Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


Europe must stand up to China before it’s too late

Foreign Policy
16 June 2020
Europe’s prosperity depends on an orderly system that ensures the global flow of goods, services, capital, and – however much populists object – labor. But 2020 is turning out to be a very bad year for the rules-based international order.

CER podcast: Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is deepening the transatlantic rift

03 June 2020
Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is creating new friction in the transatlantic relationship and exacerbating existing differences on China, trade and defence spending. Tensions will get worse if Trump is re-elected in November.

Judy Asks: Hong Kong calls. Can Europe respond?

Carnegie Europe
28 May 2020
What happens in Hong Kong with China’s new national security legislation will seriously test Europe’s commitment to democracy, international law, and human rights.

No triumph for Putin on Victory Day

11 May 2020
A few weeks ago, Vladimir Putin was expecting Victory Day on May 9th to cap an excellent start to 2020.

CER podcast: Putin hits a bad patch

06 May 2020
As 2020 started, Vladimir Putin’s economic, political and diplomatic position looked strong. Now he faces recession, an exploding COVID-19 pandemic and declining domestic support. What does that mean for the West?
US, EU, China dice

CER podcast: The EU, the US and China: Irresponsible stakeholders in the global order?

08 April 2020
The EU, the US  and China are the most important economic blocs in the world. But trade, political and security relations between them are becoming dangerously tense. Can the EU calm things down?

CER podcast: The EU must fight COVID-19 on the home front and abroad

25 March 2020
EU solidarity went missing when the COVID-19 pandemic started, feeding eurosceptic narratives. The Union is now getting its act together internally.

CER podcast: Western leaders should talk to Putin, but not be taken in by him

18 March 2020
Western leaders must know their facts before they talk to Putin, and take a firm line on unacceptable actions.

A word of advice to Western leaders: Talk to Putin but don’t let him gaslight you

17 March 2020
Six years after Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine and fell under Western sanctions, some Western leaders are getting restless.

Judy Asks: Is Europe betraying refugees?

Carnegie Europe
12 March 2020
Europe has been betraying refugees since Syria’s civil war began, but the situation is worsening.