
Tok FM: Chaos wokół Brexitu?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the chaos surrounding Brexit.

Brexit: The view from Central Europe

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
15 November 2016
Social Europe
The UK’s decision to withdraw from the EU is a blow to Central Europe. The Central European countries will urge other member-states to maintain close ties with post-Brexit Britain.

How does Trump's win affect UK's EU exit plan

15 November 2016
The Guardian
Which prompted Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform to offer the government this post-Trump Brexit advice: "The UK should focus on leaving the EU with the minimum damage to its relations with its European partners. That argues for minimising its demands and trying to achieve a quick agreement … If the UK is not to take a big economic hit, it needs to stay inside the single market. It should not make cutting EU migration its top priority, and try to salvage what it can of its market access."

EU scales back plans for military HQ as it unveils crisis response blueprint

Sophia Besch
14 November 2016
The Guardian
“Even if Hillary Clinton had won, there was always awareness that Europeans would need to do more for their own defence,” said Sophia Besch at the Centre for European Reform, but a Trump presidency had created “more urgency”.

Londyński analityk: Wybór Donalda Trumpa może wpłynąć korzystnie na stosunki Wielkiej Brytanii z UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
12 November 2016
Zwycięstwo Donalda Trumpa i Brexit wywołały w światowej polityce trzęsienia ziemi. Wybór na stanowisko prezydenta kandydata republikanów może wpłynąć korzystnie na stosunki Wielkiej Brytanii z Unią Europejską - mówi w rozmowie z korespondentem RMF FM Bogdanem Frymorgenem Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska z Centre for European Reform.

Donald Trump's election leaves Angela Merkel as the liberal West's last defender

Simon Tilford
12 November 2016
The New York Times
"Never before has so much ridden on the Germans," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London. "We're very fortunate that Germany is led now by Merkel, because there is a chance she will step up and do what Europe needs her to do."

RTVE: Europa abierta - Un año de los atentados de París. ¿Se ha reforzado realmente la seguridad europea?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
11 November 2016
The CER's Camino Mortera-Martinez speaks to one year on from the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Europe fears end of liberal Western economic order

Simon Tilford
10 November 2016
Another potential danger, according to economist Simon Tilford, the deputy director of London-based Centre for European Reform, comes from the veiled threats Trump has uttered towards the independence of the Federal Reserve, the US central bank. “You clearly see a scenario where instead of moderating Trump, the House and the Senate fall behind him, and there the implications for Europe could be pretty serious,” he said.

Trump tsunami: EU braces for 'revolution' amid Austria, Italy, France and German elections

Simon Tilford
10 November 2016
The Express
The deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, Simon Tilford said: "You clearly see a scenario where instead of moderating Trump, the House and the Senate fall behind him, and there the implications for Europe could be pretty serious."

Here's the stark impact that Trump's victory will have on Europe's fractured politics

10 November 2016
But Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, told CNBC via phone that attempts by European nationalist politicians to claim they – and Trump - are outsiders from the political establishment is a misleading representation – even if effective. According to Bond, "To portray Trump's victory as a revolt against the elite is misleading. Trump's father was an enormous property developer and he has risen by exploiting the system himself."

TTIP døde med Trumps sejr

Rem Korteweg
10 November 2016
»Enten vil vi se en fuldstændig genforhandling af TTIP, eller også vil den være død og begravet,« siger Rem Korteweg, ekspert i det transatlantiske forhold hos Centre for European Reform i London.

W.Brytania: Ekspert: wybór Trumpa to test dla Unii Europejskiej

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
10 November 2016
Wygrana Donalda Trumpa umocni siły populistyczne, które chcą większej roli państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej albo po prostu jej rozpadu - oceniła w rozmowie z PAP analityk Centre for European Reform Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska. "To test dla UE" - dodała.
Gostyńska-Jakubowska zaznaczyła, że zwycięstwo kandydata Partii Republikańskiej Trumpa w

Trump throws the future of NATO into doubt. Europe must step up to defend itself

Sophia Besch
10 November 2016
The Telegraph
It’s not just tanks. The EU’s 28 countries also maintain 12 kinds of tanker aircraft and 19 kinds of fighting aircraft, according to Sophia Besch at the Centre for European Reform. In Eastern Europe, many spare parts are still supplied by Russia. Some countries that do spend more, like Greece, fritter defence budgets away on a vast headcount and military pensions, rather than technology.  When states do procure hardware, they are overwhelmingly protectionist, coddling their own industries at the cost of effectiveness. As Ms Besch puts it, the whole system is full of “duplication and redundancy”.

USA: W kampanii Donald Trump nie krył sceptycyzmu wobec UE

Sophia Besch
09 November 2016
Gazeta Prawna
Obawy w Europie wzbudziły też jego wypowiedzi o możliwym wycofaniu się USA z NATO i nazwanie tej organizacji "przestarzałym" sojuszem, który kosztuje USA "majątek". Od tego czasu zdążył wycofać się z tych słów, zapewniając, że "całkowicie popiera NATO", jednak zdaniem ekspertów jego słowa wyrządziły szkodę. "Jego sympatia dla Putina i transakcyjne podejście do obrony Europy powinno być powodem do niepokoju dla każdego państwa w Europie, które w kwestii obrony polega na NATO" - zaznacza Sophia Besch z think tanku Centre for European Reform.

What does President Trump's victory mean for the world? Fears over global instability

09 November 2016
The Express
Ian Bond, foreign policy director at the Centre for European Reform, slammed Trump's comments on foreign policy as "incoherent and sometimes frightening". Mr Bond said: "The choice of a US President affects not just the people of America, but the rest of the world."  

Trump victory hailed 'apocalypse' of the mainstream by Europe's rising populist politicians

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 November 2016
The Telegraph
"It is true, everything seems possible these days," said Agata Gostyńska, EU Institutions research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank. "But on the other hand, there is some pattern with populists. They are really sharp at gaining power when on the outside, but when they get into power and are constrained by real politics they tend not be so successful."

Onzekerheid over Trump brengt EU verder in vertwijfeling

Rem Korteweg
09 November 2016
Volgens Rem Korteweg van het Centre for European Reform in Londen maakt Trumps 'transactionele mentaliteit' het goed denkbaar dat Trump deals gaat sluiten met 'andere stevige mannen'. Dat speelt leiders als Poetin, Erdogan en Assad in de kaart. 'Dan komen we helemaal terug in een negentiende-eeuws model van invloedssferen, waarin instellingen en multilaterale organisaties geen rol spelen.'

Could a Donald Trump win destroy the EU? Security and trade instability may devastate bloc

Sophia Besch
08 November 2016
The Express
Nevertheless Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said: "Europe's security is at stake in these US elections. Trump has publicly questioned the solidarity commitment that is at the heart of the NATO alliance, declaring US support conditional on Europeans increasing their own defence budgets. His proximity to Putin and transactional approach to defending Europe should be of deep concern to every European state that depends on NATO’s protection."

Trump plus Brexit

Ian Bond, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
08 November 2016
In a podcast released yesterday, researchers at the Centre for European Reform said Clinton would likely follow Obama in favoring regional deals rather than a bilateral pact with the UK. They said US politicians are worried Brexit will distract the UK and EU from other matters such as fighting terrorism, and make it harder for US busineses and investors to access the region.

CER podcast: What the US elections and Brexit mean for US-EU relations

Ian Bond, Sophia Besch, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
07 November 2016
CER researchers discuss the impact of the UK’s vote to leave the EU on transatlantic relations and how the future US president will approach Europe.