
What could be the starting point for EU collapse?

05 January 2016
Sputnik News
"Given that by any objective measure the EU is in a terrible mess, I’m shocked that the 'in' campaign is still getting half," Charles Grant, director of the CER.

Unijne "sankcje" dla Polski? Europa ma większe problemy. Ale może być zmuszona zareagować

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 January 2016
To przygotowuje grunt dla Komisji Europejskiej do ewentualnego użycia "broni nuklearnej", czyli wszczęcia procedury z artykułu 7 - mówi Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspert Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

A British exit could be just the start of Europe's unraveling in 2016

03 January 2016
The Washington Post
"Given that by any objective measure the EU is in a terrible mess, I'm shocked that the 'in' campaign is still getting half," said Charles Grant, director of the CER. Grant said he wants to see Britain remain part of the EU, but he is pessimistic that it will. Fears about immigration explain why.

Poland's new nationalist leaders leave some Poles regretting their votes

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 December 2015
The Christian Science Monitor
Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, a Polish research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in London, says that PiS will use anti-European rhetoric at home, while being more consensual in Brussels, likely following mainstream EU policies.

British Eurosceptic warns that leaving EU could mean UK breaks up too

23 December 2015
The Daily Mail
Charles Grant, director of the CER, said Hague was well respected in the party and noted his comments, coming days after Major, could be designed to move the debate beyond Cameron's tricky drive for EU reform. "There will be a transition from saying 'I want to reform the EU so it will work better' to saying 'the EU is a good thing in itself'," he said.

Taking security seriously in the age of global terror

Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 December 2015
The Wall Street Journal
As terrorists slip across borders and hide on the Internet, Europe and America must learn to share intelligence better.

Election results in Spain are a stinging end to Europe's year

22 December 2015
The New York Times
The post-election muddle in Spain was yet another setback in a year of cascading crises, said Charles Grant, director of the CER in London. "It has been an annus horribilis," Mr Grant said.

Political uprising in Spain shatters illusion of eurozone recovery

Simon Tilford
21 December 2015
The Telegraph
Simon Tilford from the CER said Spain is not out of the woods and the eurozone's elites are "mistaking a modest cyclical upturn for something more profound".

David Camerons EU Reformen – ein Balanceakt für Großbritannien und die Europäische Union

Sophia Besch
18 December 2015
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE)
Im November 2015 hat die britische Regierung einen lange erwarteten Brief von David Cameron an Donald Tusk, den Präsident des Europäischen Rats, veröffentlicht.

Leaders at EU summit vow to 'regain control' of borders

17 December 2015
The New York Times
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse are circling," said Charles Grant, director of the CER in London, referring to the security threat raised by a newly assertive Russia, the chaotic influx of asylum seekers, Greece's calmed but far-from-solved financial crisis and Britain's future direction.

Polls suggest potential 50:50 split on Britain leaving EU

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 December 2015
Financial Times
The prime minister’s prospects of success in that field are limited: a Centre for European Reform report concluded that only Finland and Ireland might be prepared to give Mr Cameron a hearing on the issue, while 25 member-states were strongly opposed.

David Cameron's diplomacy in the EU has turned into a hall of mirrors

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 December 2015
Evening Standard
The CER has published research on Cameron's main renegotiation demands (limited in-work benefits for EU citizens, greater EU competitiveness, a greater role for national parliaments, exemption for UK from "ever closer union", better protection of those member-states outside the eurozone). According to the CER, the PM's particular fixation - restricting access to in-work benefits for EU citizens - isolates him entirely at Europe's diplomatic table.

How immigration fears in the UK are fueling support for an EU exit

16 December 2015
Time Magazine
The fervor over immigration means there's now a "fairly high chance" British people will vote to leave the EU, says Charles Grant, director of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform, and a supporter of Britain remaining in the EU.

The Guardian view on the EU summit: A chance to get it right on refugee policy

The Guardian: Opinion
16 December 2015
The Guardian
The referendum campaign, when it finally gets into gear, will inevitably reflect this new context. The shift against EU membership in recent polls may already do so. At a meeting organised by the Centre for European Reform this week, Conservative speakers from all wings of the party argued that, irrespective of what the pro- or anti-Europeans may want, the vote will in fact be shaped by the migration issue. It is hard to disagree with that.

Revealed: How 25 of 27 EU nations oppose Cameron's benefit restrictions

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
15 December 2015
The Telegraph
The CER a pro-EU think-tank, has compiled a very comprehensive round-up of where the other 27 EU member-states stand on David Cameron's four main renegotiation demands. Using a traffic light system - red for 'no', amber for 'maybe', green for 'yes' - they have created maps showing how much opposition/co-operation Mr Cameron can expect from each member state on each of his four main demands.

David Cameron's European Union talks hit trouble

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
15 December 2015
"Cameron's hardest battle is certain to be on welfare reform," said Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska of the Centre for European Reform think-tank. "He has made a fetish of in-work benefits in his negotiations on this issue, he is alone against 25 member-states."

NATO nations no longer question need for alliance

Rem Korteweg
15 December 2015
The New York Times
“There has been a tug of war between eastern and southern members about priorities, but now the east sees a Russian threat in the south, too, while the south sees a new conventional threat, as in the east,” said Rem Korteweg of the Center for European Reform, a research group based in London.
“Now we see a decision to boost air defenses off Turkey and put guided missile destroyers in the Black Sea and have more naval presence in the eastern Mediterranean — it’s a similar program of reassurance as the one for the east.”

Italy publicly backs David Cameron's vision for two-speed Europe in new boost for PM

15 December 2015
The Telegraph
“This initiative is significant,” said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank, “in that it recognises the reality that the European Economic Union is a multi-currency union, in which the various countries can choose their own, differing paths of integration.”
However, in a sign of the battles that lie ahead in the coming months, Mr Grant warned that the UK still faced stiff opposition from the more federalist-minded countries and the European Commission, whose president, Jean-Claude Juncker, is a constant champion for ‘more Europe’.

The Changing Face of the German Economic Miracle?

Simon Tilford
11 December 2015
Bloomberg Businessweek
"The recent improvement in real wages has largely come from the decline in inflation, driven by the collapse in oil prices," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. "The question is whether it will be sustained once inflation picks back up."

Free Lunch: The immigration fetish

Simon Tilford
11 December 2015
Financial Times
One therefore sadly has to agree with Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform, that the government’s obsession with immigration is a form of political displacement: UK leaders play along with a popular but false narrative that sees immigrants as the cause of the country’s ills, in order to deflect criticism for inadequate economic growth, insufficient housebuilding, and above all the loss of status of the white working class. It may be smart electoral politics. But it is the opposite of leadership.