
Why taking a no deal Brexit off the table is good for business

Sam Lowe
18 January 2019
Yahoo Finance
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told Yahoo Finance UK it was helpful “from a political signalling point of view” that there was a will to stop a no-deal Brexit. But he said he was concerned it might not be enough. “There’s a question of how you take no-deal off the table,” he said, noting that extending the Brexit deadline in March “still requires EU consent.” “You’re still just pushing back the deadline,” he said.

UK fails to close global trade deals ahead of Brexit deadline

Sam Lowe
18 January 2019
The Financial Times
Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, said that while Britain is unable to formally sign new trade deals until Brexit occurs, the government should have been prepared to reach agreements almost immediately after leaving the EU. “This revelation flies in the face of assurances given by ministers that these deals would be ready by now,” said Mr Lowe.

Slow Europe

17 January 2019
The Financial Times
A stellar list of top economists and EMU specialists discuss the politics of slow growth in this series of podcasts from the Centre for European Reform’s annual Ditchley conference. 

Altinget: Parlamentet - Bliver det britiske parlament nødt til at udskyde Brexit?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
17 January 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Altinget about Brexit and if it might now be postponed (from 32.00 mins). 

¿Cuáles son las opciones de Theresa May?

Sam Lowe, John Springford
17 January 2019
La única manera que tiene Theresa May de obtener una mayoría parlamentaria a favor de su acuerdo de retirada es estar dispuesta a negociar una relación más blanda con la UE.

Don't leave migration to the populists

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Beth Oppenheim
17 January 2019
If the EU cannot agree on a common system for legal migration, it may be more realistic for the Union to support bilateral projects between individual member countries or groups and third countries, said Camino Mortera-Martinez and Beth Oppenheim of the Centre for European Reform. “Europe needs migrants, and migration is inevitable,” is how they recently put it.

La nueva crisis migratoria de la UE no es cuestión de números

Camino Mortera-Martinez
17 January 2019
El Periodico Internacional
Si los líderes europeos siguen dejándose llevar por la retórica del pánico y la construcción de muros, los populistas habrán ganado la partida.

What are Theresa May's options?

Sam Lowe, John Springford
17 January 2019
The Financial Times
“Most probably, May will attempt to amend the withdrawal agreement and political declaration and then push the subsequent parliamentary vote to the wire. To pass her deal, the threat of no deal will need to be tangible, and for that to happen the March 29 deadline will need to loom large.” (Sam Lowe, senior research fellow, and John Springford, deputy director, of the Centre for European Reform)

Corbyn's no-confidence move lays bare Labour's Brexit divisions

Sam Lowe
16 January 2019
The Financial Times
“Labour’s strategy at the moment is to have a Brexit carried out by the Tories, where they take as little responsibility as possible for the implementation,” said Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform.

CER podcast series: The politics of slow growth in Europe

Torsten Bell, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Laurence Boone, Stephen King, Brad Setser, Sotiria Theodoropoulou, Shahin Vallée, Claire Waysand, Duncan Weldon, Nick Winning, Jeromin Zettelmeyer
16 January 2019
This CER podcast series offers an insight into the discussions from the Ditchley Park for a conference on 'The politics of slow growth in Europe'.

Extending Article 50 may mean Britain must elect MEPs again

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 January 2019
The Economist
As Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, notes, it would also stop the reallocation of the 27 British seats, screwing up other countries’ polls.

ABC News: Brexit vote defeat

Sam Lowe
16 January 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to ABC News about the current situation in the UK after the historic defeat in the commons last night, "a general election might not solve anything" he said.

FOCUS online: Nach Niederlage für May "Warne vor Optimismus": Experte erklärt, warum 2. Brexit-Referendum unwahrscheinlich ist

16 January 2019
Der geplante Brexit verläuft bis jetzt nur schleppend. Theresa Mays Abkommen fiel im Unterhaus krachend durch. Im Interview mit FOCUS Online erklärt der Politikwissenschaftler Leonard Schütte vom "Centre for European Reform", warum es nicht zu einem zweiten Referendum kommen wird. Es ist außerdem nicht sicher, dass die Briten bei einer erneuten Befragung anders entscheiden würden.

Theresa May lives to fight another day. But for what?

16 January 2019
The Atlantic
“As things stand right now, the prospects for some sort of cross-party approach to try and find their way out of this mess are pretty meager,” John Springford, the deputy director of the London-based Centre for European Reform, told me. “It requires unprecedented cross-party work, which aren’t really in character for either [the opposition leader] Jeremy Corbyn or for Theresa May.”

ERR: May's Brexit plans

16 January 2019
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to ERR Estonian public TV (from 5:05 mins).“As far as one can tell at the moment, Theresa May’s plan B is plan A again, only louder”.

UK public's top Google searches about Brexit answered - How much has Brexit cost so far?

16 January 2019
The Daily Mail
...A study by the Centre for European Reform in September found that the UK economy was 2.5% smaller than it would have been had Remain won the referendum. The centre’s deputy director, John Springford, estimated the impact to have cost the Treasury roughly £440 million per week – and the website CostOfBrexit.netlify has set up a running total, currently at £59 billion.

May and Brexit face uncertain future after crushing defeat in parliament

15 January 2019
The New York Times
“She has completely lost control of the process, and her version of Brexit must now be dead, if she loses by 230 votes,” said John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based research institute.

Info Radio: "May wird die Abstimmung wohl krachend verlieren"

15 January 2019
Das britische Unterhaus soll über den von May mit der EU verhandelten Vertrag abstimmen. Beobachter halten eine Ablehnung für wahrscheinlich. Leonard Schütte, Politikwissenschaftler am Centre for European Reform, sagt, es hänge viel davon ab, wie hoch Mays Niederlage ausfallen wird.  

In search of lost Brexit: How the UK repeatedly weakened its own negotiating position

14 January 2019
The New Statesman
In 2018 the British were obsessed with Brexit, but the rest of the EU had much else to worry about. Although the migration crisis abated, EU governments could not agree on how to handle irregular immigration.

What would a no deal Brexit mean for Britain?

14 January 2019
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, is confident that if the crunch comes EU member-states will strike bilateral side-deals with the UK.