
Faltering threesome fight to follow Angela Merkel

Christian Odendahl
16 January 2021
The Times
“The CDU is not the party of ideas,” Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform think tank, said. “It’s the party of maintaining the status quo.”

It’s over for Angela Merkel and her winning coalition

Sophia Besch, Christian Odendahl
16 January 2021
The Telegraph
As the Centre for European Reform points out, the chancellor has simultaneously managed to draw outsized support from conservatives, centrists, greens, women and descendants of migrants. But her successor will not be given the benefit of the doubt by most of these groups and will have to prioritise.

The battle for Germany's ruling party that will change Europe

Sophia Besch, Christian Odendahl
15 January 2021
EU Observer
"Any future CDU chancellor will thus start from a position of managing the status quo, preserving what has been achieved, maintaining the crucial relationship with the US, and not risking Germans' support for European integration," Sophia Besch and Christian Odendahl at the Centre for European Reform write in their analysis.

The messy race to replace Germany's 'remarkable' Angela Merkel

Sophia Besch
15 January 2021
The Sydney Morning Herald
Sophia Besch, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says CDU delegates are not just picking a new leader but also casting a vote on the future of conservatism in Germany.

La eleccion del sucesor de Merkel: ¿Ninguno de los de arriba?

Sophia Besch, Christian Odendahl
15 January 2021
Agenda Publica
La competencia por los votantes de Angela Merkel ha comenzado, y la CDU necesita un líder capaz de mantener unida a su amplia red de partidarios. Éste bien puede ser el ministro de Salud, Jens Spahn.

Britain’s immediate economic prospects are grim

Sam Lowe
14 January 2021
The Economist
But Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, says Brussels will weaken its rules only to help EU members such as Ireland; it has no interest in softening the impact of Brexit on Britain.

BBC Radio 4 - The World at one: Brexit problems with new trading arrangements

Sam Lowe
14 January 2021
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Sarah Montague about the teething problems and costs of the new trading arrangements (from 28.30 mins).

Italien: Renzis ruchlose Ränkespiele

14 January 2021
Deutsche Welle
Eine lange Periode der Instabilität wäre die Folge". Nicht nur aus diesem Grund hält der Politikwissenschaftler Luigi Scazzieri vom Londoner Thinktank "Centre for European Reform" (CER) für ziemlich ausgeschlossen: "Keine der größeren Parteien will Neuwahlen. Sogar Matteo Salvini würde sich überlegen, ob er in der Pandemie an die Regierung will oder nicht vielleicht lieber bis 2023 auf die regulären Wahlen wartet." 

This ISN'T what we fought for! Brexiteer fury at deal as FIVE issues exposed

13 January 2021
Commenting on the Brexit deal, Charles Grant, director of think tank the Centre for European Reform, warned there were still uncertainties surrounding the UK-EU relationship going forward.Like Sir John, he also pointed to the sustainability of checks of goods moving from Britain to Northern Ireland. Due to Northern Ireland remaining partly under EU single market and customs union, he warned some may be "tempted to tear up the NI protocol". 

UK eyes adding climate provisions in US trade talks to woo Joe Biden

Sam Lowe
13 January 2021
City A.M
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform think tank, said: “It remains unlikely that the Biden administration will prioritise new trade agreements with anyone in his first year, including the UK. However, were it to engage in trade talks the Biden administration would certainly be more receptive to including provisions on climate change in the text.”

With Germany’s political future in the balance, centrist “Merkel voters” will be crucial

Christian Odendahl
13 January 2021
New Statesman
Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform says these “Merkel voters” include many women, people with migrant roots and centrists reassured by the chancellor’s incremental progressivism.

Italy's government plunged into crisis after junior coalition partner quits

13 January 2021
According to Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, wrangling over money is not the only reason behind the coalition woes."The real reason is that Renzi has been sidelined in the past years, his party is polling poorly and wants to gain greater prominence and strengthen his electoral appeal," he told Euronews.

CER podcast: The future UK-EU relationship

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe, Katherine Pye, David Lidington
13 January 2021
Katherine Pye spoke to Charles Grant, David Lidington and Sam Lowe about what we can expect from the future UK-EU relationship.

EU plot to destroy City of London: Brussels looking to force firms out of Brexit Britain

Sam Lowe
12 January 2021
Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform who was previously also a member of the Government's Strategic Trade Advisory Group, has warned negotiations on financial services "could create political tension in the EU-UK relationship".He said Brussels is yet to decide on the issue of so-called "equivalence" - determining if the UK's rules and regulations are suitably compatible with its own that firms in London can have access to the EU market.

The post-Brexit trials and tribulations of the touring musical troupe

Sam Lowe
12 January 2021
The newly signed EU-UK trade and co-operation agreement (TCA) conditionally removes tariffs and quotas, but otherwise does little to minimise regulatory barriers to trade or facilitate trade in services.

Baffling Brexit rules threaten export chaos, Gove is warned

Sam Lowe
10 January 2021
The Observer
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said there were problems that could grow over coming weeks and months.“The new import/export formalities are proving problematic for many companies. The lack of obvious queues at the border disguises the fact that many trucks are stuck in depots, unable to head to the ports due to their clients failing to provide the necessary documentation and information.”

La UE blinda su mercado interior frente al Brexit y la crisis económica de la pandemia

Camino Mortera-Martinez
09 January 2021
El Pais
Camino Martínez-Mortera, analista del Centre for European Reform, cree que el denominador común de las últimas crisis de la UE no ha sido tanto el mercado único como la erosión de la confianza mutua. Pero la analista añade que “sin confianza mutua no puede haber mercado interior”. Y recuerda que esa confianza “es también la base del desarrollo del área común de justicia e interior, de la zona Schengen o del euro”.

The Brexit deal is being celebrated as though it removes all tariffs. It doesn’t

Sam Lowe
08 January 2021
The newly signed EU-UK trade and co-operation agreement (TCA) does little to remove bureaucracy at the border, or facilitate trade in services, but it does at least remove all tariffs and quotas, right?

Brexit means UK eateries fight harder for authentic fare

Sam Lowe
08 January 2021
“The era of mixed consignments will pretty much come to an end,” said Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. “It just becomes too much hassle.”

Encompass Podcast: Geopolitics in 2021

07 January 2021
Charles Grant spoke to Paul Adamson about likely trends in geopolitics in 2021.