
Covid-19 is delaying Brexit negotiations

19 March 2020
The Economist
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, notes that EU minds are also elsewhere, as they confront the serious risks to the bloc’s economy and the potential for destabilisation. “The chances of getting a deal fixed in time are diminishing,” he notes. “An extension is more likely.”

The British approach and international consensus

19 March 2020
Aspenia Online
The UK’s initial response to the coronavirus emergency appeared effective. Despite its high degree of interconnectedness with the global economy, the number of cases remained low in February.
Milan airport empty March 2020

Bold policies needed to counter the coronavirus recession

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
18 March 2020
The 2008 financial crisis was a global economic catastrophe. Millions of people lost their jobs, their homes, their savings or their businesses as banks collapsed and creditdried up.

CER podcast: Western leaders should talk to Putin, but not be taken in by him

Ian Bond, Khrystyna Parandii
18 March 2020
Western leaders must know their facts before they talk to Putin, and take a firm line on unacceptable actions.

Tok FM: Zamknięcie granic państw członkowskich UE ogranicza swobodne funkcjonowanie rynku

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 March 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform talked to TOK FM about the EU’s response to covid-19 and yesterday’s leaders’ video-conference.

Building 'European champions': An effective way to fend off Chinese competition?

17 March 2020
In February, Germany, France, Italy and Poland proposed a review of EU competition policy, demanding that the European Commission “introduce more justified and reasonable flexibility” to its decisions about mergers between European companies, to “take better account of third countries’ state intervention”.

A word of advice to Western leaders: Talk to Putin but don’t let him gaslight you

17 March 2020
Six years after Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine and fell under Western sanctions, some Western leaders are getting restless.

European Commission set to approve 30-day EU travel ban to fight coronavirus

16 March 2020
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank described the proposals as "window-dressing ... to cover up the embarrassment of member states closing their borders to each other".

Europe mulls shutting external borders in fight against coronavirus

16 March 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, agreed. He described the proposals as “window-dressing ... to cover up the embarrassment of member-states closing their borders to each other.”“I don’t see the potential benefits,” he said.

Boris Johnson pressed to move Brexit deadline amid Coronavirus threat

14 March 2020
The New York Times
“In a rational world, the UK would ask for an extension in June even if coronavirus wasn’t happening,” said John Springford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank.“The pandemic makes it even more pressing,” Mr Springford said, “because the British state will not have the personnel needed to enact the sweeping changes necessary to leave the single market.”

Coronavirus is Boris Johnson's worst nightmare

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 March 2020
"Now that future relationship talks are being interrupted, it is inevitable that both sides will have to start considering possible extensions," says Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska at the Centre for European Reform, based in Brussels.However, she adds: "The request should come from the British government and, obviously, an extension wouldn't come without costs for the UK. Questions, including the financial contributions, will have to be taken. There is no such thing as a free lunch."

EU leaders divided on how to protect economies after coronavirus

Christian Odendahl
14 March 2020
The Guardian
The coronavirus fallout is likely to be uneven. “The producers of toilet paper don’t have a recession at all, and the restaurants and hotels have a very deep one,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, based in Berlin. Manufacturers, he said, have more hope of a “V-shaped” recovery – that is, an economic bounce-back as rapid as the descent – because they will benefit from pent-up demand.

500 Euro, um das Nötigste abzufedern

Christian Odendahl, Anke Hassel
13 March 2020
Die Zeit
Eltern, Selbständige, Minijobber: Die Eindämmung des Virus wird zu finanziellen Engpässen führen. Die Lösung wäre ein vorläufiges Corona-Geld für jeden Bundesbürger.

The future of the EU: New perspectives - Italy

12 March 2020
The UK in a Changing Europe
The current trajectory of Italian politics is likely to impact considerably on the EU’s future. Ten years ago, Italy was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of European integration.

Judy Asks: Is Europe betraying refugees?

12 March 2020
Carnegie Europe
Europe has been betraying refugees since Syria’s civil war began, but the situation is worsening.

Coronavirus tests Europe’s cohesion, alliances and even democracy

12 March 2020
The New York Times
“And that just feeds Salvini,’’ said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, referring to Matteo Salvini, the Italian far-right populist who is a sharp critic of immigration, globalization and the European Union itself.
Matters will get worse with the economic impact of the crisis, Mr. Grant said. “The euro crisis could return, because there are too many bad debts in banks,’’ especially in Italy, “and there is still no proper bank resolution regime and no eurozone deposit insurance.’’
The populists, he said, “will make hay with that.’’

What Trump's Europe coronavirus travel ban means

Sophia Besch
12 March 2020
Atlantic Council
“The ban in its current shape appears to be intensely political. Two things have struck people here in Berlin in particular: the fact that it seems to not have been coordinated or prepared with European leaders, and the fact that it appears to target Schengen and President Trump’s dislike of a ‘borderless Europe’ in particular.
Milan airport empty March 2020

CER podcast: How to contain the coronavirus fall-out

Christian Odendahl, Luigi Scazzieri, John Springford
11 March 2020
The new coronavirus has been spreading rapidly in Europe, and Italy has imposed strict constraints on movement to contain the outbreak there.

Wie sich die Coronavirus-Rezession eindämmen lässt

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
10 March 2020
Die Covid-19-Krise ist ernst und wird kurzfristig schwerwiegende wirtschaftliche Folgen haben. Aber wenn die Fiskal- und Geldpolitik mutig und entschlossen gegenhält, lassen sich die langfristigen Schäden begrenzen.

What is the European Green Deal and will it really cost €1tn?

09 March 2020
The Guardian
The EU will face a backlash from its citizens, fuelled by populist politicians, for persisting with green policies, predicts Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank.He points to the gilets jaunes protests in France, which took off after rises in fuel taxes intended to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the rise of the AFD in Germany. “The AFD is fuelled partly by climate scepticism. Populists are keen to promote anti-greenery, as they listen to voters,” he says.