Energy & climate

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Elisabetta Cornago

Deutsche Welle News: Can the EU bring back "Made in Europe"?

27 February 2025
Elisabetta Cornago of the CER speaks to DW News about how the bloc can stay competitive with the US and China while holding on to its aim to lower emissions and slow down climate change.

Cómo reducir al mínimo las reacciones contra las políticas verdes

28 December 2023
No es inevitable que haya una reacción violenta contra las políticas verdes de la UE. Los responsables políticos deben dedicarse a diseñar unas políticas que hagan asequible la descarbonización y destaquen sus beneficios sociales.

La reforma de los mercados mayoristas de la energía en Europa: ¿necesita más impulso?

16 June 2023
ES Global
Las propuestas de la Comisión Europea para reformar el mercado mayorista de la electricidad son modestas pero pragmáticas.

ESG Insider podcast: Unpacking the EU's green deal industrial plan

09 June 2023
In this episode of the ESG Insider podcast, we’re turning our attention to the European Union and digging into the Green Deal Industrial Plan. 

Energy prices, not US subsidies, are Europe's biggest headache

14 March 2023
The EU should put more effort into lowering energy costs rather than subsidising industry in response to the US Inflation Reduction Act, argue John Springford and Elisabetta Cornago.

NHK News 7: Gas prices

21 December 2022
"So houses that were already more vulnerable to energy poverty to begin with are now going to be suffering even more. And I think for this reason, it is important to make sure that policies that aim at helping out consumers start out by targeting those that are in the most vulnerable positions", said Elisabetta Cornago, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

CER podcast: The implications of Russia's war against Ukraine

15 December 2022
In this year’s final episode of the CER podcast, our researchers unpack the most significant event of the past year, Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Europe may not find energy efficiency sexy — but it’s crucial

13 December 2022
Financial Times
EU leaders are right to try to protect consumers and keep business costs down, yet they have to do more.

En defensa del endeudamiento por la acción climática

04 November 2022
ES Global
Los tipos de interés están subiendo a nivel mundial, pero, aun así, los gobiernos europeos deberían endeudarse por sumas importantes para financiar proyectos “verdes”. En algunos casos, la UE debería ayudar.

Ask CER - Episode 7: Emergency EU energy measures, UK divergence from EU rules and power shifts in Europe

Elisabetta Cornago, Zach Meyers, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Rosie Giorgi
21 October 2022
You asked, we answered: the seventh episode of our 'Ask CER' podcast series.

Institute for Government Podcast: Europe's energy crisis

28 September 2022
With winter fast approaching, politicians across Europe have been taking dramatic steps to address the ongoing energy crisis. The IfG team are joined by Alice Hancock from the FT and Elisabetta Cornago from the Centre for European Reform to assess different countries’ responses.

El plan de energía de la UE para un invierno difícil: ¿qué opciones hay?

23 September 2022
ES Global
El nuevo plan de la Comisión Europea aspira a reducir el uso de la electricidad para disminuir los precios y los posibles apagones, extraer parte de los beneficios extraordinarios de las empresas energéticas y recortar los ingresos de Rusia por el gas.

BBC Radio 4: The Briefing Room Can we keep the lights on this winter?

01 September 2022
Elisabetta Cornago a senior research fellow at the CER, joined other experts to speak with David Aaronovitch in The Briefing Room (from 09:28 mins) to speak abour soaring energy costs.

Tú no eres alemán, pero también te van a cortar el gas

Camino Mortera-Martinez
31 July 2022
EL Confidencial
Yo no sé qué más emergencias necesitamos para quitarnos todos del gas, como buenamente podamos. Que sí, los alemanes los que más. Pero eso no nos da derecho a castigarlos.

CER podcast: Where will Macron now take France and Europe?

Charles Grant, Pascal Lamy, Christine Ockrent, Ben Haddad, Rosie Giorgi
11 May 2022
We discussed Macron's re-election and where French and EU policy was likely to be headed in his second term.

Deutsche Welle - Inside Europe podcast: 05.05.2022

05 May 2022
Elisabetta Cornago spoke on Deutsche Welle's 'Inside Europe' podcast about the EU's plans to phase out Russian oil, the consequences of this and the bigger picture of Europe's energy security.

Ask CER - Episode 4: Phasing out Russian gas, UK-EU relations and Hungary's response to the war

Elisabetta Cornago, Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Rosie Giorgi
30 March 2022
You asked, we answered: the fourth episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.

CER podcast: Do states need to use more economic coercion to drive climate action?

04 February 2022
The first of two episodes from our economics conference on the politics of climate change.

Ask CER - Episode 3: Strategic autonomy, the EU's taxonomy and the French election

26 January 2022
You asked, we answered: the third episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.
