
The EU's post-elections future

08 June 2024
Financial Times
The coming years will show whether the EU’s new asylum rules... will work. Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform think-tank is among those who doubt the measures will suffice.
Chinese exports threaten Europe even more than the US

Chinese exports threaten Europe even more than the US

07 June 2024
Biden is right to heed working class voters in Pennsylvania. The Continent, which has even more to lose from a second China shock, better start listening to its workers too.

EU ready to start Ukraine membership talks, but Hungary remains an obstacle

07 June 2024
The Commission’s attempt to speed up the start of negotiations is symbolically important but will make little practical difference, Ian Bond from the Centre for European Reform told Semafor Friday. Hungary has every opportunity to make the negotiating process “complicated, bloody, and long” whether in the president’s chair or not, he said.

Quiénes son los aliados de Putin en Europa y cómo pueden influir en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo

06 June 2024
BBC News Mundo
“Existen dos maneras de hacer que tu país sea más poderoso. Una es invertir internamente para hacerlo más poderoso y la otra es invertir para debilitar a tus enemigos. Y muy a menudo lo segundo es más barato y más eficaz que lo primero”, le dice a BBC Mundo Ian Bond, subdirector del Centre for European Reform, con sede en Londres.

Sidste udkald for Europa

06 June 2024
Hvorfor taber Europa terræn i den globale økonomi? Ifølge Zach Meyers, vicedirektør for den britiske tænketank Centre for European Reform, er det en kombination af årsager. »En vigtig årsag er, at demografien ikke er på Europas side. Vi har en aldrende befolkning; der bliver færre og færre til at udføre jobbene.«

'Veel jonge kiezers willen radicalere keuzes dan de democratie toelaat'

05 June 2024
NOS Nieuwsuur
De Hongaarse onderzoeker Zselyke Csaky van het Centre for European Reform onderzoekt al jaren hoe Europese jongeren denken over democratie. "De reguliere partijen concentreren zich vaak op het beschermen van wat we hebben. Dat betekent voor jongeren dat hun situatie niet verbetert. Deze partijen beloven jongeren dus niet noodzakelijkerwijs iets positiefs."

EZB beschließt Zinssenkung – Ist Vorsicht geboten?

05 June 2024
Sander Tordoir, Chefökonom des Centre for European Reform (CER), hielt diese Sorge jedoch für weniger ernst.Er merkte an, dass die Größe der Wirtschaft der Eurozone in Verbindung mit dem geringen Umfang der für Donnerstag erwarteten Zinssenkung um 0,25 Prozentpunkte bedeute, dass es unwahrscheinlich sei, dass die Eurozone viel Inflation aus den USA importieren werde.

Brits think Labour will unpick Brexit. They may be disappointed.

05 June 2024
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said economics could prove the most crucial factor in deciding a Labour government's EU policy“Most Labour members and party activists are strongly pro-European and would like to go back into the EU. So there's pressure from them already, but the leadership has resisted that pressure for the last few years and can go on resisting it if it wants,” he said.

Europeans may be about to elect their most right-wing parliament in history

04 June 2024
“These different stances, combined with bilateral spats between ECR and ID members, make formal co-operation between the two groupings very unlikely and will reduce their influence,” Luigi Scazzieri, senior research fellow at independent think-tank the Centre for European Reform, said in an April note.
Charles Grant

Real Instituto Elcano: Jacques Delors y su legado en la Unión Europea. Conversación con Charles Grant

03 June 2024
La Unión Europea ha sido moldeada por numerosos líderes visionarios, entre los cuales Jacques Delors destaca por su impacto duradero. En este vídeo, Charles Powell, director del Real Instituto Elcano, dialoga con Charles Grant, director del Centre for European Reform y autor de "Delors: Inside the house that Jacques built” Sobre los logros y desafíos de Delors.

