Single market, competition & trade

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The EU should abandon chip nationalism

The EU should abandon chip nationalism

20 October 2022
With the US aggressively throttling China’s chip capabilities, the EU wants to protect itself by subsidising its own domestic chip manufacturing industry. But Europe has better and more realistic alternatives.
In defence of borrowing for climate action

In defence of borrowing for climate action

13 October 2022
Even though interest rates are rising globally, European governments should still borrow large sums to finance green projects. In some cases, the EU should help.

Trussonomics has failed at the first hurdle

29 September 2022
Are the UK’s institutions strong enough to stop the government’s wrong-headed fiscal policy? 

Can Truss reset relations with the EU?

29 September 2022
Britain’s new prime minister has the chance to rebuild bridges to the European Union. But it is unclear whether she will seize the opportunity.  

How to fix the Northern Ireland Protocol

Hilary Benn
08 September 2022
Hilary Benn MP considers the stalemate between London and Brussels over the Northern Ireland Protocol and highlights key areas where both sides can achieve a compromise.

The EU needs a bigger playing field – not a level playing field

01 September 2022
Despite appearing to be legalistic and bureaucratic, the EU’s level playing field instruments are more flexible – and can be used more strategically – than they first appear.

The US could cope with deglobalisation. Europe couldn't

03 August 2022
True ‘deglobalisation’ – disintegration of the global economy – would be triggered by a political event, like China invading Taiwan. That would be a big problem for Europe’s economy.   
The EU's plan to unlock industrial data needs a rethink

The EU's plan to unlock industrial data needs a rethink

08 July 2022
The EU’s ambition for industry to better exploit data is a worthy and realistic one. But expanding some of the GDPR’s rules to industrial data would be a mistake.

What can we know about the cost of Brexit so far?

09 June 2022
The UK's GDP is 5.2 per cent smaller than a modelled ‘doppelgänger’ UK that did not leave the EU; investment is 13.7 per cent lower, and goods trade, 13.6 per cent lower. Most of those costs are down to Brexit.

Can the UK keep up with Europe on digital competition?

30 May 2022
As Brussels finalises world-leading digital competition rules, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has deferred similar reforms for Britain. But if UK authorities are bold, they can still help shape global tech markets.
Will the Digital Services Act save Europe from disinformation?

Will the Digital Services Act save Europe from disinformation?

21 April 2022
In negotiating the Digital Services Act, EU law-makers balanced tackling disinformation with protecting free speech. The Commission’s last-minute proposal for stricter regulation of tech platforms during crises undermines this balance.

Russia-Ukraine: The West needs a sanctions strategy

10 March 2022
After the initial flurry of sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, Western leaders now need to take a more strategic approach.
The cost of Brexit: December 2021

The cost of Brexit: December 2021

10 March 2022
By December 2021, leaving the single market and customs union had reduced UK goods trade by 14.9 per cent. And new analysis shows that UK exports have taken a larger hit than imports.

How the world has changed in 25 years: Annual report 2021

07 February 2022
The CER has been in business for about a quarter of a century – we published our first pamphlets in 1996 and opened our London office in 1998.

Ditchley conference report: The politics of climate change

02 February 2022
Climate change is as much a political problem as a technological one, and the CER's annual economics conference focused on ways to overcome inertia, denial and myopia.
Why big business may learn to love EU competition policy

Why big business may learn to love EU competition policy

01 February 2022
Big multinationals sometimes criticise the EU’s competition policy, which is more aggressive than America’s. But in the long term, Brussels’ approach could prove more balanced and predictable than Washington’s.