
Europeans confront a new, zero-sum world

Simon Tilford
25 November 2016
The Wall Street Journal
"Trump is no economic liberal and does not appear to understand how global institutions and norms crafted by the US serve its interests," Simon Tilford, deputy director of the London-based Centre for European Reform wrote. "He may only last one term in office, but the UK cannot afford to assume that Trump’s presidency is just a temporary hiatus before normal service resumes."

Martin Schulz throws spanner in Brussels' political works

25 November 2016
Financial Times
"To his credit, his rough and direct manner sometimes allows him to communicate with voters outside the Brussels bubble,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. “But his uncompromising commitment to ‘more Europe’ on the traditional model has done nothing to reassure more EU-sceptic voters that the union is able or willing to engage in fundamental reform.”

Italian referendum 2016: The next vote that could ROCK Europe to its core occurs next week

25 November 2016
The Express
Luigi Scazzieri, a fellow at CER, said that “Italy’s seems to be lined up as the next domino to fall to populism” in the referendum next week. In an opinion piece in Prospect magazine, he wrote: “The impact of a “No” vote on Italy’s political stability is likely to be contained. “Renzi’s resignation would not automatically trigger new elections. The Italian president Sergio Mattarella would first explore options for a new government.”

The week in review - More gloomy forecasts and May remains vague

25 November 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant, head of the Centre for European Reform, said: “Most of the key people in the Brussels institutions have low expectations of what can be achieved in the Brexit negotiations. Indeed, some foresee a serious risk of the Article 50 talks breaking down and of Britain therefore pursuing a very hard, WTO-rules-only, exit.” 

The next vote that could rock Europe to its core occurs next week

Simon Tilford
25 November 2016
The Express
 Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform (CER), said that an Italian referendum on the eurozone would lead to considerable instability in Europe. Mr Tilford said: “The act of calling that referendum would precipitate a crisis in Europe. It would embolden populist and anti-Europe parties elsewhere.”  
CER podcast series: The economics of populism, episode two

CER podcast series: The economics of populism, episode two

Sophia Besch, David Willetts, Nicholas Crafts
25 November 2016
In this episode, David Willetts and Nicholas Crafts discuss 'Was Brexit a rebellion against globalisation?'

Tok FM: Kto będzie chciał mieć ostatnie słowo w sprawie Brexitu?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Brexit.

The £59 billion reckoning

24 November 2016
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform reckoned that Brexit would leave the economy 3.2 per cent smaller in 2030 than had voters chosen to stay in the EU. "In the long-term then, Brexit means lower spending or higher taxes," Springford said in a report. "The key political question is who will be at the receiving end of these measures."

Brexit uncertainty could hit investment in UK, warns German car chief

23 November 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant, of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said in a report that the EU was showing “surprising” unity on its red lines for Britain’s departure and was preparing for a hard Brexit that would leave the UK outside the single market. Grant said government pronouncements since October had contributed to “an erosion of the goodwill that EU leaders feel towards the UK. They reckon that UK politics is being driven by emotion rather than reason and that there is not much they can do to prevent a hard Brexit”.

It's impossible for the government not to screw up Brexit with only 24 months to seal the deal

Rem Korteweg
23 November 2016
The Independent
From figuring out the negotiations guidelines to drawing up a transition deal, parliament's vote, European Court of Justice reviews and even talks about who gets what wine from the Commission's cellar, drawing up a Brexit deal will take years not months.

Brexit Britain faces threat of higher EU barriers

22 November 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said commission officials insist “not entirely convincingly” that this tightening is unrelated to Brexit. But “France is driving this hard line on financial services and nobody is resisting”, he said.

Brexit Briefing: Dancing on a cliff edge

22 November 2016
Financial Times
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform writes in a comprehensive analysis on Tuesday, EU officials "insist that during the transition the UK would have to accept free movement and European Court of Justice rulings. They know that this may be politically unacceptable for May."

The TPP is dead, so what does that mean for Canada?

Rem Korteweg
22 November 2016
CBC News
Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told EU Trade Insights that Trump's strategy resembles the Chinese playbook. Expect the US to engage less with the EU, Japan and South Korea, which have a trade surplus with the US, he said. Unlike Obama, Trump won't make trade deals a foreign policy tool, Korteweg told the online trade publication. Instead, he will take a "narrow, transactional approach to FTAs like China used to do."

Donald Trump is a domestic tragedy for America and, as his TPP decision suggests, a catastrophe for Brexit Britain

Simon Tilford
22 November 2016
The Independent
As Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform points out, the US negotiators may well demand American pharmaceutical giants be given the freedom to undermine the monopoly drug-buying power of the NHS, or to prise open the British agricultural market, in its entirety, to dominant US producers.

PM warned transition Brexit deal 'fiendishly difficult' to achieve

21 November 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant, director at the think-tank Centre for European Reform, said seeking a transition deal could delay key aims of May’s Brexit negotiations such as immigration controls and freedom from European court of justice rulings. “May now understands the need for a transitional deal to cover the period between when the UK leaves the EU and when a new free trade agreement comes into effect, several years later,” he said.

Politics may trigger shift in European economic policy

Christian Odendahl
21 November 2016
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, said the European Commission's call for more spending was unlikely to sway Germany. "The change needs to come from within," he said. But Odendahl does believe that a more vigorous debate is developing within Germany over the wisdom of Schaeuble's "Schwarze Null", or balanced budget, policies.

Polskie Radio 24: Brexit: Szkocja i Walia mają głos

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio 24 about the Supreme Court's decision to allow Scottish and Welsh governments to join the court's case.

Politics may trigger shift in European economic policy

Christian Odendahl
18 November 2016
The Daily Mail
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, said the European Commission's call for more spending was unlikely to sway Germany."The change needs to come from within," he said. But Odendahl does believe that a more vigorous debate is developing within Germany over the wisdom of Schaeuble's "Schwarze Null", or balanced budget, policies.

Brexit: Could UK get 'associate EU citizenship'?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
17 November 2016
BBC News
Camino Mortera-Martinez, an EU justice expert at the Centre for European Reform, said there was "no appetite for treaty change in Brussels at the moment".

CER podcast series: The economics of populism, episode one

Christian Odendahl, Barry Eichengreen, Martin Wolf
16 November 2016
In this episode, Barry Eichengreen and Martin Wolf discuss 'Are macro-economic policy failures behind the rise of populism?'