
Europe tries to cut migrant air routes from Middle East to Belarus amid border crisis

Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
15 November 2021
According to the Centre for European Reform think-tank, between early August and mid-October, there were more than 15,000 attempts to cross the border illegally.

Permanent recovery fund

12 November 2021
Financial Times
The Centre for European Reform is making the case for why the bloc’s post-pandemic recovery fund based on mutual debt should be a permanent EU outfit. One argument: if the bloc is serious about its climate ambitions, the current fund is nowhere near sufficient for the green transition investments needed.

Ask CER - Episode 2: Europe's climate challenges, the EU's recovery fund, and the latest on Nord Stream 2

12 November 2021
You asked, we answered: the second episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.

Pandemic legacy set to hang heavily over EU budget numbers

12 November 2021
Today UK News
The Centre for European Reform is making the case for why the bloc’s post-pandemic recovery fund based on mutual debt should be a permanent EU outfit. One argument: if the bloc is serious about its climate ambitions, the current fund is nowhere near sufficient for the green transition investments needed.

It may be time for businesses to dust off their no-deal Brexit plans

11 November 2021
The Times
An analysis by the Centre for European Reform suggests Brexit so far has reduced UK goods trade by 15.8 per cent compared with what might have been expected if Britain was still in the EU.

Unlike before, Poland gets support from Europe on tough borders

Camino Mortera-Martinez
10 November 2021
The New York Times
The European Union has offered Poland help with its own border guards, known as Frontex, significantly expanded since the 2015 crisis and based in Warsaw, said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a Brussels-based fellow of the Centre for European Reform.

Unlike before, Poland gets support from Europe on tough borders

10 November 2021
The New York Times
Warsaw also does not want the oversight of its actions that Frontex might provide, said Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow in London who is also at the Centre for European Reform.

Why Britain is such a noisy neighbour

Sam Lowe
06 November 2021
The Economist
Perpetual arguments beckon, says Samuel Lowe of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. When the row over fish passes, attention will turn to Northern Ireland, a more serious problem. 

Fishing row: What happens if UK takes legal action against France over post-Brexit dispute?

Sam Lowe
02 November 2021
Sky News
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said of the process: "In terms of the legal mechanisms we are very much talking about a process here that could drag on for a while."

Expectations for COP26 are low but here's what would make it a success

30 October 2021
Elisabetta Cornago, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-thank, said that "experts are hoping for a leap forward with final climate actions plans" at the summit to keep the 1.5°C target "within reach.""Currently, that seems hard, as most plans fall far short of that goal," she deplored.

Business bottleneck in the 'age of optimism'

30 October 2021
BBC News
The Centre for European Reform sought to model an imaginary, non-Brexit Britain alongside these actual figures, and concluded that the effect of Brexit - isolated from the pandemic - accounted for a drop of 15.8% in goods trade, as of August.

Polonia y el ataque iliberal a los cimientos de la UE

Camino Mortera-Martinez
30 October 2021
“Para la UE, este desafío de Polonia y el de otros Estados Miembros que se declaran abiertamente iliberales como Hungría es casi una cuestión existencial. Está en juego la esencia de la UE y qué tipo de comunidad de valores quiere ser”, señala Camino Mortera, investigadora del Centre for European Reform (CER). 

CER podcast: What's the state of UK-EU relations?

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe
29 October 2021
Charles Grant speaks to Sam Lowe about the state of UK-EU relations.

France - Royaume-Uni : les multiples raisons d’une brouille profonde

29 October 2021
Le Monde
« Elle pensait, à tort, que le Royaume-Uni allait devenir une sorte de Singapour-sur-Tamise dérégulé. Elle voulait aussi capter des parts de marché à la City ou au secteur automobile », juge Charles Grant, directeur du Center for European Reform. « Paris a aussi tenu cette ligne très dure pour priver les partis extrêmes d’arguments en faveur du Brexit », ajoute l’expert.

Think-Tank: Impact of Brexit on UK economy 'will be greater than Covid'

29 October 2021
The Independent
John Springford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform, told The Independent he is "pretty confident that the impact of Brexit in the long run will be greater than Covid". Mr Springford's modelling of the impact of Brexit on the UK's trade with the EU was used to help inform the OBR's analysis.

Not all Moscow's fault

29 October 2021
Financial Times
The Centre for European Reform has analysed the functioning of the European energy markets and came to the conclusion that the recent spikes in gas and electricity prices are “not primarily Russia’s fault, though it is capitalising on Europe’s vulnerability”.

Judy Asks: Is Europe's Energy crisis self-inflicted?

28 October 2021
Carnegie Europe
Europe is facing soaring gas prices. To avoid further crises, the EU should speed up its transition to renewables, reduce dependence on Russia, and formulate a coherent energy policy.

Inflation could soon hit highest level in three decades, government spending watchdog warns

27 October 2021
The Independent
“I’m pretty confident that the impact of Brexit in the long run will be greater than Covid,” said John Springford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform told The Independent.
Mr Springford’s modelling of the impact of Brexit on the UK’s trade with the EU was used to help inform the OBR’s analysis.

The cost-of-Brexit chart that Rishi Sunak didn’t mention in the Budget

27 October 2021
The New Statesman
The Centre for European Reform estimated that, based on recent trends for other countries, Brexit had reduced the UK’s goods trade by 13.5 per cent between January and May 2021.

Brexit: EU turns screw as Article 16 row explodes - bloc to impose tariffs on exports

Sam Lowe
26 October 2021
The Express
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, said a further deterioration in EU-UK political relations following strains over Northern Ireland could trigger some governments in the bloc to take a tougher approach. “In practical terms, if the EU steps up enforcement, it becomes a way of imposing tariffs on UK exports,” he added.