Energy & climate

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A new EU fiscal regime could make the ECB truly independent

A new EU fiscal regime could make the ECB truly independent

30 June 2022
The ECB must be free to target inflation and prevent spreads rising without encouraging fiscal irresponsibility. A new, credible fiscal regime is needed, with a permanent EU green investment fund at its centre.

How to make EU fiscal rules compatible with net zero

Christian Odendahl, Claudio Baccianti
09 May 2022
EU governments will have to invest a lot more to meet 2030 emissions targets. Fiscal rules exemptions and more EU funding are needed to ensure Europe reaches its climate goals without political crises.

The EU emissions trading system after the energy price spike

04 April 2022
EU emissions trading needs an upgrade: the EU should tighten the cap on emissions more rapidly, expand to road transport and buildings, and spend higher revenues on subsidising green investment.

Europe must stop paying for Russia's war

30 March 2022
Putin wants Europe to pay for gas in roubles, forcing it to deal with Russia’s central bank. Europe should respond by ending Russian hydrocarbon imports sooner than planned.
The EU must triple down on green investment

The EU must triple down on green investment

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
24 March 2022
Russia’s war on Ukraine forces Europe to make some tough economic choices. Higher climate investment is a no-brainer, however.
High energy prices threaten the EU emissions trading system

High energy prices threaten the EU emissions trading system

23 March 2022
EU member-states should not stop the expansion of emissions trading to keep a lid on energy prices. Instead, they should increase income support for poorer households and incentives for green investment.
Russia's war on Ukraine: There is worse to come (for the West as well)

Russia's war on Ukraine: There is worse to come (for the West as well)

Ian Bond, Elisabetta Cornago, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
17 March 2022
The EU has reacted robustly to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. But it must now mitigate the economic, social and political consequences, which will hit ordinary citizens and challenge Western cohesion.
How to make the new emissions trading system work for consumers

How to make the new emissions trading system work for consumers

04 March 2022
Extending the Emissions Trading System to buildings and road transport can cut emissions and help poor households if all revenues are devoted to income support and green investment.

How the world has changed in 25 years: Annual report 2021

07 February 2022
The CER has been in business for about a quarter of a century – we published our first pamphlets in 1996 and opened our London office in 1998.

Ditchley conference report: The politics of climate change

02 February 2022
Climate change is as much a political problem as a technological one, and the CER's annual economics conference focused on ways to overcome inertia, denial and myopia.
How carbon pricing can decarbonise European heavy industry

How carbon pricing can decarbonise European heavy industry

13 January 2022
To decarbonise heavy industry, the EU needs a high and stable carbon price, an end to free emission permits, a level-playing field with foreign competitors, and support for green investment.

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - Poland

11 November 2021
COVID-19 While the impact of the first wave of Covid-19 infections in spring 2020 was small in Poland, the country suffered from two large waves peaking in November 2020 and in May 2021. 
The fiscal policy response in 2020 totalled 5.3 per cent of GDP and included numerous measures, from wage subsidies...

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent

11 November 2021
The recovery fund will raise growth, and member-states’ investments and reforms are largely the right ones. But to make a big difference to climate change, the fund needs to be permanent and much larger.

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - Romania

11 November 2021
The impact of the pandemic on RomaniaTotal cases per million of population have been comparatively low in Romania, while deaths have been around the EU average, at 1,700 per million. This is because cases have been undercounted and the health-care system has struggled to cope with the pandemic. Like many...

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - Portugal

11 November 2021
The impact of the pandemic on PortugalDeaths have been close to the EU average, at around 1,700 per million.1 Portugal locked down promptly in the first wave of the pandemic, but the country suffered further waves, with the peak of the pandemic coming in early February 2021, with over...

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - France

11 November 2021
COVID-19France has had one of the highest rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the EU, after three large waves in March and October 2020, and in the spring of 2021. Like most European countries, France provided a ‘chômage partiel’ furlough scheme for workers in businesses that were forced to...

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - Germany

11 November 2021
COVID-19Germany locked down at an early stage of the first wave in March 2020, which meant that it suffered fewer hospitalisations and deaths than most other countries in Western Europe. Deaths in the autumn and winter waves of the disease were lower than its peers, too. Its fiscal response to...

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - Greece

11 November 2021
COVID-19 While Greece managed to avoid a large first wave of Covid-19 infections by locking down early in spring 2020, it suffered from two further waves – and two further lockdowns – in November-December 2020 and in April-May 2021. Most activities re-opened in mid-May 2021.
In 2020, government support to the economy...

Why the EU's recovery fund should be permanent: Country report - Italy

11 November 2021
COVID-19Italy has been among the European countries hardest-hit by COVID-19, having suffered a particularly harsh first wave in spring 2020. A nationwide lockdown was introduced on March 9th. Between mid-March and mid-May 2020, the government implemented a range of fiscal packages amounting to over €860 billion, covering support for businesses...