El Parlamento Europeo termina el mandato con un centenar de leyes en el limbo

31 May 2024
El Periodico
“Un aumento de la derecha influiría en el futuro de los esfuerzos climáticos de la UE, iniciados con el paquete de medidas Fit for 55”, coincide Luigi Scazzieri, analista del Centre for European Reform, que ve menos problemas en materia migratoria debido a la deriva impulsada desde los gobiernos desde la crisis de 2015.

Future of Europe: Unlocking private capital crucial to funding the battle against climate change

30 May 2024
The Business Post
“China’s whole growth model is where they repress consumption at home and recycle the savings via the levers of Chinese state led capitalism into investment,” Sander Tordoir, chief economist with the Centre for European Reform said.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: What to expect from a more right-wing European Parliament

CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: What to expect from a more right-wing European Parliament

Luigi Scazzieri, Zselyke Csaky, Christina Keßler
29 May 2024
Christina Keßler, Zselyke Csaky and Luigi Scazzieri discuss the European Parliament elections.

Commerce : l’Europe poussée à sortir de sa naïveté

29 May 2024
Le Figaro
«Cette stratégie de réduction du risque est dépassée par le choc de surproduction chinois, estime Sander Tordoir, économiste au Centre for European Reform. Il faut aller beaucoup plus loin, si l’on veut maintenir une base manufacturière viable. Pour le solaire, c’est trop tard, mais dans les véhicules électriques, l’Europe est un gros exportateur. »

Comment Paris et Berlin veulent sauver la compétitivité européenne

28 May 2024
Le Figaro
« Il n’est pas clair que l’Europe ait vraiment un problème de compé- titivité, affirme Sander Tordoir, économiste, à Berlin, du Centre for European Reform. Les excédents commerciaux de l’UE et de la zone euro bondissent depuis que le surcoût des importations énergétiques s’amenuise. Les déficits budgétaires sont inférieurs par rapport aux États-Unis et, dans les technologies vertes, l’UE dépasse les États-Unis, avec une part de marché deux fois supérieure dans les exportations mondiales à fin 2022. »

Future of Europe: Green Deal in the balance as political pushback sweeps bloc

28 May 2024
The Business Post
“The poll projections for MEP seats after the upcoming European elections are that those parties to the right of the European People Party (EPP), who are generally climate sceptic, will gain a number of seats,” said Luigi Scazzieri, senior research fellow at the Centre For European Reform think-tank.

Die EU macht Industrie­politik und die Schweiz schaut zu

27 May 2024
«Der Vorteil für die Schweiz ist, dass die Sektoren, in denen die Schweiz gut ist – Pharma, Medizin­technik, Finanz­dienstleistungen –, nicht die Sektoren sind, die am stärksten exponiert sind», sagt Aslak Berg, Handels­experte beim Thinktank Centre for European Reform.

Putin-style law leaves Georgia at a Crossroads

27 May 2024
International Policy Digest
Ian Bond, of the Centre for European Reform, told me in an interview, “The paradox of Georgia is that it has the most pro-EU population in the former Soviet space, and has come further than any other Eastern European country in tackling corruption, but it now has one of the most anti-EU governments, controlled from behind the scenes by an oligarch who made his money in Russia in the 1990s. The EU has to find a way to help those who want Georgia to become a modern European democracy, not an authoritarian satellite of Russia.”

The new migration and asylum pact: Smoke and mirrors?

27 May 2024
Cyprus Mail
In April this year, the European Parliament agreed to a reform of the Union’s rulebook on migration and asylum, approving the different legislative files that make up the so-called New Migration and Asylum Pact.

Parlamento Europeu aguarda mais extrema-direita mas fragmentada

26 May 2024
"Tradicionalmente, a cooperação é difícil para a extrema-direita, precisamente porque estes partidos priorizam interesses de âmbito nacional. Há certos tópicos com os quais [quase todos] concordam, como cortar no investimento e com o poder que as instituições da UE têm", disse à Lusa Zselyke Csaky, investigador do Centre for European Reform. No entanto, "há muito que os divide", sustentou Csaky, "desde a política externa a alguns aspetos das migrações".