
CER podcast: The EU's Security Union

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Beth Oppenheim
31 July 2019
Beth Oppenheim asks Camino Mortera-Martinez to review the record of the EU's Security Union.

UK reliance on EU market highlighted by new services data read

Sam Lowe
31 July 2019
Research from the Centre for European Reform shows that even if the UK manages to strike a new free-trade agreement with the EU - a prospect that looks increasingly unlikely under Prime Minister Boris Johnson - there will be “big constraints” on services trade. There would also be an increase in British firms establishing a commercial presence in the EU, which would result in some well-paid jobs moving to the bloc, the think tank said.

Revealed: Real reason EU leaders won't budge on Boris Johnson's no deal Brexit threat

30 July 2019
The Express
European leaders are working on the assumption Boris Johnson is bluffing with his threat of a no deal Brexit scenario to push for a general election against Jeremy Corbyn after he is potentially stopped by both Brussels and MPs in Parliament, Charles Grant has claimed.Speaking to Channel 4 News, the director of the Centre for European Reform claimed European Union chiefs believe an early general election is likely and that Boris Johnson "wants to be stopped" in his bluff to take the UK out of the EU without an agreement.

With Boris Johnson in office, a Brexit standoff with Ireland solidifies

30 July 2019
The Wall Street Journal
“One of the consequences of Brexit that has not been much discussed is the growth of Irish nationalism,” said Charles Grant, the founder of the Centre for European Reform, a think tank.

Se tambalea la promesa de la paridad en la Comisión Europea de Von der Leyen

Camino Mortera-Martinez
30 July 2019
Así las cosas, una de las primeras promesas de Von der Leyen podría tener los días contados. Su margen de maniobra para convencer a los Estados miembros de que envíen a más mujeres es "limitado", según explica a Efe la investigadora del Centre for European Reform (CER) Camino Mortera-Martínez.

Twardy brexit coraz bliżej. Boris Johnson gra va banque

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
30 July 2019
Zdaniem Agaty Gostyńskiej-Jakubowskiej z londyńskiego think tanku Centre for European Reform nie ma co liczyć na to, że UE ugnie się przed "szantażem" Londynu, bo odstąpienie od obrony interesów Irlandii miałoby fatalne skutki dla solidarności europejskiej i mogłoby spowodować wzrost nastrojów eurosceptycznych.

Brytyjczycy chcą nastraszyć Unię. Raczej im się to nie uda

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 July 2019
Jak zauważa w rozmowie z WP Agata Gostyńska z Centre for European Reform w Brukseli, brytyjskie podejście ma nawet głębsze korzenie. Grożenie wetem i odejściem od stołu było częstą - i na ogół skuteczną - zagrywką Londynu na unijnym forum. Zdaniem ekspertki, tym razem strategia nie zakończy się sukcesem.

Channel 4 News: EU must recognise current Brexit deal not going to pass Commons

29 July 2019
As the government ramps up its no deal planning, Boris Johnson has insisted a new deal with the EU is still a possibility.

ZDF: Vorgeschmack auf den Brexit

29 July 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to ZDF about Brexit from (1.35 mins).

No-deal exit 'would leave UK farmers defenceless'

Sam Lowe
28 July 2019
The Telegraph
Sam Lowe, lead trade specialist at the Centre For European Reform think tank, added that if Parliament blocked the legislation it would leave farmers and industry utterly exposed and remove any leverage the UK might have to incentivise others to cut trade deals with the UK.

NHK: New UK Prime Minister

26 July 2019
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to NHK about Boris Johnson's appointment as Prime Minister (from 2.20 mins).

Boris Johnson's two biggest problems are one and the same

25 July 2019
The Atlantic
Another senior official from an EU member state told me that the threat of, in essence, losing Britain to the US was causing serious concern in Europe. Charles Grant, who heads the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank, told me that based on his own conversations with European officials, this concern was acutely felt in Germany.

Will Boris Johnson call an October election?

25 July 2019
Financial Times
Mr Johnson clearly does want to try and implement a deal this autumn if possible. He made that clear on Thursday in his maiden address to the House of Commons as prime minister. The focus of his effort right now is on forcing the EU to think again. But the UK and EU are so far apart, that some (such as John Springford) see a different chain of events unfolding.

US president hails Boris Johnson as ‘Britain Trump’ ... but will the bromance last?

24 July 2019
South China Morning Post
“While the two leaders have an affinity, their interests are not always aligned,” said Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform in London.
“Trump is unlikely to make any concessions to the UK in a trade negotiation, instead seeking maximum advantage for the US by forcing the UK to open up its agricultural sector and health service: requests that may make it impossible to reach a deal at all.”

Parliament Live: International Trade Committee - IT failures in the financial services sector

Sam Lowe
24 July 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, along with Dr Lorand Bartels, Dr Anna Jerzewska and Robert Hardy, gave evidence on IT failures in the financial services sector.

La coalición de Gobierno, norma en la Unión Europea

Camino Mortera-Martinez
24 July 2019
El Pais
Según Camino Mortera-Martínez, analista del Centro para la Reforma Europea, “las coaliciones europeas son difícilmente transferibles entre ellas porque los países tienen tradiciones e historias muy distintas”.

BBC Radio 4- Today programme: Brexit options

Sam Lowe
24 July 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform discussed the potential Brexit options available to Boris Johnson and the trade-offs inherent to each (from 69 mins).

Britain's two-faced foreign policy

23 July 2019
Financial Times
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, is also scathing. “In any sane world, we wouldn’t be simultaneously threatening a no-deal Brexit while at the same time asking for a European Maritime Force to protect commercial ships in the Gulf.”

Boris will have to play a diplomatic blinder to win over sceptics across the world

23 July 2019
The Telegraph
Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform says EU capitals think a no-deal outcome is now more likely than not. “They don’t trust Parliament to stop it,” he said. The Grieve manoeuvers are increasingly dismissed as noise. This is significant. It does not mean that the EU will drop the Withdrawal Agreement. “They think they are well-prepared and can take a no-deal on the chin, and they think we are less prepared,” said Mr Grant.

EU prepares huge aid package for Ireland

22 July 2019
The Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said that EU figures were increasingly pessimistic about a deal being done. “I would say that, having talked to senior figures in Brussels and other European capitals, they now believe no-deal is more likely than not,” he said.