paper in which he reveals that negotiators in other countries including France and Germany are preparing to stand their ground in Brexit negotiations. They believe freedom of movement is a central part of the single market and are reluctant to make concessions in other areas. "She is trying to square a circle and none of us know how she plans to do it, but British companies will not be in the single market if she limits immigration and spurns or rejects ECJ rulings," said Grant.

Theresa May's game of Brexit chicken

03 October 2016
Theresa May's speech to the Conservative party conference yesterday was only slightly less gnomic than her previous statements about Brexit.

German hard line on Italy may rebound with Deutsche in crisis

Simon Tilford
03 October 2016
The Daily Mail
The possibility that Deutsche could run short of capital if it is overwhelmed by penalties puts Berlin in a more vulnerable position than before, possibly undermining any push for a tough solution for Italy. "They have taken a very doctrinaire line with the Italians," said Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank. "Maybe this gives Germany cover to soften their line."

What will happen now timescale for article 50 has been revealed?

02 October 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform likens it to a divorce settlement, "dividing up the properties, institutions and pension rights, and dealing with budget payments and ... the rights of UK citizens in the EU and vice versa".