
Can India help Greece counter the Turkey-Pakistan-Azerbaijan axisthat just overwhelmed Armenia?

18 November 2020
The EurAsian Times
"The shift towards a more assertive policy coincides with [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan’s alliance with the ultranationalist MHP [Nationalist Movement Party] since 2015 and the strengthening of his rule after the failed coup in 2016,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Perfect sovereignty under Brexit will come at an economic cost

Sam Lowe
17 November 2020
The Telegraph
As Sam Lowe, a trade specialist with the Centre for European Reform, points out, it makes no sense to argue on the one hand that there is a big economic dividend to be had from freedom to negotiate FTAs with other countries, but on the other that there is no economic penalty in not having such an FTA with the UK’s biggest trading partner, the EU.

BBC Radio Wiltshire: Wendy Morton visits Moscow

16 November 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC Radio Wiltshire about Wendy Morton's visit Moscow. It's important to talk to adversaries as well as friends, the key thing is to be firm, make clear it won't be business as usual as long as...

ABC: EU and Brexit - the view from the Continent

Camino Mortera-Martinez
15 November 2020
Camino Mortera-Martinez, a senior research fellow at the CER spoke to ABC as the UK is just weeks away from the EU exit door.

With Cummings gone and Biden in, a Brexit trade deal beckons

15 November 2020
The Telegraph
To this reason for reaching a deal with the EU, Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, adds another two; that failure would play straight into the hands of insurgent Scottish separatists and would cause an already alienated business community to go through the roof in fury.

Ghana loses faith on UK trade deal

Sam Lowe
15 November 2020
The Telegraph
Sam Lowe, senior fellow at the Centre of European Reform, says: “Trade policy in the UK is an executive competence. I don’t buy this ‘DIT’s only got a mandate for rollovers’ line.”

The future of EU-Israel relations after Biden's victory

13 November 2020
The New Arab
Luigi Scazzieri, Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says Biden will take a much less pro-Israel line than Trump, and "will recommit the US to a two-state solution" and be critical of Israeli settlement construction. "I think Israel will be pressured to drop the annexation agenda," he told The New Arab.

Biden puts pressure on Johnson to do a deal with the EU

12 November 2020
The Economist
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, says the next weeks will see growing pressure for a deal from business and pro-business cabinet ministers and Tory MPs. Mr Johnson’s rising unpopularity and reputation for incompetence also suggest he badly needs to show he can at least get a much-promised Brexit trade deal.

CER podcast: The global recovery from the pandemic: How can we get it right this time?

Christian Odendahl, Megan Greene
11 November 2020
Christian Odendahl spoke to Megan Greene, Harvard Kennedy School, about her thoughts on the post-COVID global recovery

Parliament Live: International Trade Committee - UK trade negotiations: Agreement with Japan

Sam Lowe
11 November 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform gave evidence to the International Trade Committee on the UK's trade negotiations and agreement with Japan.

Brexit: UK firms face £80bn trade hit due to government failure to roll over EU deals

Sam Lowe
10 November 2020
The Independent
“It now seems likely that the UK will manage to roll over the majority of the EU’s trade agreements by the end of the year. Of those outstanding, Canada, Singapore and Vietnam will probably be done in the coming weeks, but Mexico will be a struggle,” said Sam Lowe, senior fellow at the Centre of European Reform.

A special relationship faces social distancing

10 November 2020
US News
"It's definitely the case that if Johnson goes for a no-deal Brexit, there's little likelihood he'll be rewarded with a US trade deal," says John Springford, deputy director of the think tank Centre for European Reform and an expert on global trade.

EU to 'intensify co-operation' with new US government, von der Leyen says

09 November 2020
"America is weaker. Trump's antics have damaged the US's soft power - and the recent election process hasn't helped," tweeted Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform.Grant expects the EU to continue to have difficulty navigating between the US and China although experts have said that Biden will likely reaffirm the country's traditional alliances including with the EU.

ERR: "Välisilm": käesolev nädal on Brexiti leppe jaoks viimane võimalus

09 November 2020
Ka Suurbritanniast pärit analüütiku Ian Bondi sõnul on Euroopa Liidu käes olndu trumbid algusest peale.
"Suurbritannia kaotab kaubavahetuses väga suure osa oma sisemajanduse koguproduktist ajal, mil majandus kannatab nagunii juba koroonapandeemia mõjude all. Euroopa Liidu ja Suurbritannia kaubavahetuse sõltuvuses üksteisest on väga suur ebavõrdsus. Need inimesed, kes on rääkinud, et Suurbritannia...

US election results: Will Brexit drive a wedge between Boris Johnson and Joe Biden?

08 November 2020
Sky News
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, told Sky News: "The Biden advisers I talk to are concerned about Brexit, partly just for reasons of national interest. "They saw Britain as a friend and helper in Europe who helped steer the EU in a pro-US direction, pushing Atlanticist agendas on free trade, a strong NATO and standing up to Russia.

Rollback der Trump-Gesetzgebung Das sind die ersten Maßnahmen, die Joe Biden umsetzen will

Sam Lowe
08 November 2020
Der Tagesspiegel
Sam Lowe vom Centre for European Reform sagte, Biden werde zwar „die Drohung eines Handelskrieges vom Tisch nehmen“. Die EU dürfe sich aber nicht der Illusion hingeben, „dass Biden ein verkleideter Europäer ist“. Es werde in der Wirtschaftspolitik zwischen beiden Seiten weiter große Meinungsverschiedenheiten geben, etwa bei der Besteuerung von Internet-Konzernen.

Channel 4 News: What does a Biden presidency mean for US-UK relations?

Sam Lowe
07 November 2020
Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Channel 4 News about the impact of a Biden presidency for the UK will be the shape of the future ‘special relationship’ with the United States

British electric car industry worried about future Japanese investment

Sam Lowe
05 November 2020
The Japan Times
On the EU’s proposals, Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, wrote, “the proposed rules of origin suggest the (European) Commission spies an opportunity to use the trade agreement to further its ambitions of ‘strategic autonomy,’ and cajole European industry into hastily developing an on-shore domestic battery industry.”

EU plots course as US awaits election winner

04 November 2020
Deutsche Welle
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, said the US was still "a long way from a constitutional crisis." But, he told DW, no matter the outcome of the 2020 election, the EU was going to have to start relying less on US leadership on the world stage in the years to come.

In Britain, concern over US election – but no official comment

04 November 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a London think-tank, says the election’s big winners are actually Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Even if Biden squeaks out a narrow victory, Xi and Putin will have a divided, introspective and dysfunctional U.S. to deal with,” Bond tweeted.