
Tit for tat - Trade secrets

Sam Lowe
13 January 2019
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, joins us for three blunt questions.

Brexit and the Irish border explained: Why the headache is not going away any time soon

10 January 2019
The Telegraph
Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, made precisely the same point - in the opposition direction. “There will be no ambitious partnership without common ground in fair competition, state aid, tax dumping, food safety, social and environmental standards,” he told a conference in Brussels organised by the UK-based Centre for European Reform think-tank.

How Brexit will play out if MPs reject Theresa May's deal

10 January 2019
Business Insider
The alternative is an acrimonious and very hard exit with the UK paying no money and the EU rejecting side-deals. However, such an outcome is unlikely according to Charles Grant at the Centre for European Reform, who believes "those responsible for the chaos would soon become unpopular with their voters; also, the financial markets' reaction would be more extreme, with a sharp weakening in the value of the pound."

How Remainers should handle . . . remaining

10 January 2019
The Financial Times
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform tweeted: “We’ll be horribly divided for a generation whether or not we have 2nd ref.”

Monocle podcast: The Globalist- The European Parliament's elections

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 January 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Monocle about a possible alliance between Salvini and Kaczynski in the European Parliament’s elections (from 17:15 mins).

Brexit is coming down to a game of brinkmanship

09 January 2019
The New York Times
“We won’t get to the endgame until one or other of the options for Brexit are eliminated,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre of European Reform, a research institute, “and maybe not until March.”

BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: Free trade negotiations

Sam Lowe
09 January 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (from 2:24), speaks to the Today programme discussing the complexities of post-Brexit tariffs.

Italy corrals allies to fight EU. Just don't mention Putin

09 January 2019
“Rightist groups in the European Parliament haven’t managed to work well together,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. “They’re against globalization and free trade. But they’re divided on immigration with parties in western Europe favoring resettlement quotas, and eastern Europeans against them.”

Brexit negotiations in the field of defence: Lessons learnt and moving forward

Sophia Besch
08 January 2019
Federal Academy for Security Policy
It is clearly in Britain and the European Union’s mutual interest to continue working closely together on defence after Brexit.

Brexit 'has made other countries less likely to leave the EU' - expert claims

08 January 2019
Yahoo News
A leading EU expert has argued that Brexit has made it less likely that other countries will leave the Union. Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, believes the protracted debate and the problems encountered by Theresa May in gathering support for her deal will have “put off” other countries from following suit.

Food prices will go up, not down, after a no-deal Brexit – despite what Jacob Rees-Mogg says

Sam Lowe
07 January 2019
Could Brexit mean cheaper food on our supermarket shelves? The idea has been propagated by politicians such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and business people like JD Wetherspoon’s owner Tim Martin, who promised lower prices in his “Beermat Manifesto”.

The Spectator Podcast: The two elections that will shape 2019

05 January 2019
As we move into 2019, two big elections could shake up the rest of the year. In May, the European elections could see an unprecedented eurosceptic populist surge. ...We are joined by Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, who says that, in response, the pan-European moderates will become more cohesive:

These UK companies could collapse in a no-deal Brexit

Sam Lowe
03 January 2019
Yahoo Finance
“In the event of no-deal, our organic certification would have to be recognised [by the EU]… but it might not be,” said Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, in an interview with Yahoo Finance UK.

The story behind the UK's unpopular Brexit deal

30 December 2018
The Financial Times
Charles Grant, of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, likens the process of negotiating an exit deal to an “accession in reverse” — a reference to the membership talks applicant countries have to go through, in which they mechanically apply the bloc’s rule book.
“It is called a negotiation but in fact it is an imposition,” Mr Grant said. “One side holds all the cards, but the politicians with fewer cards are loath to admit that to voters.”

Seitse valusat migratsiooniküsimust

Camino Mortera-Martinez
29 December 2018
Postimees [Estonia]
Kas migratsioonikriis on 2018. aasta lõpuks enam saabuvate masside või hoopis populistide kriis? Kas Angela Merkelil oli õigus 2015. aastal omaalgatuslikult piirid avatuks kuulutada? Kas ÜRO ränderaamistik päästab kõik või saadab hoopis hukatusse? Need seisid küsimuste seas, mille üle mõtisklesid kolme Brüsseli mõttekoja migratsiooniga tegelevad teadurid: Centre for European Reformi hispaanlanna Camino Mortera‑Martinez, Centre for European Policy Studiesi taanlane Mikkel Barslund ning Bruegeli ungarlane Zsolt Darvas. Mõttekodalastega rääkis Evelyn Kaldoja.

Hispaanlased kahtlevad migratsiooni mõjus parempopulistide tõusule

Camino Mortera-Martinez
28 December 2018
Postimees [Estonia]
Hoolimata radikaalse Voxi partei pääsust Andaluusia piirkondlikku parlamenti, tuleb nende fenomeni puhul ennekõike rääkida Katalooniast, mitte migrandivastasusest, leiab Brüsselis mõttekoja Centre for European Reform tarbeks migratsiooni uuriv Camino Mortera-Martinez. Hispaanlanna seab kahtluse alla mitmel pool Euroopas uudistesse jõudnud narratiivi, kuidas kümnendeid parempopulismita püsinud Hispaania endale sellise jõu lõpuks sai.

The rise of poverty among EU workers since the financial crisis

Christian Odendahl
27 December 2018
The Financial Times
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, points to Germany having the highest share of low-paying jobs among the EU’s larger economies, resulting from a process of contracting out production processes and weakened trade union membership.

Ireland and Britain face their respective Brexit trilemmas

22 December 2018
The Irish Times
Theresa May’s Brexit trilemma was concisely expressed by John Springford of the Centre for European Reform in London last March. He argued that she must choose two of three options: an exit from the single market and customs union, no hard border with Ireland, and an all-UK approach to Brexit. All three cannot be achieved at the same time.

Polskie Radio: Przedwigilijne spojrzenie na mijający rok

22 December 2018
Wielka Brytania chwieje się pod naporem Brexitu, który sama sobie zgotowała. O przyczynach wyjścia Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii Europejskiej i jego już odczuwalnych i dopiero mających nadejść konsekwencjach Dariusz Rosiak rozmawiał z Charlesem Grantem z Centre for Europe Research w Londynie.

In several scenarios, the likelihood is increasing of extending the Article 50 process

20 December 2018
The Financial Times
“If the deal were passed by MPs, the EU would certainly give a short extension to allow the UK to go through its procedures,” said John Springford, of the Centre for European Reform. “Article 50 itself says withdrawal should be dependent on member states’ constitutional requirements.”