
CER podcast: 5 questions on Trade, Trump and TTIP

CER podcast: 5 questions on Trade, Trump and TTIP

Sophia Besch, Rem Korteweg
16 January 2017
Rem Korteweg explains what trade policy under Trump will look like, if and how European governments can save TTIP, and what to make of a US-UK trade deal.

Will Geert Wilders win the Dutch election? Latest polls for the Netherlands election 2017

Rem Korteweg
16 January 2017
The Express
Rem Korteweg, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER), believes that there is an 80 per cent chance that the Mr Wilders will win. He said: “We have to take the polls with a grain of salt, but Wilder has really been able to create a significant lead over the past two months.” 

Europe readies for Nationalist tide

16 January 2017
The Wall Street Journal
Unless there is a Le Pen victory, the EU is unlikely to lose more members, said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank. But Mr. Grant said doubts about the euro could revive if Italy holds elections as some expect and voters back the antiestablishment 5 Star Movement, which wants a referendum on the common currency. Impediments to the 5 Star Movement’s ability to win on a national level include its refusal to form coalitions with more-established parties. “The chances that the euro will face an existential crisis about Italy are small but not zero,” Mr. Grant said.

Užsienio diplomato kirtis: nelaikykite rusų milžinais, o lietuvių nykštukais

13 January 2017
Situacija Europos Rytuose pamažu karštėja. Auga Lietuvos išlaidos gynybai, žiniasklaidoje plinta netikros naujienos ir propaganda, o šalies lyderiai tautiečius gąsdina pasisakymais apie kaip niekada didelį Lietuvos pažeidžiamumą. O kaip visa tai atrodo stebėtojui iš šalies – ar tikrai esame pajėgūs apsiginti ir kada sulauksime didžiosios Rytų kaimynės griūties?
Į kasmet Užsienio...

Buoyant economy steels Brexiters' resolve on EU talks ahead

Simon Tilford
13 January 2017
Financial Times
“There’s no doubt that economic activity has held up better than most economists thought,” Simon Tilford, of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform think-tank, conceded. Mr Tilford notes that not all pro-EU economists missed the mark, and - like many - remains convinced that the Brexit pain will eventually arrive. But he worries that the smooth sailing in the meantime could create a false sense of confidence and shift public support toward a more extreme form of EU exit.“The fact that growth has held up over the last six months is a negative because it’s emboldened the Eurosceptics and those who think that the UK can flourish outside the single market,” he explained.

Tim Barrow, invisible ambassador

13 January 2017
“The British government saw Russia largely as a trade opportunity for much of the time he was ambassador,” said Ian Bond, a Russia expert at the Centre for European Reform think-tank in London. “[Barrow] is very knowledgeable, very capable and very hard-nosed.”

The problem with English

12 January 2017
Financial Times
“The British political class is astonishingly ignorant of the EU, whether they are pro it or against,” says Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.

Seven Brexit strategies Theresa May could use to erode EU unity

Sophia Besch
12 January 2017
“Even after Brexit, the EU and the UK will have a mutual interest in close defense and security relations,” Sophia Besch, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said in a note. “While it would make sense for Europeans to co-ordinate their response to Brexit and the Trump presidency in defense matters, unity is by no means predetermined.”

Judy Asks: Can Europe defeat Russian disinformation?

11 January 2017
Carnegie Europe
You cannot defeat disinformation: it is a tactic, not an enemy in its own right. But Europe can counter it, and do so more effectively.

Brexit-folk er ikke globaliseringstabere

Simon Tilford
09 January 2017
Siden et flertal af briterne i juni sidste år stemte for at forlade EU, har politikere og analytikere kaldt det et oprør fra vælgere, der er blevet ramt af globaliseringens ulemper og stigende ulighed.

Det store valgår 2017 kan for altid forandre Europa

Rem Korteweg
08 January 2017
"Hvis det bliver med Fillon som modkandidat i anden runde, så har Le Pen faktisk en chance, fordi de mere venstreorienterede vælgere ikke kan lide Fillon, og derfor måske bliver hjemme eller ligefrem stemmer på Le Pen. Det kan ikke længere udelukkes, og Le Pen som præsident vil være en tidsindstillet bombe under EU," siger Rem Korteweg, som er seniorforsker ved tænketanken Centre for European Reform, der arbejder for et reformeret og styrket EU.

Polskie Radio 24: W marcu nastąpi rozpoczęcie procedury Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio about Theresa May's interview for Sky News where she said Britain would activate article 50 by the end of March 2017.

Unia Europejska: Niewiarygodna Bułgaria liderem

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
07 January 2017
Pierwsza prezydencja jest zawsze okazją do pokazania się od dobrej strony i poprawienia swoich notowań – mówi „Rzeczpospolitej" Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka think tanku Centre for European Reform w Londynie. Według niej wszystkie dotychczasowe prezydencje nowych państw członkowskich (czyli tych, które dołączały do Unii od 2003 r.) były w miarę udane. W tym ostatnia – estońska – zakończona 31 grudnia 2017 r.

Cameron's failure looms over May's Brexit task

06 January 2017
Financial Times
“It seems No 10 is overcompensating for the perceived errors Cameron made by depending too much on his close ties with Merkel,” said Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.

Sir Ivan Rogers' resignation an opportunity for Brexit Britain

06 January 2017
The Mirror
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform said: "Hardline eurosceptics criticised him for advising Cameron on the limits of what he could ask for in his renegotiation, but he told the truth - that the 27 were not prepared to give more than they offered."

Nicola Sturgeon softens Scottish stance on Brexit

06 January 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the think-tank Centre for European Reform who has advised Ms Sturgeon, said at the time that "quite a lot of EU countries", including Spain, would oppose such an arrangement.

Rude awakening for Brexit diplomacy

05 January 2017
EU Observer
“Hardline eurosceptics criticised him [Ivan Rogers] for advising Cameron on the limits of what he could ask for in his renegotiation, but he told the truth - that the 27 were not prepared to give more than they offered,” says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform.

UK's resigning diplomat critical of Brexit planning

05 January 2017
New Europe
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank that is broadly pro-EU but advocates reform, said the resignation will make May’s task of securing a good deal for Britain “significantly harder”.

'Speak truth to power', departing envoy tells UK Brussels staff

04 January 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform said in a tweet on Tuesday: "Ivan Rogers’ resignation makes a good deal on Brexit less likely. One of the very few people at top of Brit government who understands [the] EU."

Tok FM: Jak rezygnacja ze stanowiska brytyjskiego ambasadora przy UE może wpłynąć na procedurę Brexitu?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM about the resignation of Ivan Rogers and the potential effects on Brexit negotiations.