Foreign policy & defence
CER podcast: Daniel Keohane on the future of European Defence after Brexit and Trump
28 February 2017
Discussion on how Brexit will affect EU defence co-operation and how the UK can use its special relationship with the US to get a better deal from Europeans.
CER podcast: Kori Schake on Donald Trump and what he means for Europe
09 February 2017
Kori Schake discusses how European leaders should approach the Donald Trump presidency, the real checks and balances of the American political system and why she is optimistic about the NATO Summit.
Voice of America: EU-Tripoli Migrant Deal Ignores Political Chaos in Libya, Analysts Warn
04 February 2017
Luigi Scazzieri talks to Voice of America about the EU's migrant deal with Libya.
CER podcast: 5 questions on Trade, Trump and TTIP
16 January 2017
Rem Korteweg explains what trade policy under Trump will look like, if and how European governments can save TTIP, and what to make of a US-UK trade deal.
Užsienio diplomato kirtis: nelaikykite rusų milžinais, o lietuvių nykštukais
13 January 2017
Situacija Europos Rytuose pamažu karštėja. Auga Lietuvos išlaidos gynybai, žiniasklaidoje plinta netikros naujienos ir propaganda, o šalies lyderiai tautiečius gąsdina pasisakymais apie kaip niekada didelį Lietuvos pažeidžiamumą. O kaip visa tai atrodo stebėtojui iš šalies – ar tikrai esame pajėgūs apsiginti ir kada sulauksime didžiosios Rytų kaimynės griūties?
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