Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


Al Jazeera Arabic: How the EU is adapting to the UK leaving

31 January 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER’s spoke to Al Jazeera about how the EU is adapting to the UK leaving.

CER podcast: Brexit bulletin special

29 January 2020
In this special Brexit episode of the CER podcast, Charles Grant explains why the CER is still needed after Brexit; Sam Lowe discusses the future of UK-EU trade; and Ian Bond explores the fate of UK foreign policy.

CER podcast: Democracy and the rule of law in the EU

22 January 2020
Ian Bond and Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talk to Beth Oppenheim about the decline in respect for the rule of law across the European Union, and discuss possible remedies.

Faut-il bannir Huawei de la 5G? La valse-hésitation

Alternatives Economiques
20 December 2019
Dans un document stratégique adopté en mars 2017, le gouvernement britannique affirmait sa « claire ambition de faire du Royaume-Uni un leader mondial » dans l’utilisation et le développement de la prochaine génération de technologie mobile.

CER podcast: Reviewing 2019

18 December 2019
CER researchers review the year 2019, and discuss what to expect in 2020. The conversation spans the future UK-EU relationship; the fraying of the transatlantic link; China; the state of Franco-German relations; and the EU economy.

Nato at 70: Not 'brain dead', but needs shot in arm

EU Observer
03 December 2019
What a difference a decade makes. Nato's 60th birthday celebration in 2009 was a show of confidence, sprinkled with the stardust of Barack Obama's first official visit to Europe and culminating in a 62-paragraph declaration covering everything from the Arctic to Africa.

Euronews: Future for NATO

02 December 2019
NATO needs to continue to defend itself from pressure from Russia, consider new challenges in cyberspace and space, and become more aware that China poses important challenges in terms of technological sophistication and military deployment, Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European reform  tells Euronews.

Judy Asks: Is post-1989 Europe building walls?

Carnegie Europe
07 October 2019
Post-1989 Europe is building walls, but not of the Cold War kind. Then, repressive Communist regimes knew that if they gave their people a choice most would immediately move to the West, so they kept them in with walls.

LBC: Boris Johnson stalling

16 September 2019
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Eamonn Holmes about Boris Johnson's meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker today.

BBC News: UK heading for no-deal Brexit

06 August 2019
UK appears to be heading for a no-deal Brexit, Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform tells BBC News with Boris Johnson making Theresa May's red lines redder and harder to cross. “The way out of it is for Boris Johnson to reconsider those red lines, but at the moment that’s not the position he’s in”.