
EU chief warns economic migrants not to travel to Europe

03 March 2016
Voice of America
The process of making that distinction is burdening resources, said Ian Bond of the London-based Centre for European Reform. "It's the sheer effort of trying to separate the legitimate refugees from those who are just economic migrants, which I think is really overwhelming the resources that Greece and its EU partners have been able to put into the problem at the moment," Bond said.

The idea of buccaneer Britain trading freely outside the EU is a fantasy

02 March 2016
The Telegraph
We will always want to trade with Europe, because it's rich and close. The only question is the terms on which we will do so.

EU Brexit 2016: Advocates of a free-trading Britain outside the EU face long odds

John Springford, Simon Tilford
02 March 2016
International Business Times
"Any agreement would require the assent of the remaining 27 members, some of whom buy more from Britain than they sell to it," wrote the authors, John Springford and Simon Tilford.

EU Facts: What would leaving the EU mean for expats?

02 March 2016
The Telegraph
"The renegotiation may backfire, not least because Spain might demand that British retirees on the costas pay for their own healthcare" says John Springford of the CER. There are some fears that member states, angered by Britain exiting, could try to put pressure on British expats in revenge.

EU facts: What would leaving mean for trade?

29 February 2016
The Telegraph
John Springford, an economist with the Centre for European Reform, the total cost of those tariffs would be large, ranging from a 2.2 per cent of GDP (£40 billion) to 9 per cent.

EU foreign policy and security chief Federica Mogherini is often the only woman in the room

Rem Korteweg
29 February 2016
Foreign-policy expert Rem Korteweg of the Centre for European Reform adds the rapprochement between Kosovo and Serbia that she helped negotiate, and the corralling of "member-states to take the refugee crisis seriously."
Hangover at teatime: Why 'Brexit' breakup is so very hard to do

Hangover at teatime: Why 'Brexit' breakup is so very hard to do

Jean-Claude Piris
28 February 2016
Bloomberg Business
In a paper for the Centre for European Reform in London, Jean-Claude Piris, a former chief EU legal adviser, floated seven alternatives. These include hashing out a UK-EU free-trade agreement, joining the likes of Norway in broad market-access arrangements, copying Switzerland's sector-by-sector accords or conducting business under the aegis of the World Trade Organization.

BBC World News: EU migrant crisis

25 February 2016
Ian Bond talks to BBC World News on Europe's migrants crisis.

Europe is our battlefield

25 February 2016
Open democracy
Labour and the wider left are badly prepared for this debate. Labour on Europe is a mixture of luke warm, free market, skeptic or exit. No one has put the hard yards in of thinking through a progressive or radical case for Europe and then built the networks to make it happen across the continent.

A background guide to "Brexit" from the European Union

24 February 2016
The Economist
The effects of EU membership on trade patterns are difficult to measure, but John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank, and colleagues have carried out a modelling exercise which concluded that Britain's trade with the rest of the EU was 55% greater than it would have been if outside.

The EU wants us to pay €60bn for Brexit but UK could go after the Brussels property empire and wine cellar

Alex Barker
23 February 2016
Wales Online
A major analysis of the Brexit bill published by the Centre for European Reform (CER) and compiled by the FT's Alex Barker, suggested the UK could be left “on the hook for its share of the €143bn of cohesion and rural development spending executed after Brexit”.

Wpierw Brexit, potem Frexit?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
22 February 2016
Możemy mieć do czynienia z efektem domina. Pierwszy sygnał nadszedł z Francji, to oczywisty kandydat. Ale niejedyny. Są inne kraje z silnymi ruchami eurosceptycznymi. Brexit daje im do ręki argument, że można negocjować z Brukselą i uzyskać specjalny status – mówi „Rzeczpospolitej" Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

Währung: Es gibt kein Grundrecht auf Bargeld

Christian Odendahl
22 February 2016
Für viele Deutsche ist Bargeldzahlung, frei nach Dostojewski, geprägte Freiheit. Dabei gibt es viele gute Gründe, auf diese Freiheit zu verzichten.

Emergency migrant brake likely to face Luxembourg court challenge

21 February 2016
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, of the Centre for European Reform, said officials in London and Brussels expect a case to be brought, but added it is “highly likely to endure” because it has the backing of national leaders.
It is one of a number of hurdles that means the policy could take years to implement.

Cameron faces Johnson challenge in Brexit campaign

21 February 2016
Agence France Presse
John Springford of the CER, said Cameron "did well politically" at last week's Brussels summit and has done "the best that he could" with Conservative eurosceptics. "The deal won't do that much to convince anybody," Springford said, adding that aside from the most ardent EU supporters and opponents "those in the middle will vote on the big arguments about economy and security".

Judy Asks: Is Russia Europe's biggest threat?

21 February 2016
Carnegie Europe
Russia poses a serious threat to Europe, both in the military arena and in cyberspace.

Brytyjscy eksperci: Polska prowadziła grę o największą stawkę

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 February 2016
Onet Poland
Konsekwencja i spójność stanowiska V4 wzmocniły argumenty Polski, która prowadziła grę o największą stawkę – podkreśliła Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, analityczka w Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

W.Brytania.Eksperci: dobre porozumienie osiągnięte na szczycie UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 February 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, analityczka w Centre for European Reform w Londynie, zgodziła się, że "Cameron chciał osiągnąć przede wszystkim takie porozumienie, które będzie mógł sprzedać w kraju".

BBC World News: EU reform deal

20 February 2016
Charles Grant talks to BBC World News on David Cameron's new EU reform deal.

After British deal with the EU, Cameron races to win support at home

20 February 2016
The Washington Post
The CER concluded in a briefing note that Cameron's "package of reforms will sway few voters, so he must now make the case for the EU itself." "Cameron's best chance of success," the think-tank said, "is to shift the debate onto more lofty terrain, away from arguments about banking safeguards and migrants' benefits towards a contest over how to secure Britain’s interests in Europe and the rest of the world."