European Parliament throws weight behind Draghi report
19 September 2024
PA Europe
Reacting to the report, the Centre for European Reform questioned whether the bloc’s leaders will be willing to implement its findings.It wrote: “Draghi’s report represents a much-needed reality check for the EU’s ambitions. European leaders must address the lack of support for disruptive innovation in Europe and the difficulty entrepreneurs face in commercialising their ideas and scaling up.
Draghi report
19 September 2024
Financial Times
Among the many comments on the Draghi report, the ones by Martin Wolf and the Centre for European Reform are well worth your time.
Europe grapples with its decline
18 September 2024
The Washington Post
“Europe’s innovative capacity is declining, compared with other major advanced economies, as is its business dynamism,” laid out a policy brief from the Centre for European Reform. “Intensifying state-led Chinese competition, geopolitical tensions and continued reliance on imported energy mean that policy procrastination could lead to permanent stagnation, or worse.”
From dirty man to flirty man: What might Labour’s ‘closer EU alignment’ on chemicals look like?
18 September 2024
Ends Report
“The question is not whether the UK should follow EU rules,” noted research fellow Aslak Berg in an insight paper for the Centre for European Reform in July, “but rather the extent to which it should do so and whether it makes sense to formally commit to doing so in return for increased market access”. The European Economic Area (EEA), Ukraine and Switzerland all have different models to show how this can be done, Berg explained.
Future is blue podcast: What Mario Draghi's report means for Europe
18 September 2024
Carlos Carnicero Urabayen is joined by Sander Tordoir and Raymond Torres to discuss the key findings and implications of Mario Draghi’s recent report on Europe's competitiveness.
Brexit is 'stifling' exports and imports, report finds
17 September 2024
Financial Times
John Springford, a trade economist at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said that while Du’s results differed from some other academic studies, the findings were in keeping with overall trade data. “Jun Du and her colleagues’ paper fits with what we know in the aggregate data about UK goods trade: exports and imports to all destinations, in both the EU and the rest of the world, have grown more slowly than peer economies,” he said.
Warum der Draghi- Bericht eine Riesenchance für Deutschland ist
17 September 2024
Die Bundesrepublik steht im Zentrum der Krise. Draghis Analyse ist vor allem für uns ein Angebot, die Probleme im EU-Konzert zu lösen. Von Lucas Guttenberg, Nils Redeker und Sander Tordoir.
What The Hague is cooking on trade
16 September 2024
The Netherlands are “nicely in the middle of the debate between more China hawkish von der Leyen on the one hand, and more China dovish Germany on the other hand. And they still have a tradition of being very pro-trade,” said Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER).
Will Mario Draghi’s masterplan get the momentum it needs?
14 September 2024
Financial Times
“The diagnosis is hard to argue with,” wrote Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, in an excellent thread on X. Tordoir said the plan “channels aspects of the thinking of Jean Monnet (EU defence integration), Jacques Delors (EU single market) and Bidenomics (cleantech/economic security), but above all, Draghi’s own vision.”
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: Evaluating Mario Draghi's report on competitiveness
13 September 2024
Elisabetta Cornago, Luigi Scazzieri, Sander Tordoir and Zach Meyers discuss Mario Draghi's report.
3 questions on the Draghi report on European competitiveness to Sander Tordoir
12 September 2024
We asked Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, for his first reactions to the Draghi report.
Massiv ldnesisk statsstotte kan koste mio. af job
11 September 2024
Sander Tordoir, der er chefokonom i taenke-tanken Centre for European Reform, kalder det, Niebuhr Gears er ramt af, for et »Kinachok«.Og det er ikke kun relevant for det Ikastbaserede selskab. Tvaertimod karakteriserer Sander Tordoir det som den storste udfordring, som europaeisk erhvervsliv star med lige nu. Og han forudser, at det kommer til at definere de naeste 5 -10 ar for Europa. »Den massive overproduktion og grusomme priskonkurrence i Kina bliver eksporteret til alle os andre,« siger han og tilfojer: »Det her er af en helt anden slorrelsesorden end noget, vi har set tidligere.«
What Brussels energy players think about the Energy Union
11 September 2024
Elisabetta Cornago, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform noted that grids will have to be a “a major focus” of the next Energy Commissioner.
Draghi-Bericht: Welche Schritte dieKommission schnell einleiten könnte
11 September 2024
Table Media
„Der Bericht bietet ein starkes intellektuelles Fundament für eineeuropäische Industriestrategie. Das hatten wir so noch nicht“, sagt Sander Tordoir, Chefökonom beim Think-Tank Centre for European Reform (CER).
Draghi presenta un informe demoledor. Y se llevará a la práctica
10 September 2024
EL Confidencial
Están empleando sus recursos para conseguir mayor poder e influenciamientras que la Unión Europea ha decidido detenerse en el escalón anterior. Como afirmaba Sander Tordoir, “Europa es el único actor importante que todavía respeta las reglas. Es muy difícil ganar en el póquer si eres el único jugador que no hace trampa”.
Raffaele Fitto, l'espoir italien d'un portefeuille en or à la Commission
10 September 2024
La Croix
« Il [Raffaele Fitto] est bien connu à Bruxelles, modéré, constructif et, à bien des égards, le choix évident » pour l’Italie, a décrypté Luigi Scazzieri, chercheur au Centre for European Reform (CER). « Il n’est pas susceptible de créer des problèmes. Le problème consiste à obtenir un portefeuille de haut niveau ou un poste de vice-président ».
EU moet heilige huisjes afbreken, zegt Draghi. Hoe nu verder?
10 September 2024
Het Financieele Dagblad
Het is zoals Sander Tordoir, econoom van de denktank CER, het zegt: ‘Het zal onmogelijk blijken de EU-begroting voldoende te herzien om de investeringsdoelstellingen te verwezenlijken.’Tordoir waarschuwt: ‘Duitsland en andere zuinige landen zullen tegenspartelen.’
Can anything spark Europe’s economy back to life?
09 September 2024
The Economist
In telecoms, he [Draghi] wants to make mergers easier, to boost investment. “Telecoms is probably the worst example of the need for scale,” says Zach Meyers of the Centre for European Reform think-tank. Fewer operators would mostly mean higher prices and lower quality, but not more investment.
VW factory fears renew concerns about China exposure of German carmakers
09 September 2024
South China Morning Post
“The second China shock will play out differently around the world because for many economies, like Germany, it will be associated with the loss of export markets, not just a surge in imports,” said Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in Berlin.
Défi cit public, la France demande un premier délai
08 September 2024
La Tribune
« Si on regardele budget dont Barnier hérite et la trajectoire budgétaire de la France, c’estplutôt sombre », constate Sander Tordoir, expert des questions budgétaires etéconomiste en chef du think tank Centre for European Reform. « Si desmesures ne sont pas prises, il ne fait guère de doute que la France va violer les nouvelles règles budgétaires, ne pas respecter la procédure en défi cit excessif,ni quelque plan structurel que ce soit. »