
Ma l’Europa di Merkozy è già vecchia

08 December 2011
«In questo momento mi pare si possa adattare ai leader europei quello che Churchill usava dire a proposito degli americani: si può sempre essere sicuri che facciano la cosa giusta, una volta che abbiano esaurito tutte le altre possibilità». Charles Grant, direttore del Centre for European Reform di Londra, è...

European financial tax - is the City worth saving?

Simon Tilford
07 December 2011
Channel 4 News
It is not just eurosceptics who are opposed. Simon Tilford of the CER, told Channel 4 News: "I think a transactions tax would only work if agreed globally. Europe moving unilaterally would achieve little.

Will Europe achieve a solution at summit?

07 December 2011
USA Today
"The euro crisis is transforming the balance of power in Europe," said Charles Grant, director of the CER. "Germany is emerging, for the first time in the EU's history, as the unquestioned leader."

Crisis batters EU's longtime cherished notion of members' equality

07 December 2011
The New York Times
"Germany is the unquestioned leader of Europe," said Charles Grant, director of the CER. "France is definitely subordinate to Germany and Britain has less influence than at any time I can recall.

Juncker: "Maßlos überzogen"

Simon Tilford
06 December 2011
Frantfurter Allgemeine
"Wenn das alles ist, sind das wirklich schlechte Nachrichten für die Zukunft des Euros", sagte der Chefökonom des Londoner Forschungsinstituts Centre for European Reform, Simon Tilford, zu den Plänen von Merkel und Sarkozy.

EU seeks to save the euro, but S&P isn't convinced

Simon Tilford
06 December 2011
Associated Press
"If this is all we get it's really very bad news for the future of the euro," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at London's Centre for European Reform.

Conflicting visions at core of eurozone crisis

06 December 2011
"France and Germany make no secret of wanting less Monnet and more de Gaulle," Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, wrote in an essay.

The Robin Hood tax

Simon Tilford
06 December 2011
The New York Times
"There is some momentum behind this," said Simon Tilford at the CER. "If they keep the show on the road, they probably will attempt to run with this."

The euro crisis: some dos and don’ts for Cameron

05 December 2011
Financial Times
As Charles Grant notes in the CER’s latest bulletin, Germany and France have a Plan B if Mr Cameron climbs on to his soap box: they can bypass him with a deal among the 17 eurozone states.

Single currency doomed in current form

Simon Tilford
05 December 2011
Channel 4 News
As Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel discuss the eurozone debt crisis in Paris, economist  Simon Tilford tells Channel 4 News the single currency cannot survive in its present form.

The French president and German chancellor are at odds over how to resolve the crisis, with Berlin pushing for tougher sanctions...

Believe it or not, Angela Merkel has a plan to tackle the euro crisis

Katinka Barysch
05 December 2011
The Guardian
While Merkel's vision for a fiscal union may not be the answer to all the eurozone's problems it could be a vital part of any solution.
A new "fiscal union" to underpin the euro is the main topic that Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy will discuss at their Paris meeting. Merkel...

Fiddling as the euro burns

Philip Whyte
03 December 2011
The Telegraph
The Germans believe that "the structure of the eurozone is fine, all you need to do is cure errant behaviour within it," says Philip Whyte, senior research fellow at the CER.

Eurozone's rescue plan needs a quick fix

Simon Tilford
03 December 2011
Simon Tilford of the CER says the expanded credit lines, in fact, will have little impact on the larger crisis. "It's a positive step, don't get me wrong. It's a welcome step, but it's not going to be a game changer."

El euro elige entre el salto al futuro o el descalabro

Simon Tilford
03 December 2011
Cinco Dias
"La mutualización de la deuda por sí sola no salvará al euro, pero sin ella es improbable que la zona sobreviva intacta", señala un reciente informe de Simon Tilford, economista jefe del CER, un instituto de estudios con sede en Londres.

Fiscal union is only way we'll fix this longterm, declares Angela Merkel

02 December 2011
The Guardian
"For the first time in the history of the EU," wrote Charles Grant, director of the CER, this week, "Germany is the unquestioned leader, and France is number two. Since the financial crisis struck in 2008, the economic inequality between France and Germany has grown."

"Lenders of last resort": Sino-Russian rivalry in Belarus?

Katinka Barysch
30 November 2011
Belarus Digest
A report [Russia, China and the geopolitics of energy in Central Asia] released by the CER last week illustrates how rapidly China has entered the post-Soviet "backyard" in search of oil and gas resources, particularly in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

Resentment towards Germany

30 November 2011
BBC News
Charles Grant from the CER draws a similar conclusion: "Germany is emerging," he said, "for the first time in the EU's history as the unquestioned leader. France is having to adjust to a subordinate role".

Resentment towards Germany

Katinka Barysch
30 November 2011
BBC News
Katinka Barysch, from the CER, says that "many in the German government say that leadership consists of spreading Germany's 'stability culture' throughout Europe. They point to the fact that Greece is implementing reforms that were unthinkable until recently, that Italy is now run by a man who praises the strength of the German model." She goes on to argue that the Germans do not want to be the ones who impose austerity and reforms on their neighbours. "They clearly do not enjoy being unpopular."

EU promotes "pooling and sharing" to cut defence costs

Tomas Valasek
30 November 2011
"There's a fear of abandonment," said Tomas Valasek, director of foreign policy and defence at the CER. "And a fear of entrenchment, which is the mirror image."

At long last, Belgium nearing a government

Simon Tilford
30 November 2011
The Washington Post
"Belgium hasn't had a government for so long, and in a county as decentralised as Belgium, there's a need to form a federal government," said Simon Tilford of the CER.