Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


ERR: "Välisilm": käesolev nädal on Brexiti leppe jaoks viimane võimalus

09 November 2020
Ka Suurbritanniast pärit analüütiku Ian Bondi sõnul on Euroopa Liidu käes olndu trumbid algusest peale.
"Suurbritannia kaotab kaubavahetuses väga suure osa oma sisemajanduse koguproduktist ajal, mil majandus kannatab nagunii juba koroonapandeemia mõjude all. Euroopa Liidu ja Suurbritannia kaubavahetuse sõltuvuses üksteisest on väga suur ebavõrdsus. Need inimesed, kes on rääkinud, et Suurbritannia...

CER podcast: Biden vs Trump: America's choice matters to Europe

28 October 2020
Ian Bond spoke to Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Kori Schake and Rahel Ellehusus about what a second Trump term or a Biden administration would mean for Europe.

CER podcast: Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?

14 October 2020
This week's podcast accompanies the launch of the CER policy brief 'Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?', which examines the complex triangular relations between Europe, Beijing and Washington,

Brexit and external differentiation in foreign, security and defence policy

29 September 2020
This paper examines the EU’s foreign, security and defence policy relations with third countries, and their relevance to the EU’s future co-operation with the UK in these areas.

CER submission to the British government's integratered view of security, defence, development and foreign policy

21 September 2020
The CER's submission to the British government's security, defence, development and foreign policy review argues that to tackle diverse threats successfully, the UK must build strong partnerships with other democracies.
CER podcast: A rigged election in Belarus: Can Lukashenka cling to power?

CER podcast: A rigged election in Belarus: Can Lukashenka cling to power?

12 August 2020
Lukashenka has rigged his re-election as president of Belarus, and begun a violent crackdown on protesters rejecting the result.

CER podcast: The EU's increasingly troubled relationship with China

29 July 2020
Growing economic tensions, COVID-19, cyber attacks, disinformation, intellectual property theft, a security clamp down in Hong Kong, treatment of the Uyghurs and restrictions on Huawei:

Europe, the US and Huawei: Do hang up!

27 July 2020
China and the US are in conflict over trade, human rights, cyber security and much more. Europe risks getting caught in the crossfire as the US tries to prevent the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei from dominating global 5G networks and China threatens retaliation against countries that shut Huawei out.

Europe must take on its own defense responsibilities

Defence News
03 July 2020
As they look at the state of their coronavirus-hit economies and U.S. President Donald Trump’s poor standing in opinion polls, many European leaders may be tempted to put on hold any plans to meet NATO’s target of spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense.

The EU must be prepared to be critical of China. It can start with Hong Kong’s security law

24 June 2020
China’s plan to impose a new security law on Hong Kong shows that Beijing is tightening its grip on the former British colony.