Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


Sky News: UK ready to impose some severe economic consequences on Russia

15 February 2022
Ian Bond said the UK should keep supporting the Ukrainians, who are best-placed to defend their country...but it's too late to be thinking about sending armed forces in. 

This is a moment when the maximum amount of consolidation of society is very important for the survival of both Georgia and Ukraine

Europe Time
21 January 2022
ET: What are your expectations from the dialogue between the US and its allies and Russia? My expectations are very low because the two sides are talking about completely different subjects.

CER end of year podcast: Review of 2021

22 December 2021
As 2021 draws to a close, the CER researchers reflect on the events of the past year.

Franco-British relations shouldn’t be a circus

06 December 2021
Relations between the UK and France are a mess. Boris Johnson has told Emmanuel Macron in cod French to “Prenez un grip”.

Euronews Tonight: Russia-Ukraine border

17 November 2021
Ian Bond argues that he's sceptical that Putin actually wants to take over Belarus, because having a weak, dependent Lukashenka suits him better than having to assume full responsibility for a country whose economy is not in a good way.

Ask CER - Episode 2: Europe's climate challenges, the EU's recovery fund, and the latest on Nord Stream 2

12 November 2021
You asked, we answered: the second episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.

CER podcast: Europe's gas crisis heats up

14 October 2021
Christian Odendahl speaks to Ian Bond, Elisabetta Cornago and Zach Meyers about Europe’s current gas crisis.

Judy Asks: Will the Afghanistan debacle change your country’s foreign and security policy?

Carnegie Europe
16 September 2021
The UK entered the war in Afghanistan confident that it knew how to defeat insurgencies. After more than four hundred and fifty British deaths, it has left, chastened and with less appetite for involvement in distant conflicts.

TRT World: Will Russia fill the power vacuum in Afghanistan?

07 September 2021
Who is going to be courting the Taliban now that they have control of Afghanistan and the West has cut and run? Two major players Russia and China, both know how important the country can be for influence in Central Asia. Guests: Kirill Krivosheev Correspondent at Kommersant newspaper, Ian Bond...

CER podcast: Why the 1991 Moscow coup still resonates

18 August 2021
Ian Bond speaks to Angela Stent and Igor Yurgens about the lessons the West should draw from the 1991 Moscow coup.