Britain & EU member-states
Italy after the election: From partner to spoiler?
30 January 2018
Italy's 4th March election is likely to be less consequential than many assume. But it will highlight the urgency of reforming the eurozone and better managing migration.
'Canada', 'Norway' or something in between?
26 January 2018
The EU will reject's Britain's request for a bespoke partnership based on regulatory alignment. The UK will have to put up with a Canada-style deal, unless it shifts its red lines.
Holding out hope for a half-way Brexit house
22 January 2018
The UK is considering 'managed divergence' from EU rules, which the 27 will reject. A better strategy would be to remain in the customs union and single market for goods.
Poland’s prime minister: New face, same old tune?
22 January 2018
The new prime minister’s style will be more emollient than his predecessor’s, but he is unlikely to back down on judicial reforms.
Bulletin Issue 118 - February/March 2018
22 January 2018
- Poland’s prime minister: New face, same old tune?, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
- Holding out hope for a half-way Brexit house, John Springford, Sam Lowe
- From 14 points to 280 characters: Trump vs Wilson, Ian Bond
Of transition and trade deals
16 January 2018
The UK will not be able to replicate the EU’s free trade agreements ready for March 30th 2019. The only solution is to ask the EU for help.
Conference report: How to save the EU
15 January 2018
50 leading economists, political scientists and experts on the EU considered the forces undermining the Union, and how Europe should respond to them.
The biggest Brexit boon for Germany? Migration
11 December 2017
Germany's economy desperately needs qualified immigrants to fill 780,000 jobs. Brexit will help it to do so.
UK + EU = Canada+?
01 December 2017
A post-Brexit deal along the lines of the EU-Canada trade agreement would do a lot of damage to the British economy. Can the UK hope for anything better?
Ten predictions for the Brexit talks
29 November 2017
Arguments over the Irish border may block the start of talks on the future EU-UK relationship. When those talks begin, the EU will reject British proposals for a bespoke deal.
Bulletin Issue 117 - December 2017/January 2018
29 November 2017
- Ten predictions for the Brexit talks, Charles Grant
- All is not well in the Visegrad economies, Simon Tilford
- PESCO: Paper tiger, paper tanks?, Sophia Besch
A new deal for the eurozone: Remedy or placebo?
24 November 2017
The eurozone is finally witnessing an economic upturn but if it fails to win back the support of disaffected citizens, the bloc could face an existential crisis.
Dig for Victory?
16 November 2017
A UK trade deal with the US will create more problems for British agriculture and food consumers than it would solve.
Relaunching the EU
07 November 2017
The EU is ripe for fundamental reform. New policies are needed for migration and the euro. The EU also needs more flexible structures so that countries can opt in and out of key policies.
Populism – culture or economics?
30 October 2017
Are economic factors to blame for the rise of populism, or is it a cultural backlash? The answer is a bit of both: economic weakness strengthens social conservatives' illiberal views.
EU enlargement: Door half open or door half shut?
09 October 2017
EU enlargement has spread peace and prosperity, but it has now stalled. The EU should keep the door open, and prepare countries for coming inside.
Crunch time in Catalonia: Why Spain needs a constitutional overhaul
04 October 2017
Catalonia's illegal referendum has resulted in a constitutional crisis in Spain. Madrid needs to urgently revise the country's model of regional government.
How the ECB should respond to a German fiscal boost
26 September 2017
A German stimulus has the potential to help the eurozone economy. But how the ECB reacts is key.
Brexit and energy: Time to make some hard choices
25 September 2017
If Britain quits the EU’s single energy market, it will have to invest more in electricity generation, pay higher prices and accept a bigger state role in the energy sector.
How strong a Brexit card is Britain's money?
19 September 2017
Britain’s strongest card in the negotiations is the money that the 27 claim it owes to the EU. But the money card gives Britain a pair rather than a flush.