Foreign policy & defence

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Analist britanic: "Sunt sceptic că Noul Drum al Mătăsii are sens din punct de vedere comercial" (interview in Romanian)

07 October 2014
The Epoch Times
Ian Bond a explicat într-un amplu interviu acordat Epoch Times care sunt barierele în calea Noului Drum al Mătăsii, de ce Rusia şi China au interese divergente în Asia Centrală şi ce vrea să facă Putin în continuare în Ucraina.

Judy Asks: Has Obama finally discovered foreign policy?

17 September 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Europa doet too little, too late aan afhankelijkheid Rusland

Rem Korteweg
17 September 2014
Rem Korteweg, Centre for European Reform: "EU legt sancties met duidelijke tegenzin op"

There are other ways to help Ukraine

08 September 2014
International New York Times
Whether Ukraine is a member of NATO matters less than whether defending it is in NATO’s security interest.

Plenty of crime but no punishment for Putin

03 September 2014
The Moscow Times
It seems that President Vladimir Putin would like to go down in history as an extraordinary man, who restored Russia to greatness. Unfortunately, his intervention in Ukraine risks making him the Raskolnikov of international relations.

A top diplomat for Europe: Who will replace Catherine Ashton?

Ian Bond, Denis Corboy, William Courtney, and Craig Dunkerley
13 August 2014
The National Interest
The EU will soon select its next “foreign minister” – but rumors suggest an opportunity may be missed. At a time of so many international crises, Europe needs a more robust voice and America needs a stronger partner.

Russia and the West's dangerous clash: Time for NATO & EU expansion East?

Ian Bond, Denis Corboy, William Courtney and Kenneth Yalowitz
30 July 2014
The National Interest
The EU and America are centre stage in devising sanctions on Russia, yet NATO has so far left the Ukraine out in the cold. NATO needs to define a bolder vision for security interests closer to Europe at the upcoming summit in Wales.

Video interview on 'A presence farther east: Can Europe play a strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region?'

Rem Korteweg
25 July 2014
Rem Korteweg discusses his recent policy brief on the Asia-Pacific region.

EU can unite on South Stream, if not sanctions

Rem Korteweg
23 July 2014
The Moscow Times
Strong suspicions of Russian involvement in the tragic shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines aircraft have led EU countries to consider new sanctions against Moscow.

Judy Asks: Should America spy on its allies?

16 July 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

A view on Central Europe: Does the V4 have a future?

15 July 2014
Central European Policy Institute
Ian Bond argues that the V4 risks fading into irrelevance unless it can articulate a common position on the Ukraine crisis.

Украинский кризис: взгляд из Лондона

05 March 2014
Voice of America [Russia]
Иан Бонд: «Мы не вправе вторгнуться, например, в Зимбабве, поскольку ее англоязычные жители страдают от нарушений прав человека. Это было бы абсурдно! Но я боюсь, что именно эту странную логику используют в России»

Страны Запада оказывают давление на Россию, чтобы убедить ее уважать суверенитет Украины. В Вашингтоне и европейских...

Video interview on the way ahead for Ukraine

28 February 2014
Video interview with Ian Bond, director for foreign policy at the CER on the way ahead for Ukraine.

Will Assad deliver for Putin?

Rem Korteweg, Judy Dempsey
18 September 2013
Carnegie Europe
Following a Russian initiative, Moscow and Washington have reached an agreement that calls for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by mid-2014.

Obama w pułapce - Interview with Ian Bond

01 September 2013
Niepokoi mnie, że na Zachodzie wszyscy koncentrują się na tym, jak przeprowadzić atak na Syrię. Znacznie mniej jest dyskusji o tym, w jaki sposób może na to odpowiedzieć Asad – podkreśla brytyjski ekspert ds. międzynarodowych w rozmowie z Jędrzejem Bieleckim.

As doubts grow about a BAE-EADS merger, could it prove a danger to national interests?

Tomas Valasek, Ben Wallace
19 September 2012
City A.M
The fear that the merger might pose a threat to national security is without foundation. How? Would the German or French bits of the company withhold supplies to the UK armed forces on political grounds?

Prospects for deeper Visegrád defence collaboration

Tomas Valasek
01 August 2012
The May NATO Summit in Chicago ended with a call on member states to spend their money on the right priorities, to seek economies of scale in collaboration and to start specializing instead of duplicating each other's efforts.

Integrating the EU defence market: An easy way to soften the impact of military spending cuts?

Clara Marina O'Donnell
12 July 2012
Institute for Security Studies
As many European countries introduce their biggest defence budget cuts in years, they have been exploring ways to limit the impact on their armed forces.

'One blood and one destiny?' Yemen's relations with the Gulf Co-operation Council

Edward Burke
20 June 2012
London School of Economics & Political Science
For years Yemen has been the poor, neglected relation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Long-promised aid commitments from the GCC have not materialized because of concerns over Yemeni absorption capacity.