
Britain looks to Greece as EU referendum looms

Rem Korteweg
06 July 2015
Deutsche Welle
"The no vote brings a Grexit closer. But Grexit cuts two ways for David Cameron," explains Rem Korteweg, senior researcher at the Centre for European Reform.

BBC Newsnight live from Athens: Duncan Weldon talks to Simon Tilford on the Greek crisis

Simon Tilford
06 July 2015
Live from Athens, as the Greeks and the Euro face the consequences of a no vote. The BBC are hit in the wallet. And have Labour forgotten how to win?
Simon Tilford talks to Duncan Weldon on the Greek crisis: watch it here (12:39/ 14:18).

Greece prepares new bailout bid ahead of EU summit

06 July 2015
The Washington Post
“Merkel does accept that Greece may leave the euro, but she doesn’t want to be blamed for it,” said Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform, a policy institute. “She has to try and go the extra mile to make a compromise feasible.”

What will be the next issue that tears EU apart?

Rem Korteweg
05 July 2015
The Telegraph
Rem Korteweg, of the Centre for European Reform, said the parallel crises represent "four horsemen", which will unleash "chaos, instability and mutual recrimination" on the EU.

With Greek ‘No’ vote, Tsipras wins a victory that could carry a steep price

Simon Tilford
05 July 2015
The New York Times
“If there’s a will by creditors to get everyone back at the table, a deal could be done,” said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London.

Quartet of crises threatens Europe's core

Rem Korteweg
05 July 2015
Rem Korteweg of the CER compares the interlocking crises to the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the New Testament Book of Revelation: harbingers of a "day of judgment" representing conquest, war, famine and death. 

No catharsis in Grexit

Simon Tilford
03 July 2015
City A.M.
There is a growing gap between the way the Greek crisis is seen in the Eurozone and the way it is seen across the rest of the world. Everyone agrees that Greece is a poorly governed country and that Syriza has played a poor hand badly. But whereas many Eurozone...

Nie da się wyjść ze strefy euro i nikt tego Grecji nie życzy

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
03 July 2015
Zakładam, że po referendum Grecja i jej wierzyciele wrócą do negocjacji, bo zależy im na rozwiązaniu impasu w rozsądnym czasie. Nie można całkiem wykluczyć zaskarżenia przez Ateny instytucji europejskich przed Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości, ale to otworzyłoby tylko prawdziwą puszkę Pandory – mówi Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, analityk Centre for European Reform.Obserwator Finansowy:...

Alexis Tsipras's enemies in Europe see their chance in vote on Greece's bailout terms

Simon Tilford
02 July 2015
The New York Times
"There has been a troubling lack of impartiality by European Union officials," said Simon Tilford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, in London. "We have seen a steady stream of very inappropriate remarks."

Brexit foes fear Grexit may push UK out too

02 July 2015
"If Cameron wants to win a referendum," warned Charles Grant of the CER, "he needs the EU's image to be positive. Grexit makes the EU look like it is every man for himself, run by incompetent leaders who don't understand economics, who failed to save the euro, which was a mad invention anyway."

Økonomer: Vi lader som om Grækenland kan betale

Simon Tilford
01 July 2015
"Nej, det er der ingen, der tror på. Gældens størrelse i forhold til den græske økonomis størrelse er for stor," siger Simon Tilford, økonom i tænketanken CER i London.

Mixed messages and no progress in Greek crisis

01 July 2015
The New York Times
"Germany is essentially the hegemon in Europe, but it does not like being seen as running the show," said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a research group in London.

Parliament moves ahead on TTIP deal

Rem Korteweg
01 July 2015
"At the European Parliament at large, you have political families but very different national sentiments, especially in the S&D," said Rem Korteweg, at the CER. "There is much more emotional national sentiment that comes to the surface in these plenary votes."

Investors are terrified Greece's economy is falling apart

Christian Odendahl
29 June 2015
"This market reaction won’t be to the liking of the Greeks, who’ll have been hoping for something stronger to underline the risks of a breakup," said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the CER in London.

Europe may not admit it, but its future is on the line in Greece

Simon Tilford
29 June 2015
The Washington Post
“Around the world, there’s a growing incomprehension that the Europeans have allowed something like this to spin out of control,” said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. “It could be very damaging to European credibility.”
In the long run, Tilford said, European officials are deluding themselves if they think that other vulnerable economies along Europe’s southern periphery will be protected from a fate similar to Greece’s.

Joschka Fischer "Ich bin ziemlich pessimistisch"

Joschka Fischer
29 June 2015
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Der frühere deutsche Außenminister Joschka Fischer warnt angesichts der Griechenland-Krise vor einem Scheitern Europas. "Ich bin ziemlich pessimistisch", sagte Fischer am Montagabend auf einer Veranstaltung der britischen Denkfabrik CER in London.

Greece debt crisis puts euro, European Union in peril

Simon Tilford
28 June 2015
The LA Times
"The objective of the euro was to deepen economic integration between member states, foster a closer common polity and European identity," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER in London.

Radio 4 - Week in Westminster: Greek crisis and the eurozone

27 June 2015
Charles Grant speaks on the 'Week in Westminster' discussing the Greek crisis and the eurozone.

Greek financial crisis raises existential questions for EU

27 June 2015
NRC Handelsblad
Charles Grant director of the CER, said: "The German ministry of Finance is prepared to let the Greeks go; their idea being that it would leave the eurozone in a better shape."

China Central TV: EU at a crossroads

26 June 2015
Ian Bond is interviewed by China Central TV English service, along with Francois Godement of ECFR and George Tzogopoulos, on the Greek crisis in Europe.