Energy & climate

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Issue 50 - 2006 file thumbnail

Issue 50 - 2006

Charles Grant, David Miliband, Nick Butler
29 September 2006
EU 2010: A programme for reform

EU 2010: A programme for reform

Charles Grant, Hugo Brady, Katinka Barysch, Simon Tilford, Daniel Keohane, Mark Leonard, Aurore Wanlin
03 February 2006
The European Union is suffering from a profound malaise. There have been difficult times in the past – such as the 'empty chair' left by General de Gaulle in the mid-1960s, the rows over the British budget contribution in the early 1980s, and the struggles to ratify the Maastricht treaty...
The EU must do more on climate change

The EU must do more on climate change

Stephen Tindale
01 February 2006
The EU, like the rest of the world, faces no greater threat than climate change. There are two – equally bleak – scenarios for Europe if greenhouse gas emissions are not cut quickly and substantially.
Bulletin issue 46

Issue 46 - 2006

Charles Grant, Stephen Tindale, Carl Bildt
27 January 2006
Energy security

Energy security: A new agenda for Europe

Nick Butler
01 October 2004
For almost 50 years, Europe's priority has been to achieve peace and prosperity by strengthening the ties between its nations. The last 20 years in particular have seen Europe focused on the internal challenges of German reunification, enlargement and the establishment of the single currency.
Bulletin issue 38

Issue 38 - 2004

Charles Grant, Nick Butler, Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane
24 September 2004
The EU-Russia energy dialogue

The EU-Russia energy dialogue

09 May 2003
Russia is the EU's biggest neighbour. The EU is Russia's most important trading partner and source of foreign investment. Yet EU-Russia relations have often suffered from discord over contentious issues such as trade quotas, rules on visas, the Kaliningrad enclave or human rights in Chechnya. So it is all the...
Needed: An EU energy tax

Needed: An EU energy tax

Nina Marenzi
02 August 1999
There is no EU-wide energy tax, despite the fact that green parties now have a strong presence in the European political landscape and that such a tax could make the single market more effective.
Bulletin issue 7

Issue 7 - 1999

Charles Grant, Kitty Ussher, Nina Marenzi, Ben Hall
30 July 1999