
China is more Wile E Coyote than Superman, professor warns Europe

Katinka Barysch
01 November 2011
The Guardian
"If we want them to chip into any new vehicle we have to give them a guarantee … For policy and finance circles, the expectations [of China] are very low – and hence realistic," said Katinka Barysch, deputy director of the CER in London.

Greek bailout – and Papandreou's premiership – in jeopardy

Simon Tilford
01 November 2011
The Christian Science Monitor
"The respite we had after last week's EU summit didn't last very long, and the current events in Greece are not just increasing the likelihood of a disorderly default there, they also contribute to contagion in Italy and Spain," said Simon Tilford of CER.

Britain, watching Europe, seeks to preserve influence

Philip Whyte
01 November 2011
The New York Times
"In London, EU legislation is increasingly seen as a threat to the City," said Philip Whyte of the CER  in London. But the Continent does not always hold London traders in high regard.       

G20 looking to reignite world economy at Cannes summit

Simon Tilford
31 October 2011
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Simon Tilford, chief economist with the CER think-tank, wrote this month that as the US and several European nations slash consumption to cut their deficits, surplus countries like China should make up the difference. 

NATO operation in Libya ends after 7 months, could it be a model?

Tomas Valasek
31 October 2011
The Christian Science Monitor
"As good a war as it comes … with limited civilian casualties," says Tomas Valasek of the CER, citing the difference with other NATO operations in precision bombing. "There were no Chinese embassies hit in Tripoli [as in Belgrade, Serbia in 1999], no refugee convoys hit, no weddings that I know about [as in Afghanistan.]"

Nationalists emboldened by EU crisis, debt pact

Simon Tilford
31 October 2011
Associated Press
Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER, said the emboldening of eurosceptics in Britain could have relevance for other countries as well. "Ongoing crises could turn people against the EU. But closer integration is going to be unpopular, too," he said.

Europe debt crisis plan hinges on economic growth

Simon Tilford
28 October 2011
Los Angeles Times
They're right to be talking about growth, because unless they get the economy going and arrest this slide into a slump, there's no chance of getting public finances across the union under control," added Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER.

An EU of two tiers after eurozone debt crisis

28 October 2011
BBC News
Charles Grant, director of the London-based CER, calls the change fundamental: "Henceforth, there will be two clubs: the broader EU and the new euro club with its own rules and institutions."

Britons hanker for life outside EU as crisis bites

28 October 2011
Hugo Brady of the CER, said the overwhelming popular feeling in Britain was that Europe was a hindrance. "The reality is that Britain would be far less able to wield its influence (outside the EU). The EU, flawed as it is, is the only game in town in Europe," said Brady.

Europe looks to China for possible bailout help

Katinka Barysch
27 October 2011
Associated Press
"You will hear some less-serious people in Ireland or Greece say, We don't need you Europeans with your conditions because the Chinese will bail us out," said Katinka Barysch, deputy director of the CER.

Markets rise but questions remain after euro debt deal

Simon Tilford
27 October 2011
Voice of America
"There is no new money involved," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER. "What they are essentially saying is that we will cover a proportion of your losses if these countries get into funding difficulties."

Markets soar following eurozone debt deal

Philip Whyte
27 October 2011
Channel 4 News
Philip Whyte, senior research fellow at the CER discusses how share prices and the value of the euro have soared after European leaders agreed a framework to solve the debt crisis last night.

Don’t panic, Merkel's war rhetoric 'is to keep the peace'

27 October 2011
The Times
Hugo Brady of the CER in Brussels, said: "What she is really saying now is that Germany still needs the EU whether Germans like it or not. This is not the Swabian housewife approach any more, she sounds more like Helmut Kohl every day."

Interview: Les Britanniques ont le sentiment que l’Union européenne essaie de faire du tort à la City

26 October 2011
Le Figaro
Le Figaro - David Cameron a essuyé sa plus grande rebellion dans son propre camp au Parlement. Peut-on parler d’un vent d’euroscepticisme chez les politiques?
Charles Grant – Oui, il y a une vague croissante d’euroscepticisme. Mais la nouveauté, c’est toute cette classe de députés, récemment élus, qui se proclament...

EU pushes Georgia to let Russia join WTO

Katinka Barysch
26 October 2011
The Wall Street Journal
"The EU-Russia relationship is completely stuck, and the Americans are looking for something to continue the goodwill created by the [Obama's administration's] reset," said Katinka Barysch of the CER.

Eurozone financial crisis: Winners and losers

Simon Tilford
25 October 2011
BBC News
But according to Simon Tilford, chief economist of the London-based think tank the CER, the chances of hedge funds being hit in that way are slim. Mr Tilford says European politicians and policymakers fear the consequences of compulsory write-downs. Because they believe investors would then assume that compulsory write-downs could be applied to other countries' bonds. "They are worried that if they compel borrowers to take haircuts, there will be a dramatic sell-off of Italian and Spanish debt ...

Deeper flaws in euro will take years to fix

Simon Tilford
24 October 2011
Associated Press
Economist Simon Tilford at the CER in London said the currency bloc will not straighten out its problems "unless they do something about trade imbalances within the eurozone, which at the moment are primary causes of the very big budget deficits in places like Spain."

Europe's growth outlook at mercy of debt politics

Simon Tilford
24 October 2011
"We're not going to see meaningful reform of the euro zone's macro economic policy framework. It's not even under discussion. That is the single biggest obstacle to a recovery of economic growth," Tilford said.

This Tory rebellion over Europe tells us nothing we don't already know

24 October 2011
The Guardian
Charles Grant of the CER puts it down to history and geography: we alone in Europe had a good war, and our island made us wider traders than other countries, but even so half our trade is with the EU.

La fronde anti-Europe grandit en Grande-Bretagne

Simon Tilford
24 October 2011
Le Figaro
Cameron est dans une position très difficile car, d'une part, la crise de l'euro a des répercussions économiques considérables en Grande-Bretagne et, d'autre part, cette crise est une opportunité formidable pour les eurosceptiques, analyse Simon Tilford, économiste au Centre for European Reform.