
CER podcast: Charles Grant and Nick Clegg on Brexit challenges

Charles Grant, Nick Clegg MP
08 September 2016
Charles Grant talks to Nick Clegg MP about the challenges facing the EU-UK exit negotiations, after the launch of his second 'Brexit Challenge' report.

Former WTO boss attacks 'total confusion' over Brexit

Peter Sutherland
08 September 2016
Theresa May's government has been slammed by a former director general of the WTO Peter Sutherland, for creating "total confusion" around its plans for Britain's new trade relationship with the EU and the wider world after Brexit.

Tok FM: Wielka Brytania nie ujawni przed czasem strategii wobec UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 September 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Theresa May's meeting with Donald Tusk.
Don’t give up on TTIP

Don’t give up on TTIP

Rem Korteweg
06 September 2016
TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is in trouble. A chilly protectionist breeze is blowing across the west and the likelihood of reaching and ratifying a deal is receding.
David Davis doesn't understand

David Davis doesn't understand

Simon Tilford
06 September 2016
His remarks in the Commons betray his failure to grasp the nature of the Single Market and his failure to acknowledge the Single Market’s role in boosting trade in goods and services among its member-states.

Concrete details on Brexit remain elusive as David Davis speaks

05 September 2016
Financial Times
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, who is convinced Britain will see "a hard Brexit", said that the Japanese paper amounted to an implausible wish list. "What the Japanese want is for the British to remain in the European Economic Area and this is impossible to achieve. It is difficult to see Theresa May securing that while also keeping her pro-Brexit MPs on board."
Always look on the dark side of life: How Britain got the EU wrong

Always look on the dark side of life: How Britain got the EU wrong

05 September 2016
When the British people voted by 52 to 48 per cent on June 23rd to leave the European Union, the political and financial establishment was shocked. Why had so many ordinary Britons voted for a leap into the unknown?

Großbritannien könnte bald Europol verlassen

Camino Mortera-Martinez
02 September 2016
Die Welt
"Unter britischer Führung ist Europol zu einer EU-Agentur geworden, in der die Mitgliedstaaten Informationen austauschen, die bedeutend sind im Kampf gegen grenzübergreifende Kriminalität und internationalen Terrorismus", sagt Camino Mortera-Martinez, Innenexpertin beim Centre for European Reform.

Theresa May will lead us into a bleak future – outside the single market

02 September 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform think-tank says "the British people are living in cloud cuckoo land" about the economic impact. Most prophets of post-Brexit economic doom are lying low at the moment – August's rebound in manufacturing being the latest reason for them to do so. But it is hard to imagine how a Britain outside the single market will not struggle.

Europeans say TTIP future is uncertain

Simon Tilford
01 September 2016
"The US is seen as this unregulated, red in tooth and claw kind of place, and if we have to standardize regulation with the US, that will lead to an erosion of standards and protections within the EU," said Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform.

BBC Radio 4: Brexit: The Leavocrats

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
31 August 2016
Gus O'Donnell, the former head of the British Civil Service, returns to Whitehall to find out how his ex-colleagues are gearing up to take on what's been described as the Service's greatest challenge since the Second World War - making Brexit happen.

As deadlines bear down, Britain's 'Brexit' effort is a muddle

31 August 2016
The New York Times
"At the moment, they haven't got a clue," said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based research institute. "It is such a difficult challenge with such disparate leaders at the top of government, with such different views, that they are trying to work out how to respond."

Five questions Theresa May must answer on Brexit

31 August 2016
The question is: how far will they go, and what will they trade for it? The Centre for European Reform's John Springford has argued that the EU’s dealings with other non-member nations show that it’s unlikely to grant substantial access to the single market without the UK accepting largely unfettered free movement, and public suggestions by EU figures have largely agreed.

Restricting immigration will be at heart of Brexit deal, Theresa May says

31 August 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said immigration controls meant Britain’s Brexit deal would not be along the lines of that used for Norway or Switzerland. Instead, it put the UK on track for a Canada-style agreement, with free trade for manufactured goods but not necessarily for services. "People have been assuming there will have to be restrictions on immigration of some sort, either an emergency brake, or an Australian-style points system for European workers," he said.

Trade wars: Why the central pillar of global order is in danger of collapse as TTIP disintegrates

Rem Korteweg
30 August 2016
The Telegraph
"TTIP was supposed to set the rules for the global trade," said Rem Korteweg, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform. "It was to be a central pillar of an alliance of like-minded countries. If it all falls apart in acrimony, what kind of global governance are we going to have?" he said.

More than 35 London financial firms eye Dublin switch

Simon Tilford
30 August 2016
The Irish Times
"Most thought this would never happen," said Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank. "The test will come when they realise that there's no going back. Then the real reaction will kick in."

Brexit: A tough to-do list for Whitehall

26 August 2016
BBC News
Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform says Theresa May has a "six pack of difficult deals". He predicts that Britain's exit from the EU will require at least "six interlocking sets of negotiations".

Working collectively is key to delivering optimum post-Brexit outcome

26 August 2016
Public Sector Executive
And this is not merely a question of a single deal with the EU, but rather, will require, as Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform has pointed out, multiple sets of overlapping talks. First, to secure exit from the EU. Second, to agree a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the EU. Third, to put in place an interim deal to cover the period between the end of membership and entry into force of the FTA. Fourth, to accede to full membership of the World Trade Organisation. Fifth, to replace the FTAs the EU has signed with 53 other countries.
"Posielať domov" migrantov z EÚ nebude pre Britániu ľahké

"Posielať domov" migrantov z EÚ nebude pre Britániu ľahké

Camino Mortera-Martinez, John Springford
23 August 2016
Ľudia z iných krajín EÚ žijúci v Británii sa až tak veľmi brexitu obávať nemusia, píšu experti think-tanku CER. Novú britskú vládu čakajú v najbližších rokoch veľmi komplikované rokovania, podľa ktorých sa dohodne podoba budúceho vzťahu medzi Veľkou Britániou a zvyškom únie. Kľúčovou otázkou bude vytvorenie právneho rámca pre pokračovanie pobytu občanov EÚ v Spojenom kráľovstve.

Polskie Radio: Kim są komisarze Komisji Europejskiej?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
23 August 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio about the European Commssion and the areas of responsibility of each Commissioner, eg: education, culture, health, budget or taxes.