
Boris Johnson and Theresa May lead field in Tory race

28 June 2016
The Irish Times
Amid growing concern about an increase in xenophobic incidents since the referendum, Labour MP Yvette Cooper has called for a national commission to develop a consensus on what immigration policy should be after Brexit.
How Brexit burst the Brussels bubble

How Brexit burst the Brussels bubble

Camino Mortera-Martinez
28 June 2016
The EU needs to start listening to its citizens, eurosceptic though they may be, if it wants to save what is left of the European project.

IB Times: Yvette Cooper fails to rule out leadership bid as she urges Jeremy Corbyn to quit

28 June 2016
Labour's Yvette Cooper has failed to rule out another leadership bid, as the former minister urged Jeremy Corbyn to stand down from the top job amid an attempted coup.

Yvette Cooper's speech to the Centre for European Reform

28 June 2016
Yvette Cooper MP delivers a speech at the CER on what the UK should do next following the EU referendum result.

TOK FM: Szkocja prosi UE aby jej nie zawiodla

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Scotland after the UK's EU referendum.

ZDF: London: Regierung unter Druck

Christian Odendahl
27 June 2016
Christian Odendahl speaks to ZDF about what happens now in the UK, following the EU referendum result, from 4.00 minutes.

Wat Brexit voor Nederland betekent

Rem Korteweg
26 June 2016
NRC Handelsblad
Rem Korteweg van het Centre for European Reform in Londen verwacht dat de Britten een vrijhandelsakkoord met de EU willen sluiten dat ze de vrijheid geeft om een dergelijk systeem in te voeren. „Wellicht dat er dan per nationaliteit een quotum gaat gelden. Of, en dat is waarschijnlijker, naar beroepsgroep en dan afhankelijk van de vraag aan wat voor personeel er behoefte is”, zegt Korteweg.

BBC Westminster Hour: The UK after the referendum

26 June 2016
Speaking on the BBC's Westminster Hour (from 48.02 mins) Charles Grant observed that the EU will be forced to undertake major reforms in the wake of Brexit, including on the issue of free movement.

Brexit: Haunted Europe

26 June 2016
Financial Times
"From now on, the narrative will be one of disintegration, not integration," says Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. "That doesn’t mean that the EU will fall apart, or even that another country will leave, which is highly unlikely in the foreseeable future. But the centrist politicians who run nearly every EU member-state will henceforth be on the defensive against the populist forces who oppose them and the EU."

Brexit is a rejection of globalisation

26 June 2016
The Guardian
That dream is now over. As Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank put it: "Brexit is a momentous event in the history of Europe and from now on the narrative will be one of disintegration not integration."
Europejskie domino

Europejskie domino

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
26 June 2016
Brexit to przede wszystkim sygnał dla instytucji unijnych: trzeba się skupić na odbudowaniu zaufania obywateli do projektu europejskiego, a nie na pomysłach dalszej integracji - mówi Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka Centre for European Reform w Londynie.
Na nią nie ma apetytu w poszczególnych stolicach. Nie zapominajmy jednak, że za Brexit odpowiedzialne są przede wszystkim elity polityczne i eurosceptyczne media, które od lat prowadziły nagonkę na Unię

Parliament must decide what Brexit means in the interests of the whole Kingdom

26 June 2016
The Telegraph
"Whatever Juncker and a few federalist diehards in Brussels may think, most EU governments have woken up to the reality that the more Europe the push, the more euroscepticism they get," said Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform. "The knee-jerk reaction of the Commission is always to try to seize on any crisis to try to push for more Europe and closer integration, but they can dream on this time," he said. 

Dossier: 'Brexit'. Apuesta sin ganador

Camino Mortera-Martinez
26 June 2016
El Universal
“Nada de lo que se haga a partir de ahora será bueno, ni para Europa, ni para Gran Bretaña, porque el Brexit fue una apuesta al retroceso”, sostiene Camino Mortera, analista del Centre for European Reform.
Falló Cameron, pero Bruselas ignoró el asunto

Falló Cameron, pero Bruselas ignoró el asunto

Camino Mortera-Martinez
25 June 2016
La Nueva Espana
A eso de las tres o las cuatro de la madrugada empezaron a remitir las esperanzas de Camino Mortera, jurista ovetense, investigadora del Centro para la Reforma Europea, un "think tank" sobre asuntos europeos con base en Londres.

Why people who really wanted Brexit will regret it most

25 June 2016
The Washington Post
But perhaps the best evidence that people who voted for Brexit will come to regret it — if they haven't already — came via this report from the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank that favored Britain remaining in the EU By leaving, Britain is potentially also leaving its network of trade agreements within the region, pending negotiations. For areas that depend on exports for their economic sustenance, a less favorable trade agreements could deal a serious blow.

Fears that Spanish political crisis will deepen as country goes to the polls

Camino Mortera-Martinez
25 June 2016
The Telegraph
“If we have a second election without a clear result, it will contribute to the existing sense of crisis in Europe,” Camino Mortera Martinez, a researcher from the Centre for European Reform, told the Telegraph. “Brexit is the worst crisis imaginable and now the EU needs strong states to deal with what’s coming up”.

Britain terminates failed marriage and heads for messy divorce

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 June 2016
“This idea is legally dubious. Article 50 was not employed for a departure of Greenland as it was not yet in the EU law book. But even if it had existed at that time, it would not be applicable to Greenland anyway, as it was not Denmark leaving the Community, but parts of its territories,” said Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the Centre for European Reform and Adam Lazowski.

Der Mann am Ende

24 June 2016
Süddeutsche Zeitung
"Cameron is a peculiar prime minister,“ said Charles Grant, director of the think-tank the Centre for European Reform once to the SZ, "he is a fantastic communicator, he always stays calm, he does not yell like his predecessor Gordon Brown, he is really good with people. But he has no control over his own party.”

What does Brexit mean for UK nationals living in Europe?

24 June 2016
The Week
In 2013, the Centre for European Reform warned that Spain could start charging Britons for their healthcare if the UK left the EU. A large number of the 319,000 expats living there are retired - and more Britons die in Spain than any other foreign country.
How Brexit should be done

How Brexit should be done

24 June 2016
In the early hours of this morning - when we discovered "Leave" had won 52 per cent of the votes in this referendum - the rules of British politics were torn to shreds.