Single market, competition & trade

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The eurozone’s German problem

The eurozone’s German problem

Simon Tilford
20 October 2014
Germany’s uncompromising stance is short-sighted, and poses a greater risk to its economic and political interests than a ‘grand bargain’ with the French and Italians.
Would Britain’s trade be freer outside the EU?

Would Britain’s trade be freer outside the EU?

16 October 2014
A post-‘Brexit’ Britain would struggle to make up for foregone trade opportunities with the EU by signing trade agreements with non-European countries.

Unlocking Europe's capital markets union

Hugo Dixon
15 October 2014
The goal of a capital markets union should be to develop healthy non-bank sources of finance. This should be achieved mainly by liberating, not controlling markets.
Why devaluing the euro is not mercantilism

Why devaluing the euro is not mercantilism

Christian Odendahl
02 October 2014
The ECB needs to be more innovative and drastic to weaken the euro. This would help the eurozone without hurting the world economy.
How to pull the eurozone out of the mire

How to pull the eurozone out of the mire

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
26 September 2014
To free the eurozone, public investment, tax cuts and monetary stimulus are needed.
Bulletin issue 98

Issue 98 - 2014

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Christian Odendahl, John Springford, Rem Korteweg
26 September 2014
Brussels medicine

How Brussels' medicine is killing the 'French patient'

Simon Tilford
24 September 2014
France is not yet the 'sick man of Europe', but it is ailing thanks to swallowing too much bad medicine prescribed by Brussels and Berlin.
Boris Johnson, Gerard Lyons and policy-based evidence making

Boris Johnson, Gerard Lyons and policy-based evidence making

11 August 2014
Conservatives say that leaving the EU would be better than the status quo, but where is the evidence?
The banking union alone cannot bring recovery

The banking union alone cannot bring recovery

Christian Odendahl
29 July 2014
The banking union is a work in progress but a significant step in the right direction. However, it will not be enough for a proper recovery.
Interest rates

The eurozone's real interest rate problem

Christian Odendahl
08 July 2014
Aggressive fiscal and regulatory policies are needed to counteract the effects of divergent real interest rates in the eurozone – but this is not happening.
The eurozone is no place for poor countries

The eurozone is no place for poor countries

Simon Tilford
27 June 2014
The gap between the eurozone’s richer and poorer members is as wide as in 1999 and is growing. Poorer prospective members should take note.
How to finish the euro house

How to finish the euro house

Philippe Legrain
17 June 2014
Eurozone governance is politically unsustainable: its rules and institutions favour creditor over debtor countries. Eurozone policy-makers need to change direction before it is too late.
German investment

More investment, for Germany’s sake

Christian Odendahl
13 June 2014
German investment is low while German borrowing costs are at record lows. Convincing the German government to invest will not be easy, for political reasons.

The economic consequences of leaving the EU

The final report of the CER commission on the UK and the EU single market
09 June 2014
A group of experts finds that, after leaving the EU, the UK would face an invidious choice: sign up to the single market’s rules, or suffer economic damage.In April 2016 an updated version of the report The economic consequences of leaving the EU: The final report of the CER commission on Brexit 2016 was published.
The eurozone economy needs a kick-start

The eurozone economy needs a kick-start

Christian Odendahl, Simon Tilford
06 June 2014
With just as many reasons for pessimism as for optimism in the eurozone, policy-makers need to further stimulate demand and pursue more targeted reforms.
CER bulletin - Issue 96

Issue 96 - 2014

Charles Grant, Christian Odendahl, Rem Korteweg, Simon Tilford
06 June 2014
Presidential candidates, European federalism and Tony Giddens

Presidential candidates, European federalism and Tony Giddens

15 May 2014
The problem with ‘federalism’ is that most European citizens do not want it. This makes the federalist proposals in Tony Giddens’ new book unrealistic.
The consequences of Brexit for the City of London

The consequences of Brexit for the City of London

John Springford, Philip Whyte
08 May 2014
If Britain leaves the EU, the City of London will lose access to European markets – unless the UK aligns its financial rules with those of the EU.
Quantitative easing alone will not do the trick

Quantitative easing alone will not do the trick

Christian Odendahl
28 April 2014
In the eurozone, quantitative easing by itself is unlikely to be effective. The European Central Bank needs to change the way it manages people’s expectations, too.